

When the gates of hell opened, they unleashed an onslaught of monsters upon the world. most of humanity is gone. hell power has turned blood into strength. for Damian Akuma the only thing that kept him going was to avoid becoming a hell beast himself. he's a simple blood hunter, just looking to collect the strength of others so he can survive. people hate him for his profession, but he doesn't care, after all he's the only family he's got left.

Dragon_Watcher_77 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
17 Chs


"That's a shame." Sean turns and begins walking away.

All of the queen mosquitos corpses suddenly jolt. They begin sliding towards Smoke, as if by some magnetic pull. Damian and Henry dodge out of the way. The mangled ball of monster lays on Smoke. From the ball Smoke rises, now a mountain sized mosquito monster, the Empress.

With only unfurling his wings, he nearly blows the entire gang away, they take refuge behind some boulders. Amber's grip slips, causing her to be swept up by the powerful winds. Damian lets go of his rock, allowing himself to be swept up. He catches Amber, for a brief moment they are spinning together in the air, Amber's face goes red.

"Leave." Damian activated the stone and the pair appeared beside Henry, Natalie, and Jason.

"How are we supposed to deal with this thing?" Natalie wipes away her bloody nose.

"This has to be a city level threat." Amber watches the beast slice through a boulder with ease.

"Let's figure that out later. Where's Grant?" Jason looks around the area.

They spot him behind a boulder across the quarry. The Empress raises its claw right above him. Grant fires off all his rockets into the monster's face before it cleaves him in half.

"Oh, thank God." Jason sighs.

"What!?" Damian looks at him with fury.

"He's still alive, he can detach his head whenever his body is wrecked." Jason points out Grant's head flying towards them, a fountain of blood behind him.

"I got half its face only, I'm going to sleep until I get more blood in me." Grant lands in Natalie's arms. "I'll just say, whatever humanity was in him is gone." Grant powers off.

"Human to monster, he needs to be stopped." Damian watches it take every drop of blood from Grant. "Jason, I have an idea." Damian halts Jason before they could leave.

"Hey ugly ass!" Amber yells out to the Empress.

The monster whips its head to face her. It then soars towards her. Amber dodge expertly before backflipping behind a rock. On either side of the beast Henry and Natalie prepare to attack. A massive shard of ice and bolt of lightning shred the monster's wings. The Empress retaliates their attack, misses Natalie who is sitting on Grant's flying head, and Henry uses the magic stone to leave.

"Long nose!" Jason holds Damian and Amber winding up to throw them.

They pierce the air. Damian holds out his claws forming the point, Amber ignites the duo while holding on. With no strong resistance the duo explode through the monster, killing it.

They all watch as Smoke reverts back to a human before burning to ash.

"I'm tired, let's go home." Henry yawns and starts to walk away.

The rest of the gang follow shortly behind.

"Those are some to keep an eye on." A man made of straw speaks up as Sean reaches him.

"Something about the Oni kid feels familiar." Sean glances back, now separated by an entire forest.

"No worries hun, if they give you trouble I'll kill them." A blonde woman with shut eyes leans on Sean.

"Let's just go and report back to the boss." Sean smiles before kissing the woman's head.

"Ah I've found you my nemesis, the Oni." A masculine voice talks to himself as he watches Damian and Amber on a hunt. He readies his blade for a battle.