

When the gates of hell opened, they unleashed an onslaught of monsters upon the world. most of humanity is gone. hell power has turned blood into strength. for Damian Akuma the only thing that kept him going was to avoid becoming a hell beast himself. he's a simple blood hunter, just looking to collect the strength of others so he can survive. people hate him for his profession, but he doesn't care, after all he's the only family he's got left.

Dragon_Watcher_77 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

A Knock

"As long as we can get close to them, it'll be over." Henry discusses the plan he and Damian came up with to the others.

Before he could continue a knocking sound alerts the entire gang.

"Were we expecting anyone?" Grant makes his way to the door, turning his hand into a cannon.

"Get into ambush positions." Jason leaps above Grant, clinging onto the steel beams above the door.

Everyone scatters, staying close to the door but laying just out of sight.

"What do you want!?" Grant opens a slit to peer out from.

"I would like to join your little club." A feminine voice speaks out from the other side.

Grant opens the door, pointing his cannon at a young woman with long black hair, bright orange eyes and red feathers coming from her neck and shoulders. He looks around, finding she's alone.

"How do you know about us and this place?" Grant interrogates the woman.

"I met one of your people, they peaked my interest, so I followed them here." She peers behind Grant looking into the base.

"And who was it?" He steps back into her view.

"Damian." She smirks.

Damian suddenly jolts up with utter confusion, upon seeing the woman he instantly recognises her.

"Ah, there you are. I wasn't sure which one of the four hiding was you." She ignores Grant looking past his shoulder.

Jason drops down obscuring Damian from her vision. His overwhelming stature cases her eyes to widen.

"You're hired." Jason pushes Grant to the side as gently as possible, but accidently causing him to smash through the door frame.

"What!?" Damian is stunned by Jason's quick acceptance.

"She knew we're all here, we could use that, not to mention she's also already grafted." Jason explains his reasoning.

Damian sits in silent defeat.

"Exactly how I felt when you joined." Natalie walks over, slapping him out of his daze.

"So Damian, what're you up to?" The young woman leans over Damian, watching as he builds some object.

"In case you forgot, I wasn't there when you introduced yourself." Damian keeps focused on his work.

"Well, that's why I'm here! My name is Amber Taka, the phenix grafted." It almost seems like she glows as she smiles.

"If that's all, can you leave me to work?" Damian hides his blushing face.

"What are you working on?" Amber pushes her chest against his back to look at the object.

"I-it's a type of mechanical syringe that I invented to extract more blood out of the monsters we hunt." Damian closes the panel that protects all the tech of the syringe.

"That's super cool!" She moves back, eyes full of stars, as Damian stands.

"This one's yours anyways, here." Damian holds the mechanism out to her.

"Shouldn't you get on one knee first?" She looks away after a pause and blushes.

"N-no!" Damian's face becomes red with embarrassment as he shoves the object into her arms and runs off.

"Do you have any family we should be aware of?" Jason holds a clipboard and pen in his massive hands, as he interviews Amber.

"I only have a brother, he used to send me enough credits for rent and food, until he wound up in prison about two weeks ago." Amber stares at the floor with vacant eyes.

"What do your powers focus on?" Jason struggles to write on the small board.

"Speed and combining my attacks with fire." Amber pulls her hair behind her bright neck feathers.

"Have you heightened any of your senses?" Jason accidentally snaps his pen.

"I have, I'm able to know when people get within a certain distance from me." Amber glances at the wall behind her.

"Do you have a goal or dream you wish to achieve?" He sets down the board and starts wiping his hand clean.

"I want to have a normal life." Her answer causes Jason to raise an eyebrow.

"So why didn't you stay in High Spire?" He folds his arms.

"I've already said why. I want Damian." She plays with her hair while drifting into thought.

"Do you know the danger of something like that?" Jason looks past her now.

"I'm much stronger than people give me credit for." She stares down Jason, her smile stays as steam rises off her hands.

"Whatever you say. Your interview is finished." Jason stands and leaves the room.

"The new battle strategy is for Amber and Natalie to take care of the swarm, Grant and Jason will work on protecting them, Damian and I will focus our efforts against the person themselves." Henry explains the plan to everyone along with some sketch pad drawings.

"We have to be prepared for anything he can throw at us, that means we need everyone to carry a weapon for a situation where your power may be useless." Damian speaks up as he holds a large knife.

"With all that out of the way, let's kick some mosquito ass!" Henry has a furious look of determination as he thrusts his fist into the air.

The rest of the gang cheers, pumping their fists up and getting out the alcohol.