
Gourmet of Another World

In a fantasy world where martial artists can split mountains and creeks with a wave of their hand and break rivers with a kick, there exists a little restaurant like this. The restaurant isn't large, but it is a place where countless apex existences will rush into. There, you can taste egg-fried rice made from phoenix eggs and dragon blood rice. There, you can drink strong wine brewed from vermillion fruit and water from the fountain of life. There, you can taste the barbecued meat of a ninth grade supreme beast sprinkled with black pepper. What? You want to abduct the chef? That's not going to happen, because there's a tenth grade divine beast, the Hellhound, lying at the entrance. Oh, that chef also has a robotic assistant that killed a ninth grade supreme being with a single hand and a group of crazy women whose stomachs were conquered. --------- Releasing: Mon, Thu, Fri, and Weekends

Li Hongtian · Eastern
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1851 Chs

The Long-haired Woman In The Netherworld Ship

Translator: CatatoPatch Editor: Vermillion

Bu Fang hadn't expected this group of people to become this crazy.

As his spirit ship streaked swiftly across the sea, it caused water to spray and steam to surge upward.

The experts glared at Bu Fang as they chased after him. The humiliation they had just suffered made these experts fly into a rage. They felt really humiliated that experts such as themselves had allowed a ninth grade Supreme-Being to pick up a treasure that they had overlooked.

Hence, they all stirred their true energy to speed up, hoping to get the crystal source in Bu Fang's possession.

Even if the experts thought with their toes, they could still deduce that the crystal source in Bu Fang's possession was extraordinary. Since two of the three crystal sources were just wastes, then it became obvious that the essence of the entire mine had coalesced into the final crystal source.

Such an object really was a treasure coveted by all Divine Realm experts.