
Grand Avenger (To Be Rebooted)

I AM ASURA! AND YOU! WILL FEEL MY WRATH!!! I’ll work on this whenever I feel like it. And yes if you can tell from the name I was a bit inspired by the Grand Foreigner fic with Ainz from Overlord being in FGO so I thought, ‘Well what would happen if Asura was there instead?’ So that’s why I made this, but I know this one will be inconsistent with uploads as I have plenty other fics to write Leans more into the action adventure aspect rather than any of the romance stuff early on, when he can get a grip on his wrath then will any relationships budding around him will possibly bloom.

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23 Chs

Asura: Grand Avenger

(Extra one till maybe Tuesday or Wednesday.)


"Senpai? Are you alright?" I can hear the voice of a girl, a young one, either in her teens, the language seems unfamiliar to me but for some reason I understand it clearly as day.

"I'm- Ugh! My head!" I grip my head as a swath of information is injected straight into my brain.

"Senpai!" The girl seemed worried but her loud voice was making it worst and making me angry….

"Quiet! Just…. Give me a minute..." I say as I massage my skull as all the information acclimated to my mind and I had a bit of a clearer grasp on what's going on.

*This….. isn't my world….. or it is but millions of years in the future….. I don't know, nor do I care...* thinking to myself as I grabbed on a railing by the wall and pull myself up as I kept massaging my head as I saw my own status within my mind.

Servant Class: Grand Avenger

True Name: Asura

Origin: ???

Weapon: Fists, Mantra Armaments

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Hidden Alignment: Heaven

Stats (True)




MANA(Mantra)- D (EX)


NP- C (EX)

Class Skills

Avenger- EX

Oblivion Correction- EX

Self Replenishment (Mantra Core)- EX

Madness Enhancement-> Wrath Enhancement- EX

Wrath Incarnate- EX

Anti-Divine- EX


Active Skills


Insurmountable Will

The Honored One (False)

Escape the Jaws of Death

Noble Phantasms




*…. That's all I'll get for now….* I then look at the wall I'm leaning on and see my own reflection in it polished finish.

It was me but when I was a teenager, white hair, tan skin, blood red eyes, I looked pathetic and weak in this state….

"Although…. This isn't my body…. Maybe I could?…. No not now….." I mumbled to myself and decide to leave that for later before turning back to look at the girl who looks worried about me.

"Are you…. Okay?"

"I'm…. Fine…" I say as I push myself off the wall completely as I get use to this body.

Though body is a strong word, it feels more like a skin tight clothes on top of my real skin, it's itchy and I want to tear it off and have my true body back, but I feel the time isn't right, my gut is saying so.

And with all the years of training and battles, I've come to trust my guts instincts before anything else.

"Fou!" I hear the sound of an…. Animal? Yip or bark as it makes its way over to us before jumping on the girls shoulder.

"Fou! You barely ever come around to see us, Fou this is my Senpai and one of the new Masters here in Chaldea." The girl explained to the animal which seemed to understand what she was saying, but something was deeply off with that thing….

"Gohma…." I say quietly to myself while looking at it, it's not a normal animal, and deep inside of it I can feel something that shouldn't exist inside it…. Should I kill it?

But it seems to hear my thoughts as it shivers while looking at me before escaping the girls grasp and running away fast.

"Fou! Wait!…. Ugh, well he does that a lot I guess…."


"So Senpai…. What's your name?"

"…. Asura…" I'm calling myself my true name as I don't really have full recollection of this bodies memories, me and this bodies soul had merged together but the memories from it are fragmented, I can't really remember much about this bodies past, even a chunk of the basics elude me as well.

"Oh that's a nice name! You can call me Mash, and I don't know if anyone has told you this but welcome to Chaldea, one of humanity's bastions." She says giving a short introduction to this place to me.

But soon enough we were interrupted as a man wearing what I could describe as an overly flamboyant suit and hat, the second I saw him I didn't like him, something was very off and I could just smell it on him, skin of a human, but underneath Gohma? No something closer to Viltra? But also something close to Chakravartin, I can smell the bits of divinity as well, all combined I had one thought.

*He needs to die* but this body was restricting me making me feel extremely weak so I can't do anything, I maybe a battle junkie but I'm also one of the original 8 guardian generals, I know when to wait until it's the right time to strike, and this body seems to be calming my normal wrath and keeping me in check.

"Ah Mash I was just looking for you! Oh and who is this? You seem familiar…. Oh right your that 48th Master candidate, what's your name….?" He seemed friendly but it was like looking at a snake smiling at you, you can't trust it.

"Tch…." I don't seem it worthy to answer this clown, just why can't I get enough energy to release my true form?

"Professor Lev, don't take it to heart, this is Asura, Asura this is Professor Lev, he is one of Chaldea's chief technician, and 2nd in command to the chief in charge of Chaldea as well.

Bad, just hearing that is bad, I'm getting massive Deus vibes from this situation, my gut is screaming at me to kill this bastard before he does something, Fuck! This body just won't listen?! Why can't I activate my true strength?!?!

I'm getting more and more angry, which should be making me stronger by the second, but it's not, but I can feel under my shirt that my skin is beginning to crack, but it's not enough it too slow!

"Well, I see our young friend doesn't enjoy my company, but none the less in any case you and him should go to the meeting room with the rest of the remaining masters to get a briefing on what you are all here for." He says to me before turning to Mash, "I will talk to you later Mash, I have more business to attend to." He says with a nod before heading off on his way.

"Come on Senpai, we shouldn't keep the chief waiting." She says as she begins to lead the way in the opposite direction of where Lev went off too.

I keep staring at the smiling bastards back as I clench my fists before letting go and following after her.

"Whatever….." I'll just have to deal with whatever the hell he does when it happens or when I break this shackle of a body so I can crush his head with my fist.

Asura's presence in this world will change plenty of things, whether there good or bad, only time will tell.


Wrath Incarnate: This passive skill formed due to being his worlds representation of Wrath given form, the more angry he is the stronger he becomes.

But it also steals the rage and anger from those around him, making the most deranged of beasts become tame and docile.

When in the presence of anyone of the Berserker Class or holds the passive of Mad Enhancement that is his ally he can remove there unbridled rage and make them calm like a still lake in order to increase his strength and wrath in return.

But if to much Wrathful energy is injected into the body it may cause Asura to lose his mind and enter his own Berserk Mantra Form where he won't stop till everything is destroyed or he is weakened enough to force him out of this form.