
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

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23 Chs


After they were all dealt with the Chief, who's name is Olga Marie something, it's a really long name so I don't care to remember, though she does have the same name as that bitch Olga from my time…. No there completely different, both walked around like the boss but the one I knew commanded a whole fleet behind her that could decimate the Gohma's while this Olga…. Reminds me of Mithra, any time she wouldn't get her way or if I was busy off fighting the Gohma she would puff out her cheeks whenever she was upset with me…. I miss her…. All I can hope is that she lived a good happy life after I died….

"Hey! Are you even listening to me?!" Olga was clearly pissed I wasn't paying attention to what I was saying, they may give off the same vibe but she's much more bossy than Mithra ever was.

"No because I don't listen when people, YELL IN MY EAR YOU BRAT!!!" I say quietly before deciding to do the same thing she did right back to her.

"Who the hell you calling a brat?!"

"Who else?! I'm the only adult here! If this was any other situation id say you should stay off the battlefield brat!"

"I'm 20 years old!"

"And that still makes you a brat in my eyes kid!"

"Why you-"

"Alright both of you break it up! Chief! Senpai! Calm down!"

"Tsk!" (x2) we then both turn away from each other as we break up, I go find a bench and sit on it while they talk.

"Anyway, like I was saying, what happened to both you and him Mash?"

"I dunno exactly what happened, we both heard explosions in Chaldea then we go and check it out, then another explosion happened, I blacked out, and woke up here, I was almost attacked by a monster, but someone called out to me to use there power before they disappeared, and now I look like this…."

"Hmmm…. It must be that servant that was bonded with your soul from what I learned from the experiments that happened here before I took over for…. My father…. But besides that what happened to him? He looks older and well…. More rugged and a bit feral now."

"I don't need to hear that from some brat!" I say getting irritated a kid is talking like that to me.

"Then do you want to clarify who you are then Asura? Why the hell do you look like a servant as well?!" She was demanding answers, but I don't listen to demands.

"I'll tell you if I feel like it, and right now I don't feel like it!" I say getting up, but before I do anything Roman comes back but clearly still staticky.

*Crzt* "Great! Mash! Asura! You guys alright?!"

"Roman? What are you doing there! Where's Lev! Put him on instead!"

"Chief?! What the hell are you doing there?! I thought you died!"

"I guess I got lucky and rayshifted along with Mash and him as well." It's not impossible to rayshift with your body as well, but the odds of doing so are only 10% so they use the coffins to link the masters souls with singularity's so they can go from one to another that way.

"Cheif your *Crzt* Breaking up! Head *Crzt* south there's a leyline there! *Crzt* Mash use your shield for *Crzt* better connection!" *Crzt Crzt Crrrrzzzzttt* then the connection was cut.


"Quit your shouting! Just do as he says to get a better connection back to him! Come on let's move!" I say as I grab Olga as obviously she won't be able to keep up with our running.

"Hey! Why are you carrying me like a sack of potatoes?!"

"Shut it! Mash let's go!" I decide to ignore her whining and speed off with Mash hot on my heels.

Ignoring her moaning we got there fast, baring the few skeletons we had to kill it was easy for us to clean up the place, I could tell it was a Leyline because I could feel something akin to Mantra here, but I believe it's called magic or mana here in this world.

After clearing the place, Olga and mash got to work and the connection was reestablished.

"Good! Connection to Chaldea and Singularity F: Fuyuki has been fully established!" Roman said excited to get in contact with us once more.

"Roman! Explain! What's going on!"

And so he did, explosions happened that wrecked part of the core and Chaldea, how most of the staff, including Lev which I doubt, are dead with the 47 remaining Master candidates all in critical condition, so he is the only one who can lead at the moment because there's no one with higher position than him.

"Put all the surviving Masters in Cryostatsis! When things get fixed with do everything we can to save them! For now that's the best option!"

"Already on it Chief! Will do everything we can in the mean time while you, Mash and Asura are there will have to figure out how this all happened."

"Of course we will! I may not be a master, but I Olga Marie Animusphere, will lead us to victory and fix the timeline back to proper human history!"

"Alright Chief! Will be counting all of you then, will speak again later!" Roman says as he cuts the connection and Mash takes her shield back.

"Now, do we have any idea where the hell we should go?" I ask our oh so great and wise leader.

"No I don't okay?! But we should be able to find more information if we head deeper into the city, that's our only shot we have."

"Well it's better than nothing I guess, do you want us to be quick about it? Or be through and see what we can find from the ruins?" If we move at her advanced speeds will get through it faster sure but we might miss somethings, do it slow and will have too deal with monsters and fight which I'm fine with but maybe will get more info.

I've also come to realize since my last death my Wrath isn't as intense anymore outside fights but I still don't like being bossed around and told what to do most the time that's a fact.

"Hmm…. Will have to take this slowly to find more clues as to what's going on, though will have to get into more fights as a result."

"Hmph! Fine by me, I love beating the shit out of things after all, you with me Mash!" I say with a grin as I turn to her.

"I've got your back Senpai!"

"Good! Then I guess will just have to tear this city apart to get to the bottom of this! Now let's go!" I say with a battle hungry grin as I lead the way.

"Hey! Wait for me! I'm the boss here! I'm the one who leads!" Olga shouts while following us from behind.

Though only a bit away from us, just across the nearby canal, under the shadow of a burning bridge stands a man fully cloak Ed in a body long black cloak with hood, the only thing you could see under the hood was a white skull mask as it watched the three new comers in the distance.

After watching the newcomers disappear out of sight he backed up into the shadows, and like that he was gone, as if he had never been there in the first place….


Insurmountable Will- when in use it both metallizes more of Asura's body to heighten his level of defense for the period of time.

Should his enemies surpass his defenses and do heavy to lethal damage to his body he can come back from the brink.

Even skills that inflict instant death or worse inflict true death on the target, supposedly destroying there souls in the process will not be able to kill, in fact it will just make him even angrier as he will retaliate with a punch that will Always reach its target, evasion, invincibility or complete immunity to physical attacks, it ignores all that and will reach his target.