
*A means to an end and a new beginning*

I am Vali Lucifer, A.K.A., the vanishing dragon, after having my revenge to that bastard of a grandfather Rizevim and losing to the Red Dragon Emperor(as I said, Plot Armor) and losing too much of my life force have grown tired of the battlefield, even though I'm a battle junkie I still have my limit and now that I'm going to die in a year or two, I decided to do what I wanted to do, cooking.

I fell in love with cooking even though I don't have talent in it I still enjoyed cooking which made my friends surprised because they thought I'm only in love with battles and ramen.

I never fell in love with girls because I know that i'm going to leave them sooner or later and I don't want them to be sad with me leaving.(even though Vali WAS a battle junkie he's not dumb because his mind is still maturing)

On my death bed, surrounded by my friends, my adopted father, Issei, Ddraig, and co. I told them that when I die to put my knife alongside my coffin. And I died hours after my wish.

*in a dark space*

Vali:"Hm? I died right? where is this place?"

???: "Greetings, young man. Welcome to the void"

Vali: "Even though I was a devil(soul now) and didn't believe in God I'll assume that you are one, right?"

God: "Correct, young man and because of your positive karmic merits I will reincarnate you to fulfill your regrets and live the way you want it to be."

Vali: "Positive karmic merits? why? all my life i've only battled with people, how did I get positive karma?"

God: "Even though in all your life you only have full of battles, you still avoided causing trouble to innocent humans by always dragging your opponents to the void so that no innocent humans are affected. Even though you only battled I know that you have a soft-heart that cares for those close to you and ruthless to those who want to take away your happiness. So, young man I'll grant you 3 wishes, just name it."

Vali: "3 wishes huh, for the first one I want cooking talent."

God: "Granted."

My soul then shined for a second then faded

Vali: "Can I take albion with me? if possible? I don't want a system just telepathic is fine, I just want to be with my long time partner"

God: "Granted but you will only hear from him after you reincarnated, is that fine?"

Vali: "Yeah, thanks for that. As for my third wish... I want to be reborn to a loving and caring mother because I haven't experienced a love of family and I want the warmth of having one"

God: "You'll be reborn in the world of 'Shokugeki no Souma' that fits for you because you loved cooking as for your mother, you'll be reborn as the son of one of the heavyweights in that world. Is that fine with you, young man?"

Vali: "Thank you for letting me fulfill my wishes and regrets in life."

God: "Sure thing, be prepared to be reincarnated any second now"

As my body floats in the darkness, I felt like something was pulling me below and dragged me down as light soon covered my eyes, I opened my eyes to see a woman in his 20's with her beautiful silver hair and a stunning beauty as she held me in her arms. As it is my first time having a mother and a family I don't know what feeling is this but my eyes teared up.


-After tearing up and crying I looked at my mother and father lovingly and smiled at them-

???: "My son is cute as hell!! Kawaiii, Dear look at your son blinking his eyes. Yeeeep, I'm sure of it, my son's gonna bag up girls and he's gonna give me grandsons fufufufufu~ look at those eyes that can make girls fall in love at one glance hehe~

???: *facepalm* "Saya, our son just got out of your womb and your thinking of having grandson already?" -sigh-

Saya: "Oh come oooooon!! Arthur LOOOOOOK!!, look at him smiling at us he's gonna bag beauties for suuuure~ hihihihi~"

Arthur: "Fineee, What's gonna be the name of our child?"

-Saya stared at the child and then towards Arthur and a bright and loving smile emerged from her-

Saya: "Vali, Vali Pendragon is gonna be your name. fufufufu~ be sure to bag beauties for me okaaaaay?~"

And its the start of a new chapter of my life

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