

When the gates of hell opened, they unleashed an onslaught of monsters upon the world. most of humanity is gone. hell power has turned blood into strength. for Damian Akuma the only thing that kept him going was to avoid becoming a hell beast himself. he's a simple blood hunter, just looking to collect the strength of others so he can survive. people hate him for his profession, but he doesn't care, after all he's the only family he's got left.

Dragon_Watcher_77 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

A Hunt

I am a blood hunter, and my job is to obtain blood to sell, my method is to take it from the monsters that roam the outlands. Most blood hunters take it from other people, and that's why we get such a bad wrap. However there's one big problem with taking it from people, most have either a massive amount of drugs or alcohol in them, and that dirty blood actually weakens people and can even kill them, of course this means if someone finds out they've been given dirty blood they're likely to want the dealer dead.

Rich bloods are almost always pure, but so are the monsters. No matter how you view it, getting pure blood is a difficult task. At the very least I have more gripes against the monsters.

Damian wanders a ruined city overgrown with foliage. As he turns a corner, he notices further down the crumbling road is a trio of small gray creatures with bat-like faces.

Damian crouches and quickly searches the area around him, locating a ladder to the roof of these rotting buildings. He sprints full speed towards the ladder, and follows the series of buildings until he is right above the three creatures. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a large syringe with a device attached to the end.

Leaping off, Damian lands on one of the creatures, he stabs the syringe into its neck before facing against the other two. They lunge at him, but he ducks and dodges with ease, he redirects one of the charging creatures into a wall and impales the other with his claws. He shoves the dead monster to the ground before turning towards the last. The frail creature tosses a hand full of dirt at Damian's face, as he recoils it jumps at him preparing to bite. The fur sleeves prevent the creature from even pricking him. When he opens his eyes again, he hits the creature's jaw with his knee, and still its sharp teeth fail to pierce Damian. He continues hitting the monster, shattering its jaw, before cracking its head against a wall.

Damian takes a breath of relief as he turns to the first dead creature. The mechanism on the syringe had extracted two pints of blood, giving it an almost mummified look. Damian took the pouches of blood off the mechanism and attached two more, before sticking it into one of the remaining corpses. He then started dragging the bodies inside a building, monsters would be less likely to notice him in there, leaving him to safely extract the rest of his hunt spoils.

once finished, he takes one pouch to drink and another to pour on the fur. He rubs the blood in as if it was shampoo, after a short time the fur absorbs the blood leaving it clean and blue.

Well four could get me enough for rent, but that's only if I get a good deal, looks like the hunt isn't over.

Damian leaves the building looking for his next fight.