
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

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Life in Chaldea



"And that's basically the situation we are in, we don't know why they wanted to eradicate Humanity, but they did and now we got to find the singularity's in history that they have changed and fix them to stop humanity's extinction." Roman says after explaining everything and giving a run down of where they are now and the situation at hand.

"But for the time being you can get yourselves acquainted with the facilities, and if you require it we have access to what we called 'Controlled Singularity's' that have no effect on the human order of the world that have enemies there that can drop resources that can help increase your strengths beyond what they currently are and possibly back to your peaks while you were alive." DiVinci, who was called here as well, explained about some other things in Chaldea.

(A/N She's Talking about the Chaldea Gates where they can fight Embers to strengthen there bodies enough to help them through ascension, but there won't be any need for specific items to ascend all they need is to level up to strengthen themselves, though there are also the ones to hunt for QP which is also needed to power the servants)

I just scratch the back of my head, "Alright great, can we go now? I'm hungry right about now." Really I could care less for the most part about the ins and outs of this place as a whole, just need food, a place to sleep and a place to fight and I can call this place good enough for me.

Roman just scratched his head awkwardly, "Well that's everything, you can go off and do your things, I'll call you guys when we find the next Sigularity." Most of us just nod before we all head off to do our own things.

First place I went to, along with Basically the rest of the servants, was the cafeteria.

Servants don't need to eat, or sleep for that matter, but since they were all humans at one point to another eating and sleeping is more for there mental health rather than there physical health.

So long as they have mana coursing through their bodies they will recover from physical fatigue in no time at all.

So all of us got our food from the chefs here, with me Arthuria and Heracles getting more than a normal person can handle, though his was just meat of any kind where as Arthuria decided to have one of everything, and me I decided to do what Heracles did but with some Sake as well.

The food was alright I didn't have a problem with it, except for one of us.

"I could do better." Archer said only after basically tasting his food and finding it inadequate for his tastes before heading off into the kitchen.

Though doing that scared the chefs at first but then when he said he was gonna show you how real cooking was done.

But I guess I'll have to try it later as I'm actually full, though Caster, no it's Cu Chulainn, came over to me with a smirk on his face.

"Wanna go hit up the bar? I'm surprised this place has one but hey it's at least something."

I just raise an eyebrow before I think about it before nodding, "I could always use a drink." And with that said we headed off to the bar.

This place basically had everything anyone would ever need, for the most part, bedrooms, training rooms, the cafeteria, a bar, a onsen that I'm gonna have to try out, a beauty salon, a pool, a library, a arcade, this place basically had everything, well not a theme park but basically everything else.

When we arrived I took a seat while he went up behind the bar, "So what can I get you?"

"Anything strong will do."

"Ahh hard liquor huh? Well from what I see we got a wide selection-"

"Don't care, just give me one you think would be best." I say as I cut him off, I don't care what there called it just has to pack a punch.

"Heh, one straight Vodka coming up!" He says as he pokes me a shot glass of Vodka before he pours himself a shot of whisky on the rocks.

"Cheers" we say as we clink our glasses and start drinking, we have a long night after all.



"… And that woman beat me black and blue after I got the courage to go and see her while she was taking a bath in the hot springs! Even when she was always teasing me to go do it! But when I do it she's all like Noooo not in my Castle! You know what I mean?" Cu Chulainn says telling a bit of his past to me.

I was drinking through my 2nd bottle of Vodka straight from the bottle mind you but my alcohol tolerance had gone up after being summoned as a servant it seems, but I was definitely getting drunk by now, and Cu Chulainn was getting tipsy to as his face was flushed red.

"Ahh? Well I guess we both had hard asses for masters…. At least yours was a beauty while mine was a buff old man who would kick my ass all the time to show off how strong he was…." I say before taking another chug from my bottle.

"Even if she was hot I never got to enjoy it! I was always nearly killed from her training before being thrown into the revival pool to heal my broken body just so she could do it all over again!" He said before drinking another shot himself and pouring himself another one.

"Right…. You said your usually a Lancer instead of a Caster…. Wait then how are you even a Caster if you were trained as a Lancer in your life with the umm…. What was your spear called again?" The alcohol is getting to me if I can't remember that well.

"The Gae Bolg, my beauty of a spear that I earned from her after graduating…. But as why I can be a Caster she also taught me Rune Magic just as much as she taught me how to use the spear…. Actually when she took me in when I was a kid I was decent with a sword, and for a time she taught me more in that department before I got fascinated with her spear that I wanted to learn how to use it so I could use the sword still…. But that would be the me before I became Cu Chulainn after all, I don't know if you know this but Cu Chulainn is just a title everyone began calling me by and it just stuck and everyone came to know me as that…."

"So then…. What is your real name then?"

"It's…. Setanta…. Heh I haven't called myself by that name in a very long time, but I would prefer to still be called Cu Chulainn, everyone calls me that anyway." He says as he takes another swig.

Though before I could respond a little snake girl decided to show up and when she saw the bar her eyes began to sparkle.

"Alcohol! You! Blue guy! Give me all of the Alco-" but before she could continue.

*SMACK!* she got hit upside the head by me.

"Owwie! Master! What was that for?!"

"Kids shouldn't drink alcohol, wait until your older…" I say as I take another swig from my Vodka bottle emptying it completely.

"Mugu!!! But I want some! I want some right now!!!"

"And I said no! You just hatched from an egg you brat! Your still newborn in my opinion!"

"Hmph! I'll have you know I was in that egg for over 300 years before hatching, I could have hatched over a 100 years ago but I decided to just keep sleeping in my egg until you rudely summoned me!" *Flick!* "Ow! Stop that?!"

"No! Now go somewhere else! When you at least look old enough I'll allow it, but till then no alcohol!" I say releasing my aura making my eyes pure white and my marks light up orange, if I have too I'll put her in her place before kicking her out.

"Hmph! Fine then! I'll show you! I'll become an adult before you know it! And then you'll have to let me drink with the rest of you!" She says as she storms out in a huff.

I just look at Chulainn and he just shrugs, I just shake my head as I open my 3rd bottle, tonight is gonna be a long night and I'm gonna enjoy myself.


The three Knights Classes of the Saber, Archer and Lancer.

These three classes all have a type advantage and disadvantage towards one another with the Saber overpowering the Lancer, the Lancer overpowering the Archer and the Archer overpowering the Saber.

Sabers can overpower Lancer due to their superior close combat skills, Mind you Lancers are good at close combat as well but generally Lancers are known for being skirmishers as they go in and out of a fight quickly due to there speed, but Sabers mostly outclass them in both the strength and defense department making them have a disadvantage in close quarters most of the time.

Lancers out class the Archers due to the fact that they can generally keep up with the fast paced Archers that keep their distance from the main battlefield, losing there speed advantage and being forced to fight in close quarters ends up most of the time as a death sentence for those of the Archer Class.

Though Archers outclass Sabers due to the fact that they can constantly keep their distance and keep attacking the Saber as they can't keep up and have to either constantly dodge or tank their hits, but even put in close quarters with a Saber, Archers will have an easy time with dodging their attacks due to them, for the most part, being slower than them in general, thus giving them the window of opportunity to make some distance and continue there barrage on them.

This is usually true for the most part but there are some outliers that can shift the dynamic between the three classes to make there disadvantages disappear, for the most part their Noble Phantasms being the game changers in a battle.