
Chapter 178: Lesson 5 (Peter Parker)

With a decision reached, Arias could only patiently wait within the throne room alongside T'challa as some guards went to fetch his sister.

"What is the meaning of this?" She asked in thick wakandan accent as she was being forcibly brought into the hall.

T'challa showed a serious and disappointed expression as he saw his sister being brought in.

Once Shuri saw Arias casually standing near her brother she realized that she had been caught and looked even more worried.

"You would surrender your own sister!" She protested towards T'challa but he could only sigh.

In her eyes he had abandoned her to avoid Arias's wraith. T'challa could only rub his temples at her words while shaking his head.

"You have committed great crimes against the people of earth sister, I am simply thankful that Arias doesn't want to aggravate the situation. Did you even consider the impact your actions would have on our people?"

T'challa lectured as anger slowly began to build up in his tone.

"What crimes?! The only crime I see is that of allowing that man to control the earth as he sees fit while giving everyone a false sense of freedom!" She argued, leaving T'challa lost on how to respond.

When two clashing views met this was often the case. Each individual strongly believed in their own view, thus all others seemed incredibly wrong.

"Do you even hear yourself! What use is freedom if thousands die everyday!?" T'challa rebuked.

At this moment Arias chose to step forward after sensing the conversation may become long and pointless.

"You're wasting your breath T'challa, she obviously holds a strong belief that earth is better when wars ran rampant, diseases killing thousands, poverty reducing the quality of life and crime being handled by a flawed justice system." Arias added while showing a smile as he stood in front of the young woman.

His presence alone made her feel intimidated but she tried her best to not show it. Before she could give a reply the others returned and entered the hall.

"Sir we're done." Kara appeared, with the rest of Arias's students behind her.

"Done with what?" T'challa asked worriedly but received a pat on the back from Arias.

"Nothing much, I just insured all the dangerous technology she was creating was confiscated. Who knows, it may even prove beneficial to humanity." Arias replied causing Shuri to show a fuming expression.


Arias ignored her claims and walked past her without replying to her words.

"Zero, tell Billy to handle miss Shuri's accommodation once she arrives in the city." He instructed aloud before snapping his fingers, in the next moment Shuri's figure vanished from the scene entirely.

[ It is done say, he is already going to meet her now ] Zero's voice resonated within the room, giving confirmation of the situation.

"Good, then I won't impose any longer T'challa. Till next time." Arias gave his farewell and suddenly vanished alongside his pupils.

When they reappeared they were within the city of New York in a residential area all too familiar with Arias.

The house they stood infront was simple and futuristically modern like many of the houses now all over the world.

"Didn't think I'd return here so soon. You need not follow me for this one, head to the location of Bruce Banner, Emma Frost and Doctor Helen Cho instead. I'm sure they're aware of what's happening by now and may try something if we delay." He instructed with half truths and half lies.

"How should we handle them?" Kara asked with clear intent to kill in her eyes.

"Restraint them, avoid injury if possible." He replied before walking off towards the home.

Kara didn't argue with Arias's words and just set off without delay after getting coordinates from Zero.

Raven, Rogue and Wanda just followed her silently while looking at Arias's figure as he approached the home.

By the time they were out of sight he reached the front door and casually opened the door without bothering to ring to notification system.

The door slid open in smooth manner and allowed him entry, upon doing so a familiar voice reached his ears.

"Peter, you're back early good, you can help me finish preparing the rest of…"


Aunt May who had approached the entry way with a plate in hand immediately dropped it upon seeing who had actually come through her door.

"Seems I frightened you, don't worry. Until Peter arrives I'll be sure to provide my assistance…"

"W-what do you want!?" May shuffled back and asked while trembling slightly, seeing his face alone brought back many memories she simply wanted to forget.

"The answer to that is pretty obvious." He replied casually as he began walking further into the home.

May continued to shuffle back and gulped before mustering strength to reply.

"You've already taken away Peter's powers! His left the avengers and just does his best to support us and Mary Jane who is still traumatized from what you did!" She said with visible anger in her voice but Arias only chuckled.

"Is that what he told you? To my knowledge he is a key player in a resistance against the current path earth is taking, last time I gave him a warning. This time I will take far more than just his powers." Arias revealed with a serious expression that caused May's legs to go numb with fear.

"There must be a mistake, you just want to ruin his life!" She argued helplessly but Arias remained unmoved.

"No, I want to take it."

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