
GOTW/Not so Far from Home

I want to ask you a question. It isent a hard question so no need to worry. So the question is... Question: What are you most grateful for?

Etiger789 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 2

" I'm sorry for what happened it seemed something went wrong with my teleportation array and I ended up falling on you. Ah, I haven't introduced myself yet have I. My name is Queetzelquatal but my friends call me Lucua.

I've gotten myself involved in something troublesome again haven't I?

Sigh," It's nice to meet you to Queetzelquatal san. The names Kazuo Delgado but I'm not one for formalities so Kazuo or Kazu is just fine.


Lucua" Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaare."

Kazuo" Staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaare."

Readers" ??????"

Kazuo" So let me get this straight, you're a magical dragon that teleported here from another world to meet your friend who's also a dragon that's now a maid to a human. And because you miscalculated you somehow landed chest first on me( Not that I minded.) And because you didn't know what to do with me you read my memories to find my address to take me home but didn't want to leave me all alone so you decided to give me a lap pillow. And here we are now...

Lucua" Umu, that's exactly right." She said in a onesan like manner.

(Deep breath in, deep breath out)*

Kazuo" Am I on drugs, I don't remember taking any, must be some good shit."

Lucua" *Giggle* You certainly aren't on any drugs, everything I've told you is 100 per cent real."

She said while turning her head to the clock.

Lucua" My, it seems I'm a little late, I best be going now, it was nice meeting you Kazu-Kun."

Kazuo" Oh, you to lucua, ill let you in from the front door."

Kazuo got up and was going to lead lucua to the front door but just as he stood up from the bed he slipped on the blanket and fell on lucua who wasn't expecting Kazuo to suddenly slip.

Both of them fell off the bed. Lucua instinctively grabbed onto Kazuo's neck while Kazuo forgetting lucua was a dragon quickly used his right hand to stop his fall while using his left to grab onto lucuas waist to stop her from hitting the ground.



The duo didn't crash on the floor but...

Lucua" Ma, How forward of you Kazu-Kun if You wanted to rest your head on my chest you could have just asked." She said in a teasing manner, not at all embarrassed that Kazuo a total stranger she just met an hour ago was face first into her huge soft bouncy chest.

Kazuo's mind was blank. Besides his sisters and mother, he's never really had any intimate contact with a woman. Especially with one as well endowed and beautiful as lucua.

Soft, her skin is so soft, and she's hot. Her body temperature is definitely higher than a human. And those eyes, those hetochrome eyes, that screamed non-human. Yet he couldn't look away, they were stunning.

(Step, step, step)

Mum" Kazu, Are you here, when did you come back, why didn't you give me the rice." As she said that she stood in front of the door to Kazuo's room and entered slowly...

Wait, mom, crap I forgot about her I need to quickly hide....but it was too late

Mom" Kazu, why didn't..."


Lucua" Hello." She said while still in Kazuo's arms.

Kazu is intimately holding a mature woman. He's even all over her chest...

Mom" Kazu You, you..."

She said nothing else and ran out of the room while slamming the door shut.

Kazuo' Huh, that's it, I thought she would scream and misunderstand what was happening, maybe I'm not a harem protagonist.'

Just as he relaxed the door suddenly flew off its hinges and a woman with a gas mask and flame thrower came in.




Mom" It was great to meet you lucua-san please visit us again, and thank you for taking care of my son."

Lucua" The pleasure was all mine miss Delgado. I'll be sure to visit again, and ill see you later to Kazu baby." She said winking at Kazu who flinched and blushed not forgetting the bed scene.

After calming my mom down I was finally able to explain what happened and my mum as you guessed welcomed lucua with open arms even inviting her For diner which she surprisingly accepted.

While it was awkward for me the two ladies got along really well, mom even showed her my baby pictures which were embarrassing but also nostalgic.

In any case, after dinner lucua excused her self and me and mom said goodbye to her.

After returning inside she gave me this smug look as if to say" Hehe, so my son is a player."

I just ignored her and went to my room. Looking at the broken hinges I just sighed. I'll fix it tomorrow. For now, sleep.


(Lucua pov)*

Interesting. That's what lucua thought of Kazuo. When she first saw that she was falling on someone she thought they were goners for sure. But to her surprise, he survived.

She as a dragon knew that no normal hum could survive something like that unless they were, (A) a martial artist (b) a supernatural or (C) a magician.

But when she looked at his memories she saw nothing out of the ordinary and yet his reaction speed and strength begged a differ. Even his mother kicked down a door easily. But when checking out their bodies with her senses she felt nothing out of the ordinary. How truly strange.


Lucua" Looks like I have a mystery on my hands. I can't wait till we meet again...Kazu baby.


Morning - 7:35 - Tempreture - 21°

It was morning. The birds were chirping, ciadies creaking and humans were waking up to start the day. Mama Delgado had already woken up and headed off to work but before she left she made a bento for Kazu.

She was working at a gaming company called Eagle jump. It's a famous company that created the popular Fairystory franchise.

As for Kazuo, he was an assistant drawer for a famous shoujo mangaka. He started this job 5 years ago when he won an art competition on the website

A mangaka by the name of Oni-Onesan contacted him and demanded him be her assistant. At first, he was reluctant as he only entered the competition for the prize money but after a month of changing numbers and emails, he had enough and agreed.

Though he's never met Oni-Onesan until now they do message often and mostly when she's drunk. And their conversations are normally how horribly the dates she went on were and how the men would only look at her boobs the entire time or how they just wanted a one night stand.

Honestly, he felt sorry for her. All the men she chose were just scum. While in her late twenties she's still a virgin. Heck, my mum is the same age as her yet she's already got, 6 kids. Me being the youngest of them all. But not by much.

In any case, I normally start my day at around 8:30 get a shower in and have my breakfast by 9:30. Start work at 10 and finish at around 3 or 4. Depending on how many panels I have to draw or shade in.

But today was going to be a little different.

Just like normal I brushed my teeth, took a nice hot shower, ate the breakfast mom made me and started reading a manga I picked up to pass the time until 10.

Kazuo" Damn Why is the protagonist so stupid. You run away from the creepy cave not towards it."


Huh, that must be the document from Oni-Neesan. But it wasn't it was actually a message. Is she dunk in the morning again. But as he read the message he couldn't help but start to sweat.

Oni-Neesan" ❤❤Ya-hallo, Kazu-Kun, onechan has a small favour to ask you. Can you go on a date with me? Your so understanding I knew I could count on you. Meet me at Akihabara station at 3. Thanks a ton love you bye.😘😘

Kazuo" Eehhhhhhh, this is gotta be a prank, you want to go on a date. 😑😑Are you drunk again. Hey, answer me. I didn't even agree to the date. OI."


Kazuo" Te-he NANDAYO."