
GOT: The Golden Lion

None can battle against the gods; only accept all they may throw at you. Joffrey, a dying man a moment ago, now enlightened, watching the Battle of Blackwater Bay right before his eyes; a battle that had already been won, a battle that had already passed a year ago. But no more would he cower, for the knowledge he possesses gives him the tools to play the game like never before—Alliances, sacrifices, blood, betrayals, magic, love, lust, and a whole lot of sex awaits. But a ticking countdown Joffrey silently hears, foretelling the slow march of The Others to the land of the living with each passing moment. A Series by MrPlotThickens Aided by Ms.Squirtle

MrPlotThickens · Book&Literature
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Chapter 13: Deep In North II

Catelyn embarrassingly looked down, not meeting Joffrey's gaze. She could feel her heart pounding in her chest. What in the Seven Hells was she doing with such a young man? Yet, there was a certain thrill she couldn't deny.

She silently walked towards the dresser and removed her hair clips, letting her hair freely fall behind her. Then she removed her heavy cloak, showcasing the slender figure she was hiding. The dress was tight around her waist and ample bosom, and around her feet, the cloak bunched up like folds of flowers.

By then, Joffrey had removed his tunic and cloak, standing nude from above, only in his breeches covering his legs. His body was now developed after continuous exercise and a heavy diet. Still lean and tall, he now had some muscles on his chest and arms to boast about.

"Let me help, Catelyn." Joffrey took her name intimately and walked over to stand behind her. He untied the tight knots behind her waist that made the dress alluring. He could feel Catelyn's burning gaze stuck on him as she stared into the mirror before her.

His hands, extremely touchy, caressed all over the curves of her waist. Once untied, he focused on her neck and untied the laces there, ensuring his fingers brushed against her noble skin.

No words were spoken. Only audible breaths echoed in the dimly lit room as Joffrey pushed the neck of her dress wide towards her front. He helped as Catelyn pulled her arms out from the sleeves, standing with a bare back.

Joffrey loved that she was barely half a head shorter than him. It allowed him to reach around her body better and take clothes off without lowering himself too much. Once her arms were out of the sleeves, he pushed her gown further down until it completely fell off her hips and bunched around her feet.

"Umm…" He tastefully hummed and slid his hands on her waist towards her belly. Plastering his bare chest against her equally naked back, he hugged her tight until his erection throbbed between her rear cheeks. Perfectly placed between the smallclothes-covered flesh.

Both his palms, stretched open, caressed Catelyn's toned belly, gently touching her all over. His chin rested beside her face on her shoulder, taking in the scent of her auburn hair and bodily perfumes.

Then he looked at the mirror and locked eyes with Catelyn's blue eyes. He could notice the extremely small hint of unwillingness and shame in those eyes. But her body reacted differently and accepted all of his touches.

Sansa has her own charm but this… Joffrey admired what he saw in the mirror. Her plump, sizable breasts were full and creamy to the touch. Soft, with large pale brown areolas and tight, button-like nipples, he couldn't wait to suckle.

A thin curvy waist that led to her wider hips, her ass a cushion he took delight in against his groin. Long hair, a face that looked mature, and yet charming—youthful in a way. As if the woman had rediscovered herself, a second beginning.

"Ah! Your Grace…" Catelyn moaned when Joffrey's one hand slid down to her covered womanhood, a faint trace of her arousal already present. His other hand claimed one of her mounds and kneaded before pinching the tip. "Y-You need energy for tomorrow, Your Grace."

Joffrey chuckled and began deeply kissing the side of Catelyn's neck. Slow and wet brushing of lips that felt no less than licks for Catelyn. He pressed his hard cock further against her covered ass, "You're the most beautiful Riverlands' woman I've seen in my life. Have I ever told you that?"

Catelyn blushed, pressing her lips together and nodding, "Um-hm… Y-Yes~ Your Grace…Every night."

She spread her legs a little to give his hand more space. Her head fell back from Joffrey's deep kisses.

"Then let me repeat it tonight… Catelyn."

Joffrey turned her around and kissed her lips right away. Not a hint of reluctance appeared as she parted her lips and welcomed his royal tongue to plunder. She soaked in his wetness and gave hers back, circling and pushing against each other's lips.

Joffrey began gently pushing Catelyn towards the bed and finally let her fall back on it with a resounding rustle of the sheets. Her auburn hair spread around her back immediately, and Joffrey's spit glistened around her lips in the glittering light of candles.

The woman watched with hunger as Joffrey removed his breeches too and got fully naked, his virile length standing straight with bulging need. Then she watched him approach her and pull her small clothes off her pale, fleshy legs.

"Aye, beautiful indeed," Joffrey commented when Catelyn's feminine entrance appeared in his direct view. Yes, she had birthed five kids, and she wasn't very tight. But the view didn't ruin his appetite—perfect folds, pale brown lips, tiny hidden clitoris, and a hint of her sensual drool invited him.

A hidden blush appeared on Catelyn's face. On her own, she beckoned on the bed and rested her head near the headboard on the pillow. The bed was soft. It reminded her of the countless nights she had slept on it.

Perhaps some guilt of letting another man take her on that same bed.

"I must curse the gods for bringing me to this world so late," Joffrey muttered, another strange way of appreciating the beauty as he moved on his knees on the bed.

The guilt faded away at the sight of Joffrey stroking his girthy manhood. Catelyn gulped, as she had done every night for the past few days.

Joffrey took some spit in his palm and rubbed it around his shaft before sliding between Catelyn's spread legs and placing his cockhead on her savory, slippery entrance. He looked up at her face before starting to put pressure and enter her gently.

The small flinches she made, the clenches of eyes, and the gaping of her lips always excited him. But even more so, he liked watching his cock sliding between her petals, spreading them wide and spearing all the way to the hilt, uninterrupted—like a perfect mold made for his size.

Then, he leaned down on Catelyn's body, pushing his knees up against her ass to raise her high for his cock to plunge in deeper. The sensation was mind-melting, although not tight, Joffrey found the silkiness mind-boggling.

So he started moving, pulling his hips back and thrusting in with force, enough to shake her perfect mounds. Soon, the claps and watery noises began to echo, Joffrey's breath turning ragged but not at all tired.

"Ah… Not so f-fast… Your Grace!" Catelyn panicked a bit, feeling Joffrey was going faster and harder than ever. Not realizing it was simply the much softer bedding that aided Joffrey to plunge deeper and stronger, reaching the depths and earning pleasure that he never did before.

Joffrey loved it, however. Sweating, despite being in the cold North, was absolutely the best. Catelyn's warmth was otherworldly, and knowing who she was and what she meant heightened the pleasure manifold.

"Ugh…" Joffrey grunted and lowered his lips on her peaks.

It was no lovemaking, but was simple, mindless, unashamed breeding—He pressed down on her sweltering, melting hot pussy with his cock and weight, raising her ass high with each clap. His cock pumped in and out while his mouth remained busy suckling on her perfect, round globes, making a mess of his spit all over her chest. His hands, cupping them, sometimes pinched the tips a little too hard to earn Catelyn's crying moan.

"Aaaaah! Go-oh! Joffrey!" She took his name at last.

However, Joffrey had something else planned. He completely leaned on Catelyn's body, hugged her with his arms around her back from below her underarms, and rolled over to his shoulder, keeping Catelyn pressed against his chest too, allowing them to lay sideways, still in his arms.

Her one leg rested straight while the other folded, knee resting atop Joffrey's side while his cock still slammed into her core, uninterrupted.

As Catelyn hugged Joffrey's head tightly and showered kisses on his lips, both of Joffrey's hands reached down to Catelyn's supple and soft rear and pushed her inward, shoving in to hit deep with his cock.

However, he had a greater purpose. Gently, his hands dug deeper into her flesh, spreading her ass cheeks and finally allowing his fingers to rub against the crown of her rear entrance. With his girthy length churning her inside to squeeze out more of her juices, it helped Joffrey lubricate her other entrance.

"Umm… Ah!" Catelyn, too ashamed to say anything, moaned to her heart's content. She made her own hips slap against his bulging balls until he'd hit the deepest part of her wetness. "Wha–No!"

"Shh…" Joffrey tried to calm her as he gently teased her star-shaped rear entrance with the tip of his finger, only sliding it an inch deep and keeping it there. "I'd never hurt you, my Cat. Don't clench… just relax."

She was so much more embarrassed now that she hugged Joffrey's neck even tighter and nestled her face below his chin. She didn't want it, but she didn't want to say no to him either. "Hmm."

Joffrey got her comfortable and pulled his finger out, only to drench it in their juices and push it back in deeper this time. At the same time, his thrusts calmed down, becoming long and rough rather than quick and piercing.

Your mouth, your cunt, your ass—I'll own it all after tonight, Catelyn Stark. Joffrey planned and controlled his release, which was already on the edge. But noting Catelyn was already going through an orgasm, he decided to finish up and start with her rear quickly.

But before that, he kept fucking both her holes for a good while, turning the Stark matriarch dizzy from so much arousal. She slammed her lips on his and mindlessly continued to suckle on his lips or tongue while his finger fucked her hole, then added another to spread her wider.

"Mmmm… Ah, ah, I can't anymore…" Catelyn felt sore in her molten loins. His ravaging cock had turned her deep red.

Joffrey finally stopped fucking her ass with his fingers and got back into the previous position. Pushing Catelyn to lie straight, her milky legs spread at their widest, and his entire girthy shaft shoved deep with all his weight. He hugged her head with both arms, locking it, and showered her with wet kisses all over her face.

"Ah, ah, aah!" Catelyn rocked, as did the bed. She didn't know where Joffrey got all that stamina, but she couldn't help but feel young again. Her legs, on their own, locked around Joffrey's waist, pulling him further down into her passionate depths.

Joffrey grunted on her face, his breath so ragged that each exhale made her hair fly away from her face. His hips pumped deep and harshly but passionately nonetheless. He fucked her, suckled her, kissed her, bred her like his own woman—like his lady.

It was nothing new, however. This was how the last few nights had ended between them. It was his goal and he needed to put his seeds deep within her core. It was his desire to make Catelyn his for the rest of her remaining life.

"Aaah, Joff-oh! Seven…! You're so wonder-ful… mmmh!" Catelyn cried real tears of soreness, love, and warmth. Her squelching depth leaked out another orgasm, but Joffrey's length continued to pound in till his balls slapped against her backdoor continuously.

Joffrey had no idea how much longer he had to tame this woman. So he treated each night like his last, and he prayed to whichever God brought him back that his plan would work.

"Mmm… Catelyn, you're amazing." Joffrey kissed her forehead and looked into her intoxicated eyes. The sound of rough fucking and the musky scent of their mingling sex permeated across the room. "M-May… I?"

Catelyn couldn't believe what she was doing, but her legs pressed harder around Joffrey's waist and pulled him deeper. She forgot all the pain and soreness and only stared at the handsome young face, her hands roughly going up to caress his golden hair.

And then she nodded.

The lion finally tamed the fish. Joffrey smiled and abandoned himself to pleasure. His plunges calmed down, and his cock rested deep within her all the way, only giving out faint twitches aided by intense spasms that were followed by his climax.

Resting in her hot, soft inner sanctum, Joffrey's cockhead burst out with a flood of his masculinity. His toes curled, and his weight further weighed down on the older woman. His eyes never left her face, seeing how she reacted as his load spilled inside and filled her. She could feel it as much as he did.

Bless me, Mother. Let this seed sow a new life. Joffrey prayed, balls-deep in the pool of his cream inside her.

He breathed out deeply and fell atop Catelyn's fondled and reddened breasts. It was perhaps the greatest pillow in the world, and he could feel sleep approaching. Even his cock seemed to be in a mood to rest as it turned flaccid and eased out of her leaking depth.

"Mmm…" Catelyn moistened her lips with her tongue, caressing Joffrey's head on her chest. "What if I'm with a babe, Your Grace?"


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