
25: Parley at Dragonstone

(Dragonstone, Dragonstone Island, The Narrow Sea, The Crownlands, The Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Westeros, GoT Universe)


(Barthogan Blackstark POV)


Barthogan Blackstark stood in his new Royal Armor at the Helm of his Personal Flagship, Lyanna's Lament. A Man'o'War twice the size of the usual ones, with four decks with Scorpions and Ballistae on each level armed with penetrative Bolts designed to mass murder a Fleets worth of ships at once.

Many Archers were stationed aboard, specifically a Guard of Several Hundred each carrying a Bow of Dragonbone and Weirwood.

These were the Red Stripes. Barthogan's Elite Tracking Unit commissioned within the Kingsglaive as a Subgroup. They accompanied the King every time he left the confines of the Red Keep be it on important business or to walk amongst the Commonfolk. The Kingsguard followed him of course but it was the Red Stripes who lead the Group.

Every Subgroup within the Glaive had a color-system in place to denote their unit. Blue Stripes were Hunters, men whose Job was to Hunt down traitors and dissidents.

Green Stripes were Pathfinders, they were the trailblazers the mavericks who charged in leading the way.

White Stripes meant the Glaive in question was a Infiltration, Assassination, and Sabotage Specialist.

The Stripes were typically painted onto their respective Glaive's Armor.

The Red Stripes trained amongst the Units to maximize their overall effectiveness and their in-general usefulness. They were all relatively untested, but their potential for success overshadowed any of his immediate doubts.

The Blockade of Dragonstone was done, and Barthogan was accompanied by Gerold Hightower, Arthur Dayne, Brynden Tully, and Lyn Corbray. Ser Barristan was with The Stepstones Armada alongside Ser Oswell Whent, Ser Jaime Lannister was at Court protecting the Queen. Also accompanying him were Princess Rhaenys, Prince Oberyn, and Jon Snow. He held Jon in his arms. They'd Raised a white Flag and sent out a ship.

Now they awaited the Reply.


(POV Shift: Rhaelle Targaryen)


Rhaenys was here, her granddaughter was with the Fleet. Rhaelle'd recognize that Childs handwriting anywhere. Rhaenys despite her youth wrote rather distinctively, writing deftly and delicately. It was always in a Red Ink too, which the letter Rhaenys had had sent had been written in.

They were not Rhaenys words mind you, but they were still written by Rhaenys nevertheless.

When the New King asked to Parley she was going to refuse, until the messenger handed her Rhaenys Letter. Rhaenys was allowed to speak of how she really felt, before the writing became The Usurpers Word's.

So a meeting would occur in which both parties would meet at the shore of Dragonstone.

Standing there now with Ser Willem Darry, and Viserys, Rhaelle immediate took notice of Prince Oberyn Martell, before quickly spotting Rhaenys.

''Queen Rhaelle.'' Those Voices were unmistakable, Ser Arthur Dayne and Lord-Commander Hightower. Rhaelle was gladdened by their survival, even supporting her Rhaegar's killer.

''Prince Viserys it would seem.'' A young man in a white cloak says.

''I'M THE KING!'' Viserys protests.

''The fuck you are boy.'' That voice, that had to be Barthogan Blackstark.

Striding forward in Royal Plate with Red Rain at his left and... and Blackfyre?

''I Slew your brother in single combat, even after he violated the terms by trying to kill me with an Arrow shot by another. But I spared your Goodsister and Niece. Queen Rhaelle allow me to present you with Jon Snow, your grandson and my nephew. Rhaegar raped Lyanna, but I won't condemn a Child for his Father's crimes. Just as I won't Condemn Viserys for Aerys Sins.'' Barthogan says manipulating his Counterpart with Rhaenys and Jon.

''He has his face.'' Rhaelle smiles softly, before she slips on a mask of seriousness.

''Every Great House has bent the knee, I'm content to permit the Son's of House Targaryen be sent to A Sept, The Citadel, or the Wall. The Daughters and Wives need not fear such a fate, you will be permitted to marry Ser Bonnifer Hasty, if a daughter is born to you, she will marry my Son Steffon. If a Son, he will ultimately join The Night's Watch, Maesters, or Become a Septon. Is this agreeable for you?'' Asks Blackstark.

''Tell me honestly, what were Aerys last words?'' Rhaelle asks.

''He commanded Ser Jaime Lannister to murder Lord Tywin, and after that instructed The Pyromancers to burn down King's Landing with Wildfire. Rather than become a Kinslayer, Ser Jaime chose instead to kill the Pyromancers and Old Scabby. According to Ser Jaime he kept muttering ''Burn them all'' as the Light faded from his eyes.'' Says Blackstark.


''Shut the fuck up boy. If your father was half as Honorable as my last shit, why would he rape your mother? Or burn my Father alive while making my brother strangle himself to death trying to save him? You boy, better shut your fucking trap before I slit your throat with my Sword!'' Blackstark was clearly still upset with Aerys handling of the matter, and Viserys blatant insensitivity was pushing him past his breaking point.

''King Blackstark, I....''


(POV Shift: Barthogan Blackstark)


''King Blackstark, I...I accept your conditions for surrender.'' Says Rhaelle defeatedly.

''Very well then, Viserys of the House Targaryen, I hereby exile you to Wall to join the Night's Watch. As for Rhaelle Targaryen are I Name you Lady Rhaelle Targaryen and Strip House Targaryen of all it's Royal Titles. Ser Arthur take the Ex-Prince into your Custody. As for Lady Rhaelle she isn't to be harmed, escort her to Court.'' Says Barthogan admiring her fine figure despite the scars from King Aerys unwanted and traumatizing touch.

It's a shame he's giving her to Ser Bonnifer, he'd happily take her into his bed if Cassandra ever permitted it.

How many Dragons could say they've rode the Black Wolf? He'd be willing to indulge in Elia Martell or her Niece when she grows up, but Valyrian beauty was something else entirely. If Dornish Girls were an Exotic sort of Beauty, then Valyrians were truly an Ethereal kind of beauty....

So finally got the Parlay done, next we will finish with the Last two chapters of Barthogan Blackstark's Story, the campaign of the Stepstones.

But I will Delay it until my Gastro Infection is mostly completely gone.

Some fucking Luck huh? I get Vaccinated for Coronavirus and I get a Virus type Gastro Infection in it's place?

Anyway, It's almost time for the Cregan Arc...till then folks........

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