

When the gates of hell opened, they unleashed an onslaught of monsters upon the world. most of humanity is gone. hell power has turned blood into strength. for Damian Akuma the only thing that kept him going was to avoid becoming a hell beast himself. he's a simple blood hunter, just looking to collect the strength of others so he can survive. people hate him for his profession, but he doesn't care, after all he's the only family he's got left.

Dragon_Watcher_77 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


Damian awakens atop a large soft bed, it feels like he's sinking deeper into it. He tries to get up but a sudden tug yanks him back. He looks over to find thick leather straps restraining him to the bed. Natalie enters the room, notices Damian is awake and leaves.

"H-hey Natalie, What's going on!?" He lifts his head as he calls out to her.

"So you're finally awake." Jason steps into the room along with Natalie.

"Jason, I don't understand what's happening." He has a sigh of relief as they enter.

"I'm looking for answers. Now what happened when you grafted?" Jason sits in a chair besides the bed as he looks down at Damian.

"U-uh, how do I explain this? So, when I was fighting my inner monster I felt helpless like I was being sucked into a void, then a warm feeling came from my pocket. This eye was in front of me, so I grabbed ahold of it. I was suddenly out of the void and I think I remember choking out my monster with its power." Damian spills the truth, struggling to remember.

Jason glances at Natalie for a moment before taking a deep breath. "Damian, I'm going to be frank with you. You essentially replaced your inner monster with whatever that eye is from." He wipes his face as he turns back to Damian.

"And since monsters rely on blood for sustenance, whenever you use your powers you'll need to consume blood, or the beast will take over." Natalie gazes out the door, avoiding eye contact.

"Since you're no trouble to us at the moment, I'll let you free, but you're now at an even higher risk of becoming a monster." Jason undoes the leather straps.

"Even more at risk!?" Damian stares at the ground as he sits on the roof.

"Hey Damian, something on your mind?" Henry, covered in bandages and also hiding his mouth with bandages, approaches Damian.

"Well, I was just told some harsh news." Damian shifts his sight up towards Henry.

"I heard. Jason may seem a little upset, but he just wants the best for all of us, he doesn't care how much blood it takes, your safety is more important." Henry pats him on the back.

"You're right, I need to focus on getting stronger, then I won't need to use so much blood." Damian smiles as he lays back.

"Tomorrow we're gonna spend the day in the city, see ya then." Henry turns and walks away.

"In HighSpire? I guess I could go for some potato tamales." He watches the clouds blow in the wind as he looks forward to the next day.

As soon as Damian awakens he gets ready with blitzing speed. Once he finishes he heads to the main communal area of the base, a set of benches around a fire pit with a bar and snack machine close by. The others show up wearing shitty disguises.

"What's with those?" Damian is stunned in disgust.

"We may be allowed in the city, however the people still aren't fond of any grafted." Jason removes a fake nose so he can speak.

"Right, that does make sense. However, those disguises aren't doing it." Damian gets up and wanders to the laundry room.

He outfits each person with clothing that will hide their grafting. Natalie has sunglasses, Henry gets a normal mask and a beanie, Alex has a hoodie and a poncho, Jason got a shirt and a pair of gloves that barely fit him, Grant looks like a surfer dude, and Damian wears a cap and sunglasses.

"Alright gang, off to HighSpire!" Jason takes the lead until he flexes too hard and rips his shirt.

"Damian, is that you?" A tall squared man approaches the group before they could enter.

"Uh, yah." Damian remains mostly silent.

"I was wondering where you went off to. How'd you end up with these guys?" The man matches Jason's height.

"I proved to be useful for them." Damian glares at the man after pulling his glasses down for a moment.

"Interesting, do you have business here?" The man turns his attention to Jason.

Without saying anything Jason flicks a card towards the man. As the man looks at it he recognises the stamp of approval from the leader of HighSpire.

"Very well, just don't get into any trouble during your visit." He hands the card back and signals the gate to be opened.

"Stay in groups of two. Grant, you're with me, Alex you'll be with Henry, Damian you've got Natalie."Jason pairs everyone up before snatching Grant in his giant arms and running off.

"Did he just do that?" Damian turns to Alex.

"I think we're all just as surprised as you." Alex snaps out of his stun and responds to Damian.

"Alright Alex let's get out of here before Natalie realizes she's with Damian." Henry begins to run off.

"Good thinking." Alex follows shortly behind.

"I heard you dip shits!" Natalie finally snaps back into it and yells at the fleeing duo.

"Uh, so what do you want to do?" Damian turns towards Natalie.

"I'm not sure, I've never been here before." Natalie changes her daminer, acting kinder.

"Well, I haven't been here for a few weeks, but I'm sure not much has changed. I can show you around." Damian holds out his hand to her.

"Sure." She scoffs and slaps away his hand.

They spend the majority of the day window shopping getting snacks and finally end at Damian's favorite food stall, they share some potato tamales and meet back with the others before heading home.