
The chit chats and green signals..

And then the chats began.. Its started by Gowri herself..

Gowri: Hi Sam

Sam:hey Gowri

Gowri:which tower r u in today

Sam:why you need any help. I am in tower c today

Gowri:no..no helo required. Just making sure you are engaged and in case of anything required feel free to reachout. You are very new here. So..

Sam: thats so sweet of you.. Thank you.

Day 2

Sam:Ms HR is it good time?

Gowri: Hey Sam..yes anytime good time ..

Sam: just like that i pinged you. I was sitting idle..so was wondering what you would be doing

Gowri: oh you started thinking of me ?

Sam: by the way..what should i call you..

Gowri was slightly uncomfortable with this question. She thought he is pointing at their age gap.

Then she thought..what is the point in hiding any fact. She told her..look I am elder to you..you can address me accordingly if you feel I am elder to you.

Sam replied.. Gowri..i want to call you with a nick name ..not comfortable at all with calling you so fomrally by your name. I feel a distance. Can i call you by a name which i like the most..

Gowri was touched by this.. She was out of this world. She said yes why not. Call me anything younfeel like closer. Then he started calling her Sandy.

Sam and Sandy.. Then continued their talks..they spoke on their hobbies, famil, nature, stories , readings, poems, likes ..dislikes..

She gifted a chocolate box as a token of appreciation for the first help. Thats his job still she didnt eant to loose a chance of talking to him to gain more attention. He came to her cabin with those chocolate box so that he can share those with her.. She understood from conversations that he is a foody.. She is an excellent cook. He lives in a hostel where the menu is standardised. So it has become a habit for her to cook extra food for him and share it with him..secretly.. All these exchanges were kept top secret.. No one in their office had any doubt on whats going on between both of them.. Yes indeed this created a lot of confusions too between both of them.

Gowri by her nature is very expressive. She wants to talk to him infront of everyone. But he wants to take it ahead secretly. He never greets or acknowledge her presence in front of others. This made gowri very upset. Still many days she ignored.

However Sam too didnt want to miss any chance to impress her.. Understanding the fact that Gowri loves nature, trees and planting is her passion..he initiated Earth day celebrations. Where they could go together to buy planta for office. Yes.. He indeed wanted to spend more and more time with her. However was not expressing in front of others..