
Grace Fall

This is a world with awakeners with different powers, some having supernatural strength while others having magical powers, they fight against monsters to protect their family or for their own benefits. Arthur who was born in this world with different abilities, can gain power much faster as compared to others. But after reaching certain point he wondered, since he can gain power faster why not understand those things that people thought irrelevant, those emotions that people thought they understood, abilities people got for unknown reasons and save those who had fallen.

MrLonely_001 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
25 Chs

Rank Advancement-II

[ Rank Advancement ( Hard ) selected ]

[ Rank Advancement ( Rank F) will begin in 1 minute ]

Arthur opened his eyes and found himself standing in a desolate arena, the once grand structure now reduced to ruins. Above him stretched an endless expanse of darkness, devoid of any sign of life or hope.

Directly across from him, separated by sturdy iron bars, stood a fearsome creature with wolf-like features. Its snarling maw was adorned with razor-sharp fangs, and thick strands of saliva dripped menacingly from its open mouth. Despite its ferocious appearance, the creature was confined within its cage, unable to breach the sturdy bars that contained it.

The wolf-like creature's eyes burned with a primal hunger, its muscles coiled with untamed energy. Arthur stepped forward, his every movement deliberate and purposeful. The sound of his footfalls echoed through the desolation.

The arena's shattered walls bore witness to countless struggles that had taken place within its confines, but Arthur was undeterred.

As the wolf-like creature lunged against the unyielding bars, its rage reverberated through the air. Arthur met its feral gaze with uncertainty.

[Rank Advancement conditions : ]

[1. Survive for 10 minutes against the beast ]

[2. Kill the beast]

[3. Make the beast submit to you ]

Seeing the rank advancement conditions Arthur nodded to himself, and thought about the condition he will be able to fulfill.

'I can only complete the first two conditions, the third condition is a little bit absurd. Even the second condition is a little bit over but still can be completed by some peoples.' Arthur thought as he rubbed his chin.

{Remaining time : 00:10}


"Let's finish this quickly,"







As the countdown reached zero, the bars stopping the beast collapsed and the beast started to walk towards Arthur slowly with saliva dripping from its mouth.

[Slayer Title activated!]

[Fighting against opponent of higher rank!]

[Detected one enemy with higher rank!]

[90% of opponent's stats has been added!]

[Remaining time : Till one of you dies]

Arthur quickly read the information and was surprised seeing his title activate, then a smile formed on his face. He didn't expect that such a thing would happen, especially the activation of the title, till now he even forgot about his title.

As the wolf was eying Arthur, Arthur was looking at his status.


{Name} : Arthur Hightower

{Title} : Slayer

{Rank} : G

{Strength} : ?

{Agility} : ?

{Stamina} : ?

{Luck} : 100

{Charisma} : 100

{Intelligence} : ??

{Spirit} : ?

{Talent} : None

{Enhancements} : None

{Stat points} : 10


The wolf lunged towards Arthur with fierce intensity. Acting swiftly, Arthur ducked beneath the wolf's head, narrowly avoiding the impending attack.

Seizing the opportunity, he firmly grasped the wolf's jaw from below, leveraging their momentum to slide across the ground. Before the bewildered wolf could react, Arthur swiftly drew his sword and impaled it directly on the wolf's head.

With a precise and powerful thrust, Arthur plunged his sword upward from below, piercing through the wolf's jaw and emerging from the top of its head. The force of the strike made the wolf's body limp, succumbing to its fatal wound and resulted in direct death.

In a mere ten seconds, Arthur swiftly dispatched the formidable wolf. The wolf, initially confident in its ability to overpower the person before it, found its expectations shattered as Arthur's title and mastery of techniques turned the tables entirely.

[Bloody Wolf (Rank F) slayed!]

[Rank Advancement test completed]

{You will be transported back in 30 seconds}

[Rank : G --> F]

[Stats have been updated]

{Rank Advancement reward : Strength Enhancement potion*1, Agility Enhancement potion*1, Stamina Enhancement potion*1, Spirit Enhancement potion*1, Iron Sword (Rank F), Beast core ( Rank G)*1 }

Arthur then looked at the dead wolf, he then slowly moved towards the wolf and then put his hand on the wolf's head.


After that energy from the wolf started to enter from Arthur's hand and spread in his whole body. This lasted for around ten seconds during which the wolf's body kept on getting thinner and thinner.

[ +1 Strength ]

[ +1 Agility ]

[ +1 Agility ]

[ +1 Stamina ]

[ +1 Strength ]



{ You will now be transported back }



Arthur slowly opened his eyes, and he found himself back in the familiar confines of his room. He lay on his back, his mind filled with thoughts of the rank advancement test he had just undergone. Memories of the tests swirled through his thoughts, "The wolf died too quick."

"I didn't even test the F-rank strength."


With a sigh, Arthur gazed out of the window, observing the darkening sky. Realizing it was getting late, he rose from the bed, feeling a pang of hunger he went outside the room.



Inside the dining hall,

Arthur sat at the table, surrounded by an array of dishes being placed before him one by one. Onlookers shook their heads in amazement, marveling at the sheer abundance and extravagance of his meal.

Now that he has advanced to F-rank he was now eating beast meat of same rank, as lower rank beast meat does not have any effect on him.

As Arthur prepared to savor his meal, he caught a glimpse of a woman with flowing blonde hair entering the hall. By her side, a young girl, presumably her maid, guided her steps and inquired about her culinary preferences. A contingent of guards dressed in formal attire accompanied them, providing an air of security and authority. The arrival of this distinguished figure added an air of intrigue to the scene.

Casting a brief glance at the newcomer, Arthur swiftly redirected his attention back to the food spread out before him. He resumed his meal without allowing the presence of the new arrival to distract him.

Having enjoyed a satisfying meal, Arthur rose from his seat and made his way towards the exit of the hall. Just as he was about to leave, his eyes caught sight of the same blonde woman being attentively fed by her maid. He observed the scene momentarily, curiosity piquing his interest, before continuing on his way.

He went straight to the garden at the roof of the hotel.


Perched on the rooftop garden of the hotel, Arthur gazed down upon the bustling city below. The scene before him exuded a tranquil serenity, contrasting with the restless energy that thrived within the city's streets. With an enigmatic expression, he allowed his gaze to linger upon the urban landscape, his heart filled with indiscernible emotions.

{Remaining time : 4 days }

With four days remaining until he can return to the New World, Arthur contemplated how to fill the time that lay before him. His mind wandered through various possibilities, searching for ways to make the most of these remaining days.


{Name} : Arthur Hightower

{Title} : Slayer

{Rank} : F

{Strength} : 20 

{Agility} : 30 

{Stamina} : 23 

{Luck} : 100

{Charisma} : 100

{Intelligence} : ??

{Spirit} : 15 

{Talent} : None

{Enhancements} : None

{Stat points} : 10


Skills : God of All (Rank ???), Devour [6%] (Rank A), Heat Resistance (Rank F), Camouflage [8%] (Rank F)

God of All (Rank ???) : Have knowledge about all weapons. Complete control over all muscles of the body. Description unavailable...

Devour (Rank A) : Can Devour other beings to increase stats. (Rank A-G). Have a small chance to gain devoured being's abilities and talents. (Rank A-G). Helps in recovering HP, MP, stamina.

Heat Resistance (Rank F) {Passive} : Gain a little resistance against heat.

Camouflage (Rank F) : Provides a little stealth.


A faint smile tugged at the corners of Arthur's lips as he observed his current stats, finding satisfaction in his progress. With a decisive flick, he dismissed the status window, redirecting his attention to the cityscape before him. His gaze shifted between the grand mansion at the city center, symbolizing opulence and power, and the slums, representing the struggles and hardships of the less fortunate. Deep in thought, Arthur contemplated the stark contrast between these two worlds.

As the wind gently caressed his face, Arthur's gaze turned skyward, captivated by the sparkling stars that adorned the velvety night sky. In the quiet solitude of the moment, he pondered the vast world he inhabited, contemplating the lives of its inhabitants.

His thoughts wandered to the countless individuals who navigated their own journeys, facing unique struggles and experiencing different things, some were lost on the river of time and some were remembered. The cold breeze swept through, tousling his hair, as if echoing the ever-changing nature of existence. Lost in introspection, Arthur found solace in the beauty of the night and the profound interconnectedness of all living beings.


Author : Ahh.. my captivating words.


Lost in contemplation of the world, Arthur was abruptly brought back to reality by the sound of commotion. He glanced around and realized that the tranquil garden had become bustling with couples and elderly individuals seeking respite. With a slight sigh, he decided it was time to leave the garden and retreat to the solitude of his room. Knowing that his musings would have to wait for another moment, Arthur turned away from the lively scene and made his way back inside, leaving behind the crowd and returning to the quiet sanctuary of his own space.

Weary from the events of the day, Arthur sought solace in the comfort of his room. Without delay, he slipped under the covers and surrendered to the embrace of slumber, allowing sleep to claim him. As his eyes grew heavy and his breathing steadied, he entered a realm of dreams, leaving behind the worries and thoughts of the waking world.


The next day arrived, and Arthur remained in a state of deep slumber, oblivious to the passing hours. Time seemed to slip away as he slept, with no other activity or engagement to occupy his waking moments. Content in the embrace of rest, he let the day drift by, embracing the tranquility that came with uninterrupted sleep.

Days passed in a blur as Arthur continued to surrender himself to the peaceful realm of sleep. With each passing day, the countdown to his return to the New World grew shorter, until there was only one day remaining.




Arthur let out a yawn, as he got up from the bed and went towards the bathroom. After cleaning himself, he went towards the dining hall.

After days of slumber, Arthur's hunger awakened with an insatiable intensity. The gnawing emptiness in his stomach propelled him to the dining hall, where he embarked on a feast, he devoured his meals with gusto, consuming twice as much food as he had ever eaten before. The aroma and flavors danced on his taste buds, satisfying his hunger and rejuvenating his weary body.

Finishing all the food presented to him he then left the dining hall, he then went outside the hotel and started to wander on the streets till evening.

After returning he ate dinner and then slept till next morning.



"Big Brother, why did this happen to me?"

"I just wanted to live happily with mama."

"Big Brother, Mama said the truth, that this world is too cruel."

A girl was weeping as she held her knees and looked down at the ground as tears flowed down from her eyes, she then looked upwards at boy in front of him who stroked her head lightly.

The boy was around ten years old, he looked at the girl with undefinable emotions in his eyes, he didn't know what to do, so to comfort the girl he just stroked her head lightly.

The girl's gaze turned towards the boy's hand, seeing his hand stroking her head she turned her gaze and backed.

"Big Brother go away from me, it will also affect you." saying this she then started to run away from there and left the boy alone.



Arthur splashed water on his face, then looked at his reflection in the mirror, lightly touching his right eye, he slowly ran his finger along the scars running from his right eye to his forehead. Most of his scars had already healed leaving only a little mark on his face.

As Arthur slowly opened his right eyelid, an eerie emptiness greeted him. The hollow eye socket stared back at him, a void that held no trace of sight or emotion. Its presence alone was enough to send shivers down the spines of those who beheld it.

Arthur looked at himself in the mirror, he scanned himself starting from the scars on his forehead to his abdomen, he then took out a white towel from his storage space and wiped his face clean with it. He then lifted the white shirt hanging on the door and wore it.

Dressed in a white shirt, Arthur made his way to the dining hall for breakfast.

Having finished his breakfast, Arthur bypassed his room and instead made his way to the rooftop garden. There, amidst the open space and fresh air, he paused to breathe in the serenity of the surroundings. The tranquility of the garden offered a welcome respite from the confines of the indoors, allowing him a moment of quiet reflection and connection with nature.


{ Countdown has be reset }

{ Do you want to enter New World }

{ Y / N }