
Grace: A Naruto Fanfiction (Book 1)

"I'm just the Son of a Hero and Grandson of a God." Just after he was born, he was taken, kidnapped from the village named Konoha. And since then, he was raised by a God that once tamed the Kyuubi with just his eyes alone. "Nothing more," His talent was peerless -they were simply unrivaled. He was expected to continue his grandfather's legacy and complete his master plan. But he was wrong. The boy was not someone who could be thrashed around like a pawn in a grand chess match. "Nothing less." He has one goal and one goal alone. This was such a near impossible feat to attain. But there was only one person who stood right on his path, blocking his path to unify the world through his wits. Uchiha Madara. This is the story of Uchiha-Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto - The Boy who Graced the Earth. NarutoXFemSasuke I do not own Naruto. I do not own the cover either. I dont own the story/fic! All credits belong to Shaxoss on Wattpad the Original Author who gave me permission to post this story on this Platform.

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Chapter 42: Two Sides


Naruto stood right in front of the Kyuubi in a very nonchalant manner. It seems like Naruto was making the commitment to come in contact with the Kyuubi.

And for what reason? It doesn't matter.

"To think you would reach out to me," said the Kyuubi, staring down at Naruto with a scary gaze. Naruto stood there unaffected by that said gaze.


Earlier that Day. . .

Naruto sat at his table in complete and utter silence. He was currently was playing chess while he formulated the plan from earlier to an even greater extent.

He liked playing black. Why? Even though white always went first, he can formulate a plan just from the first move. Though that can't really plan right now since he was playing against himself.

Naruto moved up his pawn, his knight just a couple of tiles behind. With his hand, he reaches out and grabbed the white knight and knocked out the pawn.

And without hesitation, Naruto got his black knight and knocked out the white knight. He yawned slightly right after making his move.

Though the move that Naruto had just made truly only depends on the player itself. Naruto knew that there was most definitely a better move than just simply sacrificing his pawn just so he could kill off the white knight.

But in the end of the day — pawns were disposable, but knights? Not so much.

This is because the knights have their uses, and once they serve their purpose, then they are as disposable as a pawn.

Every piece except the King has a single purpose. That is to sacrifice themselves and tactically destroy the people that threaten their King's safety.

Some may argue that they also have to protect the Queen do to it being the strongest piece on the board, but in the end, the Queen is just simply the strongest pawn in the King's arsenal.

Their worth is greater than that of a every piece, but the fact remains that its purpose is also to protect the King. Of course, Naruto won't hold a grudge if a person has an opinion that differs from him.

"And. . . checkmate," Naruto said, observing how he achieved his win. To put his win in simple and realistic terms — the King cornered himself in a corner.


The King had locked himself in a corner with a rook and two pawns guarding it. Naruto simply just placed a knight diagonal to the rook and right next to one of the pawns.

Not only did the King have no legal moves left, but the King was also in check. With that, Naruto knocked all the pieces. He was done for the day. Naruto looked back towards the plans that he had set up for himself.

From Monday to Friday, he shall train from 8 AM to just about 4 AM. It'll take an hour to get back to the apartment, so it'll be 5 AM by the time he gets back.

Then once he does get back, he'll take a shower and then eat or play chess. It doesn't matter the order in which he does these two activities. Though eating before playing against himself will certainly be much more favorable.

Then from Saturday to Sunday, he'll use those days as free-time. During the course of the week, his body will certainly be tarnished from the amount of training that he'll be doing.

And once the weekend rolls around, he'll be able to recuperate and heal his body with the help of the Kyuubi. The specifics of his training does not have to be said.

Naruto continued to write the specifics for the plan before going to bed.


It was the next day. And luckily, it was a Sunday. Naruto had one more day to rest before continuing his extremely stressful training on Monday tomorrow.

And what's Naruto doing as of right now? Currently kneeling in front of Danzo, the found of ROOT.

"Naruto, I would like to congratulate you on moving up to finals. As expected of one of the members of ROOT." Naruto stopped kneeling and nodded his head at Danzo.

"Thank you, Danzo-sama." It seems like their little battle of wits have continued once more. To Naruto, it was quite clear that Danzo didn't completely trust him.

And without a doubt, Danzo is aware that Naruto also doesn't trust him completely. But Naruto was winning this game. Even though Naruto knows the full extent of Danzo's trust, Danzo doesn't know the full extent of Naruto's trust.

In Danzo's case, he was using his own trust towards Naruto as a base for the amount of trust that Naruto has for him.

(A/N: If confused, I'll use a more simple explanation. Danzo is using his own trust towards Naruto as a reference for the amount of trust that Naruto has towards him — a guess if you will.)

But in reality, Naruto never trusted him.

And he never will.

Between the two of them, their interactions are merely games, even if Danzo doesn't consciously know about it.

"I expect you to win the finals of the Chunin Exams no matter what." Naruto nodded, knowing that he exactly had the intent to win the whole thing without any hesitation ever needed.

"I've also heard that your opponent is the son of the Kazekage, Gaara." Naruto nodded once more. Danzo was correct on that part of the department.

"Correct, Danzo-sama." Even though Naruto didn't really want to show much formality, if it's needed then he'll do it without a second thought even needed.

"I heard he's quite a strong genin. What do you think about Gaara?" Naruto stayed silent, thinking of an answer before answering Danzo's question.

"If I may, Gaara exceeds the power of a genin — even chunin. His sand is very tough to deal with from what I see. But he is very reliant with his sand. His weakness is if he has to engage in physical combat without the use of his sand."

Danzo nodded to that answer.

"Good observation, Naruto. Now, on to my next question — do you think you can defeat Gaara?" He asked Naruto. Now this was a question that was a bit easier to answer.

"I know I can."

"I am amused by your confidence. Very well, you are dismissed for today. Though I do exercise caution that you don't let that confidence to grow into arrogance." Danzo spoke in a very wise tone.

Naruto nodded before bowing.

"I'll take your advice, Danzo-sama." And with that, Naruto left the ROOT headquarters. After awhile, Naruto sighed, as he slowly took off his mask while walking in a forest.

His dull, azure eyes looked beyond him.

"Confidence to arrogance, huh?" Naruto asked himself with a slight whisper. He had his fox mask held tightly to his side as he kept on walking forward.

Quite amusing, Danzo. Naruto thought as his swayed through the air due to the wind. Don't let confidence grow into arrogance? Would be true if you were to say it to someone else.

And with that, Naruto walked off into near horizon.


Naruto sighed slightly as he looked found himself in quite the predicament. It was nighttime and he currently sleeping on his bed.

But that wasn't what his predicament was.

Looking at the bigger picture, you could see Naruto was in the very familiar sewer system that was supposed to represent his current mind.

And the reason Naruto sighed? quite simple actually.

He thought it was quite too early for him to create the needed contact between him and the Kyuubi.

But beggars can't be choosers.

Naruto knew he could use this as your advantage. This interaction could pose as an opportunity for Naruto in more ways than just one.

He stood right in front o the cage that the Kyuubi was currently residing in. A loud growl made itself known, creating a slight shockwave of power to surge around the entire area.

"To think you would reach out to me," said the Kyuubi. A powerful gaze was casted upon on Naruto as he stood there.

Oh, it seems like his presence wasn't very welcomed.

Naruto just stayed silent, unaffected by the amount of dangerous intent that the Kyuubi was currently leaking/oozing out of its own body.

"You know why I'm here, right? You're able to listen to my thoughts," Naruto said without any fear induced inside of his body. Kyuubi wanted to rip Naruto's body to shreds.

"Tch. What do you think? I've had to listen to some of your thoughts since you were a damn fetus." Was the Kyuubi joking or was he actually serious?

"I don't know if you're joking or not, but I do not care. You say you have some idea on what I want. Correct?" The Kyuubi did not answer the question. It seems like the Kyuubi has a bit of pride.

"I'll take that as a yes on my part. Anyway, let's cut to the chase so i can get this over with." There seemed to be some dangerous glint that reflected in his eyes.

"I would like your cooperation."

"I already know you do. I just don't know why. Does your human brain realize that?" Naruto sighed. It seemed like this was going to be more tougher than it already was.

"Yes, I am aware of that. I just needed to repeat it to you. Did you know that? Probably not. You did say that you aren't able to hear everything that I think, right?"

Was that a hint of smugness in Naruto's voice? Who knows.

"Don't play games with me. Be wary of me, Uchiha-Uzumaki-Namikaze Naruto. I'm not someone who you want to mess with!" Naruto covered his ears to avoid the amount of noise that vibrated.

"I am wary of you. It may be very little of it, but it's still there. But there is more to this than just me wanting your cooperation."

Naruto held out his hand towards the Kyuubi without any second thought even needed.

"I not only want your cooperation, but I want your cooperation to kill Uchiha Obito."

"And why exactly do YOU need my help for? You're the type of person to do things yourselves."

Naruto stayed silent as he looked at the Kyuubi.

"I don't think the answer is that hard to say. To put it simply, I just ned your help -- no other motives are attached." Naruto still had hand stuck up towards the Kyuubi.

This was so amusing to the Kyuubi that it laughed at Naruto.

"Very well, I'll accept your offer. Be glad that I was kind enough to accept it. Though I do expect something in return."

Naruto nodded, knowing that returning the favor is only natural for him.

"I'll return the favor if it's within my ability." Naruto had to be careful on what he responded with. Whatever he said as of right now can be turned and manipulated against him by the Kyuubi in the future.

"In some point in the future, I want you to release me from this cage. This only goes in effect if I gain enough of your trust."

Naruto narrowed his eyes for a moment, pondering on what he should do. This was quite the offer that he was being given.

An offer that had room for opportunities.

Ones that could potentially benefit both the Kyuubi and Naruto.


This was simply the beginning of a partnership. This offer was something that Naruto couldn't just pass up without any second thought.

This was an offer that he expected from the Kyuubi.

Though the extent of this partnership between the two as of right now has yet to set in stone. Only time will tell.

"And I also expect you to tell me your name," Naruto said, surprising the Kyuubi just a tiny bit. Though the surprise was kept hidden quite exceptionally.

"And why is that?"

"It's only fair that I get to know yours. It's quite weird not knowing your name but you knowing mine. You can consider this simply as away of formality."

The Kyuubi was silent throughout Naruto's words.

"Kurama. My name's Kurama." The overgrown fox that was now known as Kurama was quite hesitant on giving out such personal information to a kid.

Though Naruto would eventually extract such information whether if Kurama liked it or not.

"Kurama, huh?"


"Take a break, Satsuki," Kakashi said, sighing a bit after saying his order. He had learned one thing from the short time that he trained Satsuki.

She was stubborn.

Geez, how does Naruto handle you? He thought to himself. Though it seemed like Satsuki had taken her mind off of the Curse Mark that Orochimaru had given her.

Though they couldn't just neglect the Curse Mark just because Satsuki has yet to get engulfed by it. She'll be needed to be monitored at all times.

Kakashi disliked it, but it was Hiruzen's orders. And since it was his orders, he and many others just can't defy them.

"No. . . I can't." From her current stature alone, it was clear that Satsuki was at her limit. Kakashi closed his eyes at her own stubbornness that she was emitting.

"I don't have much time. By the time the finals hits, I need to be stronger." Satsuki gritted her teeth. She knew that this was her upper-limit and that he can do anything more.

"Yes, but not taking breaks may threaten your health in the future. And in the worst scenario, you would be unable to participate in the finals. Your training would turn out to be meaningless."

"I'll be fine," Insisted Satsuki. God, she was really killing him right now. Naruto surely did a very good job taming her. Kakashi knew he had to use drastic measures in such a drastic situation.

"You know, I wonder what Naruto would do when he's at his limit. He'd probably take a break, wouldn't he? I wonder if that's why he's so strong as a genin. Who knows?"

Though it seemed it like the method didn't work at all and instead gave out the opposite effect than what Kakashi had wanted.

"Hah. You think that trick can fool me? I'll have you know that I know Naruto better than anyone else. He doesn't take breaks. He never does." Kakashi sweat-dropped at his own failure.

There really was no way to stop the stubborn Satsuki. And with that, Kakashi decided to try and change the topic.

"Uh. . . why exactly are you training so hard?" He asked, pulling out his infamous and precious novel from his pouch. He looked up slightly to see the tension build up from within Satsuki.

Did I hit a sore spot? Kakashi thought. After a minute, Satsuki finally decided to answer the question that Kakashi had just posed.

"Is it wrong that I just want to get stronger to kill my brother?" Kakashi looked up from his Icha-Icha novel and glanced at Satsuki before going back to reading.

"No, I just think there's more to it than just simply wanting to get stronger to avenge your clan." There were many layers to the person known as Uchiha Satsuki.

And even more layers to the person known as Ahihcu Naruto.

"Tch, I have no reason to tell you anything," responded Satsuki, scowling with distaste towards Kakashi. She did not like him trying to fish out information.

"You say you want to kill Itachi due to his massacre, but it also seems to me that you have another goal that is on-par with the former — to get stronger than Naruto, right?"

"Why do you care?"

"Because you're one of my 3 genin. Is that not obvious? Ever since that fateful night, your only social interactions were with Naruto and no one else." Satsuki did not deny such a fact.

"Tch. It's not that deep. I just want to get stronger than him due to him always being ahead of me since the very beginning. There's nothing more to it than that." An eye-smile appeared on Kakashi's face.

"Are you sure that's all to it? Are you sure that there's nothing more to it than just wanting to be stronger than him? 'Cause, Satsuki, I don't buy your excuse." Kakashi went back to his Icha-Icha novel.

"I've seen a glimpse of your desire to have Naruto's absolute acknowledgement. You keep it hidden quite well, but I'm quite the Jonin-sensei that you have. And that goal was only enforced once you found out about Naruto being an Uchiha as well."

"Why do you wanna know so much? Huh? Why do you care about such a trivial goal on my part?" Satsuki asked, her eyes narrowed at Kakashi with anger.

Kakashi just shrugged it off with a slight chuckle.

"Because, Satsuki, believe it or not, you've become absolutely infatuated with Naruto."


Naruto yawned. Another week has past and flown through. God, was the month going quite fast. There was only about one or two more weeks left until the finals of the Chunin Exams.

He sighed, rubbing his eyes as he quickly got ready for his day. For the past few days, Naruto has been trying to make this cooperative partnership between Kurama and him work more smoothly.

But it seems that was harder than he had originally had thought.

Kurama would sometimes just randomly appear and talk within his head. This made it where Naruto would sometimes lose the concentration that he builds up while he trained.

This lost of concentration halted Naruto and hindered his growth and training in the long run.

In shorter and much simpler words: Kurama was being a nuisance.

"Nuisance?! The only nuisance I see is you." Naruto heard Kurama roar within his mind. Oh, Naruto certainly did forget that Kurama had full access to Naruto's thoughts.

"Just think of my 'nuisance' as a way to train yourself from losing concentration. Use your human brain. You're smart, but you don't use it at all when it comes to this kind of things."

To say Kurama wasn't correct was wrong. The statement that was made was certainly correct. This is because while Naruto is very good in all aspects of being a ninja, he suffers in the aspect of training.

Since birth to the age of 6, Naruto had always relied on the scrolls that Madara had given him to guide his own training. This is because Naruto did not know what to train in.

And he had only recently changed this and created his own training routine.

It failed horribly.

This was one of the reasons why Naruto needed Kurama's help. It may seem trivial to some, but to Naruto? It was something that had to be absolutely fixed.

"I do use my brain? I just severely lack in the aspect of training. Everything else I'm either decent or highly proficient in it." The words that rushed out of Naruto's mouth lacked much pride.

Kurama picked up on it very early on.

"You don't seem to take pride in your talent for the Shinobi Arts." Naruto stayed silent as he glided through the streets of Konoha. He sighed after a second or two.

"I value my abilities, but my talent? Not so much. Since birth, I've been fed a golden-spoon. My heritage was something that was not very common. Not only was I the Fourth Hokage's son, but I was the grandson of Uchiha Madara." A low growl made itself known.

Must be from the name, 'Uchiha Madara'.

"I quickly picked up on this and saw how much of an asset I was. It may seem arrogance of me to say that, but It's true." Kurama could not argue that — Naruto's bloodline was certainly something above the word 'legendary'.

"I then grew detached to it and simply lost satisfaction knowing the only reason that I believe made me so strong was my heritage."

"I'm guessing that's why you envy that bowl-cut guy's power." Naruto nodded slightly. It may have weirded out some of the people that saw him nod randomly in public.

"He attained all that strength through hard-work and not through the genes of the strong. And as long as that's the case, then I consider myself inferior to him. Even if I get stronger than him."

Kurama was certainly amused by Naruto. Though the two knew one thing.

Hard-work can never 100% beat talent.

Someone born with the genes of the strong have more capabilities than that of a person who was born as a commoner. It's sad, but it's a fact that shall remain for all eternity.

Some people's hard-work may pay off and get them stronger than someone with pure talent, but even then, that hard-work will soon face a wall. It was the same wall that they had worked so hard to overcome.

The talent of even greater people shall stump them and make them lose their morale and confidence. Each time they get over a wall, an even greater one shall surface and make itself known.

And slowly but surely, that wall will become impossible to overcome.

And Naruto? He was at the top of it. The genes that course through his body have the DNA of that of the strongest shinobi in all of history.

Knowing such a thing exist, wouldn't you agree that Naruto was that impossible wall that awaits?

"You're weird."
