
GOT-The Ascendance of Agni

King Aerys Targaryen returned from the defiance of Duskendale a changed man, the madness that teetered on the edge of his eyes was now clearly visible for all to see. He would not share anything of what he experienced in Duskendale but Rhaegar knew that his father had seen something that had so thoroughly pushed him over the edge yet he knew not what to do, he could only wait and see. In the meantime the realm begins to crack and burn from his father's grip on the Iron Throne. Amidst all this a force that has stayed on the continent for hundreds of years begins to stir the pot as they begin to play an active role in the game of thrones. The representatives of the Amaranthine Throne were here long before Aegon The Conqueror and they will be here long after Aerys The Mad King. Waiting and Biding. (Hey folks trying something new this time around, a colonisation themed fanfic of Westeros where the ambassadors have made outpost in Westeros a little over 7 years before Aegon the Conqueror and have been slowly building their network to try and see if they can gain control over the continent) I will write massive chapters of 3-5k words so don't expect regular updates and I will upload when I fancy it but I hope you enjoy the story I am trying to weave here.

Rhagnar2018 · Book&Literature
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2 Chs

Chapter 2: Luminous

Barnabus POV

281 AC

I had been appointed Master of Accounts in Crownlands of the Luminous Trading Company by the Board 4 years ago to this day and have been in service to the company for five and twenty years past. I was an orphan born in Kings Landing in an orphanage controlled by Luminous, they offered me and my fellow brothers and sisters a home, food, clothes, an education and in return they only asked if we would wish to join the company. From a young age I had known that I would never be a lord or a knight, I had neither the skill nor the mind for it but I did have skill in arithmetics which was quickly noted by the matron so when I entered adulthood at six and ten name days an officer of the company came to offer all orphans at the age of six and ten a position in the company. 

I was overjoyed and I agreed to join immediately, it was the right thing to do. Luminous had been the all encompassing being around which my life revolved from the very beginning. The process of onboarding of new officers of the company was truly a mind numbing task, we were all alloted cadres or regions in which we would be tasked to serve. For the first 2 years of onboarding myself and my cadre to be posted in the Reach were taught the entirety of Reach history and decorum so that we may not offend nobles. 

We were taught advanced arithmetic, double entry bookkeeping, account deficit calculation, investment techniques and staff management, all in the course of 2 years. It was here that I learned truly how was Luminous was, apart from the trading capital of Agarta, Luminous had branches in all the major capitals and populous cities of Westeros. The major regions were divided into regional commands with Westerlands, Reach, North, Stormlands, Dorne, Riverlands and the Vale all having a Regional Head Office. The Governor General oversaw the entirety of Westeros but also the Crownlands as he was the only one of sufficient standing to be present before the King. Apart from this the company also had branches in Bravos and the Summer Isles.

The Lord of Agarta is the Trader in Chief or the Governor General of the Luminous Trading Company, incharge of management, administration and upkeep of all the company's possessions. He has absolute control over all executive matters, the only ones to keep him in check are the Board of Governors of the Company who are appointed from within the company. The Board is a 16 member body with 8 members being elected from within the company and the other 7 being appointed by the owners, the final seat remains vacant for most decisions but is occupied by the Governor General at the behest of the owners if and when asked to. 

Below the these senior officials are the Regional Governors who are incharge of maintaining the interest of the company in regions of Westeros. Each Governor is accompanied by 7 masters who each oversee a particular aspect of trade in the region. Myself as the Master of Accounts am in charge of the flow of income within the company. Apart from me there are Masters of Vessels, Construction, Defense, Operations, Administration and Relations. 

I took me years to rise from a mere agent in the Westerlands to the Master of Accounts in the Crownlands, years that I spent grinding at my post, travelling from region to regions, building connections, flattering nobles for contracts and risking my hard earned pay for greater benefits. Now I am at the very summit of the company the only ones above me are the Lord Governor General and the Board even the Regional Governors are only equal or lower to me since I work directly under the Governor General. 

I had thought that I had succeeded in reaching the very peak of life, I could not have been more wrong.

It happened a few weeks ago when I was in my regular meeting with the Governor General to inform him about the status of our assets.


I sat in the Governor General's solar, it was a luxurious space filled with gold, silver and metal decorations and trinkets. The chairs were cushioned with silky red fabrics and the table made from the most ornate wood studded with emeralds, sofas were placed evenly behind the chairs surrounding the table as it sat in the very center of the chamber. I took my seat second on the right from the head. I waited for the Governor General to arrive. Slowly the other masters arrived and calmly seated themselves by order, all of us shared humored smiles but did not speak for protocol demanded that casual banter begin after the meeting was over.

After a few moments the door to the chambers opened and in walked a sentry, "All rise for Lord Jackson Yates the Right Honorable Governor General of Luminous, Lord of Agarta, Trader-in-Chief of Westeros". All of us stood up as a man of average height and build walked in followed by two sentries and an attendant, the man had short black hair with undercurrents of white emerging from within showcasing their growing age, deep set blue eyes conveying knowledge and wisdom, an aquiline nose positioned over a bushy beard which was greying rapidly, his face was clean with but a minor scar under his left eye, his skin a tanned bronze. He wore the standard company outfit of deep blue mixed with red undertones and on his right chest were the medals he had been awarded for services to the company, they were the true testament to his abilities. 

Lord Yates was ten years my senior in the company, he had served in the naval fleet of the company then retired and moved to take the position of master of operations, defense and Regional Governor throughout the Continent. He had been appointed Governor General for the past seven years. I had served under him as master of accounts in the Reach when he was the Regional Governor, he liked my cut to cut attitude with finances and invited me to join him when he came to Agarta. I would never forget the joy I felt when he offered me my current job, I was on top of the world in that moment. 

"Gentlemen, please seat yourselves we have much to discuss and prepare for", he said as he took his seat. "Let us begin with the state of things as they are, we can then move on to projects that need approval and anything that you may wish to propose to the meeting. Master of Accounts you may begin."

As dictated I stood up from my chair taking the charts offered by my attendant I placed them on the board for all members to see. "Gentlemen as you can observe from the charts the company currently has a surplus of 4 million gold dragons which is not invested in any projects or other investment opportunities, if the minimum liquidity is reserved it would still leave us with 2 million gold dragons. Apart from this we have secured the project to build a bridge on the Blackwater Rush to act as a start for the cleaning of Kings Landing as ordained by Lord Tywin before his departure. I do however believe that the project may not come to fruition due to Lord Tywin stepping down and King Aerys not being fond of anything Lord Tywin was invested in. So I suggest we move the funds of the project to invest in Dorne for irrigation schemes."

My proposal was based on the advice I received from the Master of Relations who had informed me of the divide that was further widening between the King and Former Hand, it was only strengthened when Jaime Lannister was named Kingsguard. 

"The Lannister boy is truly a fool, he had everything life had to offer, a rich background, an army, a castle and gold which is unending and he throws it all away to become a glorified bodyguard. Would not be much if jest stopped there but it makes the irony thicker when you realise his father was the second most powerful man on the continent", the Master of Defense, Lord Manfred Swann brother to Lord Gullian Swann and Lady Jeyne Swann chuckled as he opined. The other Masters also released a chuckle as did myself and the Governor General.

"That's enough Manfred, we are still in session, you can jest all you want after the meeting is over", Lord Yates stated in a polite manner, Lord Swann bowed his head in acquiescence. The meeting continued on for hours as we detailed multiple construction projects, logistical issues and certain political conundrums that faced us. Finally the Governor General spoke, "I have received a request from the Crown Prince for funding the Tourney at Harrenhal and I have assented to the matter, Barnabus see to it that 700,000 gold dragons are disbursed to the Prince of Dragonstone. Additionally Gentlemen this is the most important piece for this meeting..."

A small envelope was placed before all of us, it was made made from pristine paper, a material which is rarely seen in Westeros but was known to high lords and nobles as an expensive but useful commodity. It was one of the products sold by the company, this envelope was of a very exquisite make, on it was carved a golden tree which I could not recognise, the tree was huge encompassing nearly the entirety of the envelope. It was majestic, I moved to touch the envelope and it felt extremely soft in my hand. As I passed it to the others, I looked towards the Governor General, he had a small smile on his face. 

"This comes from the Board who in turn have received it from the owners, a very important person is arriving within a few days to Westeros, they will carry out inspection of the company and also stay here for the foreseeable future as the Final Seat on the Board", the Governor stated and it was a shock to say the least, the Final Seat of the Board was only ever occupied at the times of crisis for the company or the continent, the last time it was occupied was during the War of the Ninepenny Kings. 

"You mean to say there is a crisis approaching my lord?", the Master of Operations asked.

"I cannot be sure Jason but yes I do believe something very important is going to happen and we must be prepared, the Final Seat shall know more and he will guide us when we meet, so be patient. Be ready to greet our guests 2 days from now, we shall assemble at the docks", with that the Governor General stood up and walked out of the chambers.

All of us stared at each other but resigned ourselves to discover more later, slowly we too went back to our work. 

It was evening when I made my way to my home, the day indeed become tiring. For the preparations of the arrival of the Final Seat we had to immediately sanitise the harbour, redecorate and clean the chambers for the representatives and the party arriving with them. I had been told that the Final Seat will arrive with an entourage of 40 attendants, officers and servants along with a guard of 150. Making preparations for 200 people was a tall order but the organisational structure of the company allowed me to achieve this with relative ease. 

I entered my company provided housing which was a villa that could house a family of 6-10 people with quarters for 8-10 servants. The company provided lavishly for its men and I stand at the very epitome of it. It is these luxuries that have made me loyal and devoted to the company. At a time when most of the world's populous is not even able to afford 2 meals a day, I as a commoner have a villa as luxurious as many nobles and lords. 

"Finally at home dear, today must really have been a busy day for you to come in so late", my wife comments as she makes her way to greet me. My dear Alia, she was a commoner just like me born and brought up in Lannisport, I met her on my first appointment to the region. She was one of the textile workers in the loom in Lannisport jointly owned by Lord Tywin and Luminous. Due to the nature of my work as the junior accountant for the loom I used to meet her often, from there she and I developed a fondness for each other and ended up marrying some years later. Another thing I am thankful to the Company for. 

"Yes there is much to do, there will be major changes in the coming days and we must be prepared for them", I said as I took her in my arms and kissed her. 

"Where is Elinor?", I asked her.

"She is in her chambers reading one of the tomes you bought her, the obsession with Valyrian is truly bizarre for me to understand", my wife states showing her own vexation. 

I chuckle at that, my daughter had grown up on tales of the Dragonlords of Valyria and the escapades of Targaryen princes, it was only natural that she would grow curious and vested in the civilisation that was Old Valyria. 

"It is fine, at the very least she is more learned on matters of Valyria then even some maesters are", the company had taught me much and one of the most basic lesson was that knowledge is power, my knowledge made me into a master and the other lowborn of society still crawl around in filth for they are unwise to the power they could wield had they knowledge of it. I would not let my kin be as ignorant as I was before, so I taught my daughter everything I knew, from arithmetic, to languages, to decorum and courtly behaviour and even history. It made her smart and a strong woman who would think before she acts and that is all I could hope for.

"I knew you would side with her, alas I am but a lonely mother in this vast mansion", my wife feigned being hurt as I indulged in her childishness.

Dinner was a lovely affair, all three of us seated together eating, reveling in the joy of companionship and family. 

I gazed upon my daughter then signalled to my wife with a gaze that it was time we discuss the important matter at hand. My daughter was the very picture of her mother, brown eyes, auburn hair with a small oval face and radiating fair skin. She wore a simple linen dress, the fabric worn but clean, dyed a modest shade of green that complemented her earthy tones. She had my nose though and a smile which my wife said reminded her of me on many occasions. 

"Elinor, the day after the morrow is when the Final Seat of the Board will arrive to take over his duties, since you are now seven and ten name days I have arranged for you to be his official aide. You are to help him navigate the city and answer any and all questions he may have, try to ascertain who he is, how he thinks. Daughter it is important that you begin working and learning so that you too may achieve a good position in life. Your mother and I want the very best for you and this is the start of that."

My daughter looked at me resolutely, she had known that she will advance our family and she was eager for it, "I understand father I am ready"

"Good very good, you will do us proud child. If all this goes well I may even have a chance to contest for a seat on the Board or even Governor General"

*On the eve of arrival*

As I stood on the docks of the Wendwater I could see from a distance a large warship pitch black in colour moving fast into the harbour, at once I knew it was our Final Seat for the flag of this massive warship was the giant golden tree on a white background. I had never seen a ship so massive before, it was twice the size of the largest galleys the company used for trade and larger than the warships found in Westeros, its mast was towering into the high heavens and the hull looked to be monstrous, it was plated with steel on all sides yet it did not sink under its own weight. Truly a marvellous creation. 

"By Agni!! what monstrosity is this?!", the master of vessels who stood with me uttered with clear disbelief.

"If we had ten of these we could takeover the stepstones with criminal ease. To think the owners have such a masterpiece hidden away", Lord Swann mutters to the Governor General.

"It is not for us to decide Manfred", Lord Yates silences him. 

The Ship finally docks into the harbour and as we wait with baited breath a large ramp descends from the ship. There were nearly 2000 people here to welcome the Final Seat, from officers, workers, family members to even the guard units responsible for protecting them. 

A soldier in black armour emerged from the ramp and behind him in perfect lockstep formation the entire guard of the Final Seat made their way out of the ship aligning into a formation before us as we stood still. The entire guard of the Final seat wore black armour, the breastplate had golden lining with the symbol of a three directional arrow surrounded by a golden wreath, their helm was creating an M shaped curve around their face. One thing was clear each and every one of these men were young but battle hardened, they each surveyed their surrounding with brutality written in their eyes for anyone that stepped out of line. The Commander who carried a conch shell with him stepped forward, he could be identified as such due to him wearing a white cloak while the others wore black. He came forward and blew on the conch producing an almost deafening sound. 

We looked up again as a knight emerged from the ship wearing silver armour plated with black linings and the same symbol as all the other members of the guard. Yet he carried with him a large scepter the top of which was embedded with diamonds, rubies, emeralds and pearls. The scepter was being ascended by two snakes who reached and opened their mouth at the top in the center of which was an elephant, a creature found in Essos. 

As he came to the very step of the ramp another individual appeared on the top, he wore no armour but his garb was clearly of a very pristine quality, it was purple in colour and wrapped around his arms, his drapes were reddish purple and descended down to his knees. He had long hair reaching the very base of his skull just above the shoulders, bronze skin, and reddish brown eyes that exuded power. Before I could gaze at him further the knight carrying the scepter stomped it on the ground. 

"You stand before His Imperial Highness the Fourth Prince Ashoka, Descendant of Agni, Beloved of the Gods, Progeny of the 36th Agni His Imperial Majesty Samrat of All Aryavarta....

We all bowed before him but it would seem we were fools for the words that emerged next from the knight did to us what we would never imagine.


As soon as those words were spoken an invincible and soul crushing pressure descended upon us, I had only just bowed my back and unable to bear with the sudden change I was crushed to the ground, the unholy pressure made even the thought of standing impossible, I tried lifting my head to look for my daughter and wife, I saw them laying sprawled on the ground just like the 2000 people present on the docks today. Even the Governor General lay on the ground along with all the masters. 

I raised my head to look towards the ship, all the soldiers stood towering over us as the Prince descended from the ship, in that moment I saw not just another prince who came for business with the company, but a true ruler, a monarch, as the sun rose behind him it cast a halo on his head. No human being had ever looked with such Godly beauty or might upon us mere mortals then, his eyes looked as if they were the very flames of creation itself. 

The Targaryens may be closer to gods than men but the Prince was a God in that moment.

*End Flashback*