
The Wandering Healer/Merchant

Masons POV

I appeared in my personal space which was a modest fully furnished one storey home with 5 bedrooms 2 bathrooms with functional showers and toilets and a potions lab with a forge for blacksmithing, "thank god for hot showers and working toilets " I said to myself making my way to the kitchen and that its fully stocked with all kinds of food preserved with spells to make it last longer and is equipped with cooking appliances and functional oven 'neat' before checking outside the front yard is a beautiful white sandy beach with an equally stunning ocean teaming with marine life endless supplies of sea food and making around the back I see endless forest of trees and snow-capped Mountains, howling of wolves, birds chirping and singing,

my personal space is in a time zone One year in here is one week outside and is 30 times the earth with endless supplies of mythical and normal wildlife like sheep, cattle, chicken, goat, pigs, regular farm animals as well as dragons and unicorns, phoenixes and such , and different flora and fauna mythical or regular but all the animals are managed by the space itself and collects all the potion ingredients I need and stores them in the lab but the animals cant come near the house because there is a boundary line surrounding it and the property as well as the barn for the farm animals.

"I need to start practising and getting used to performing magic like cursing and blessing as well as making potions I wonder if I could use alchemy like in those martial arts comics I use to read in my past life" I thought to myself as I sat cross-legged to meditate I slowed down my breathing and closed my eyes and looked within myself to find my magic core so to speak when I saw it glowing in a golden glow constantly pulsing and generating magic seeming to be endless before bathing myself in the golden core as power flowed throughout my entire body strengthening my bones and muscles , purifying and enhancing my blood removing all impurities from my body the feeling is indescribable pain like tiny ants moving inside your body But I must endure for as long as possible when the pain stopped opening my eyes I smelt the most foul smell looking down at my arms and legs, I'm covered in black sludge like filth,

I run to the bathroom strip off my clothes and hop into the shower turning on the hot water and start rinsing off the sludge and pour shampoo onto myself, closing my eyes and lather my entire body, every nook and crevice not going untouched, I do it twice before I felt clean enough to get out, not caring that I'm naked as the day I was born Because 'I'm not ashamed of my body' I thought to myself walking to my bedroom and closet and putting on brief underwear and t-shirt before making my way to the kitchens to get something to eat, fully stocked fridge and pantry I decided to make pan fried fish with a simple salad and eat out on the front porch

After lunch and putting a pair of knee length shorts on I make way to the lab it was a room with protection spells to stop explosions from happening and to stop dangerous fumes from leaking out the house it looked like a commercial kitchen stainless steel table, wooden chopping block, caldron over a giant magic Bunsen burner with a shielding charm around it for stopping things getting knocked in, when almost instinctively I started adding ingredients to the now bubbling pure water in the caldron like dragons blood, phoenix tears, chopped mandrake leaf, and freely given unicorn blood to create a Purification potion capable of purifying anything from humans to land like Asshai and able to cure any an all poisons and birth defects or to make an unattractive person attractive now to make it into a pills after doing so I make various other pills like Viagra one Blue for male libido and Pink for women, hair loss, weight loss and muscle gain, hair removal creams and floral scented soaps and shampoos and conditioners, sweet smelling perfumes for women and cologne for men.,

when I got the idea to make alcohol like tequila and vodka what ensured was chaos everything bottles of alcohol flying around the room, labels flapping in the breeze. after packing every pill in a glass bottle with a label with instructions on them , putting the alcohol in large wooden barrels spelled to be unbreakable, soaps and shampoos as well as creams placed in unbreakable glass bottles once I place everything in large crates I exit the lab with the crates floating behind me and into the lounge room before setting them down and wait for when I'm ready for them quickly getting something to snack on in the fridge before leaving I make sure to put on comfortable pants with a woolly jacket with a flurry cloak to not stand out.

after stepping out I smell smoke as I follow the smell I see a semi naked dead female wilding with something in her mouth 'Is that what i think it is' I thought getting a closer look 'yeah its a males genitals' she had apparently bitten it off "cough, cough" I see one of the wildlings struggling to breathe he looked to be 18 years old kind of handsome, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, he's taller and more muscular than me, he's bleeding from his crotch and chest removing my cloak once he falls unconscious after losing a lot of blood I levitated onto the bed roll near the fire removing his shirt to get a clear look at the wound walking over to the table I Magically gather water in a bowl grabbing a clean cloth and started cleaning the stab wound on his chest and pouring a healing potion on it watching as the blood around the wound started fizzing quickly wiping the foam off and watching the wound knitted back together and then remove a Purification pill from my satchel and mixing it with water and letting it flow down his throat making sure he doesn't choke and tying his hands and legs together so he doesn't attack me.

"Fuck." He said, finally awake "Who's done this to me?" He shouted out, noting his hands had been tied tight "Show yourself!" He called. I calmly strode out from the side, a spear in hand, and pointed it at his head.

"Hi to you too, friend." I said, twirling it a bit. He gnashed his teeth and tried to rise, only for him to cry in pain. I pulled the log out from under his legs, and flipped it side-face to sit on. He stared at me with fiery eyes. "Oh, sorry , Did you plan on dying?" I asked him. "Seems an awful waste of muscle." I said, tapping his chest with a foot. He groaned at me.

"You little fuck." He said. "How dare you tie my hands like this! And leave me helpless to the wolves!" He cried, trying again to move.

"I wouldn't do that." I said. "Trying to move those hands will only start bleeding" He looked at me like I was speaking French.

"Oh, grand!" He shouted out to the forest. "Some bloody kneeler with a brain case decided to replace the possessed girl. My day couldn't be better"

" Stop shouting you Idiot ,Besides I already healed you " I said looking at him in annoyance "should have let you bleed out though" He looked down at his groin in relieve "Oh thank the old gods" He said in joy. I move to untie his hand and legs as he lays still only moving when I moved back to my seat at the fire "how did you heal me kneeler" He ask curiously so I decide to show him by cutting the palm of his hand and pouring the potion on it, he watched in awe and slight fear before looking at me.

"My name isn't kneeler its Mason Moonshine" I said looking him in the eye I could see awe, fear and is that lust "well what's your name then" I asked in slight annoyance "My name is Ragnar of the frost fang clan" He states quite proudly chest puffed out when we hear howling in the distance as the sun begins to set I move to set up a tepee like tent with thick insulated waterproof blanket to keep out the cold night air and unroll my thin futon mattress with a sleeping bag when I felt Ragnar staring at my behind "can you stop staring at my ass" I asked looking at him, he was just standing there smirking before walking off to set up his make shift bed near my tent while he was busy doing that I removed food from my space like rabbit and onions, carrots, potato's to make a soup and began preparing the ingredients and placing the vegetables in the hot caldron frying the onions and carrots then the meat and adding stock with rice and the potato's then placing a spell on the caldron speed up the cooking but also to not burn the food, when he came back sitting across from me waiting for the food to cook, after a 10 minutes we sat and ate in silence before going to our beds as it started to get colder

my tent was really warm laying in my sleeping bag when the tent flaps open in pop Ragnar's head " what are you doing get out" I demand "No it too cold out here " he states as he makes himself at home setting up beside me I look at him in disbelief , "just stay on your side okay" I tell him as I roll over turning my back to him "Fine kay with me" he said before laying on his back as we fall asleep to the sounds of the wintery night.

waking up I felt warm large arms holding me tightly before flying up to a sitting position holding the blanket to cover myself " what are you dong " ask Ragnar tiredly rubbing the sleep from his eyes " what am I doing, what are you doing and why are you in my bed" I demanded to know "It had gotten too cold last night so I decided to sleep with you," I struggled to form a reply before huffing and getting up to make breakfast Scrabble eggs with crispy fried bacon bits for the both of us

Ragnar's Pov

the names Ragnar I'm from the frost fang clan I have been looking for a wife to take back to the clan I came across one she bit off my manhood with her teeth and stabbed me in the chest with a small dagger "They'll laugh at a cockless fang. Hell, one that got 'imself stabbed by some knife wife with teeth in her loins is joke enough. To have it bit. I managed to snap her neck but "Is this how I die laying in the snow cockless and bleeding out I don't wanna die like this" I thought to myself as everything turns black,

waking up with my hands and feet tied together shouting and demanding to know who did it when I saw a kneeler standing with a spear to my head , he's more beautiful than the wildling women I've seen when he untied my hand I lifted my pants to take a sneak peak at my groin its bigger than before, looking at the kneeler I cant go back to the clan I owe this kneeler a life debt.

Mason Pov

as I make breakfast a shirtless Ragnar walks out of the tent and sits down on the log near me as I plate the food and hand him his when he asks " where are you heading from here" , "I don't know probably sell my potions and other creations why" I answered "because I'm coming with ya" Ragnar states I use my telepathy to look in his head reading his thoughts and memories to see if he has any bad intentions he doesn't "okay But if you betray me I will kill you" I state He just solemnly nod his head, I get up and wave my hand at the tent within a second the tent started to pack itself up and back into the bag and along with the futon mattress and open the doorway to my house in the space and walking through looking over my shoulder and nod at Ragnar to follow he does " since you'll be following me from now on you need to know about this showing him the personal space,

Ragnar looks around in amazement and ask all sorts of questions like "what is this" and "what is that" I explain the fridge to him which he apparently likes and the showers as well as the flushing toilet and toilet paper I show him the back and front yard and warn him of the dangers of leaving the boundary, explaining how to use them and to avoid getting it in your eyes I make him take a shower and to use the soap and shampoo before making my way to my closet for shirts and underwear and pants for him the wear and placing them on the bed when he walks out of the bathroom naked with steam rolling off his wet muscular body he looks like a young ripped Alexander Ludwig from the tv show Vikings I quickly turn around He chuckles then states "you can look if you want to, I like it when you do" I huff leaving the room cheeks burning going to the kitchen and making something for lunch which consisted of large double cheese burgers with French fries when Ragnar sat down to eat "you would make a great wife" he said smirking at me "as if I'd be your wife" I scoffed "you never know" He says while scoffing down the burger and fries once we finished having lunch I explained what I was and what I was going to do like start selling all the different potion and pills with the soaps, shampoos and various creams and what nots

when I noticed standing with his hands covering his crotch "what did you do" I asked "I just ate one of the blue candy on the table" He defended himself "that not candy that a pill to help men with problems getting it up so to speak" I explained with my back to him and just to Gape when I turn to look at him as he leans back on the couch naked with muscled arms spread on the top of the couch with a muscular chest and ripped 6 pack leading down to thick hairy thighs, a great ass and legs spread out with a proudly standing 9 inch pole with large balls "why don't you help me with this problem" He seductively asks as I start moving towards him

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