
GOT : Reborn as a Frey

A Fic in which a man from Earth world finds himself in Westros reborn in a family that was destined to doom themselves. How will he live in this cutthroat world? Well, at least he went in with the mentality to survive. (SI isn't a heroic person and he won't do something that will risk himself for some people that in his eyes used to be characters from a book&TV show) ====================== This Fic originally created by an author known as holyJoker, I chose to pick up this fanfiction after it was abandoned in the first few chapters.

Numera · Book&Literature
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88 Chs

Chapter 56: Kinslaying

[ Gerold POV ]

Regret that was what came over me, ever since the day I killed my father… I have felt this empty hole in my heart.

My father, Arthur Redhawk, founder of the Redhawk Family which ruled over the city of London and Carclaw Point. We were one of the richest families in the world and only after becoming head of the family, I learned that we pretty much owned the Iron Bank.

Once I learned of that, my decision to invest in some endeavors was unwise. It cost me 7,000,000 Gold Dragons, something that was quite hefty even for me.

But since then I have learned my lesson. I don't know how my father did all of this in one generation, maybe if he had lived more, the family would have grown stronger. Sadly, I will never know.

At the time I thought that stabbing him and throwing his body in the water would be perfect. After all, even the guards who helped me do the deed came to me to offer help by themselves as they too had the same visions. I thought it was a sign from the Gods, after all, something like this couldn't be explained by normal logic.

But as soon as I stabbed that knife in my father's back… I knew… I knew the mistake I had made. The look of betrayal that he gave me before he fell in the unforgiving waters. That… still haunts me to this day.

Looking around at the fine embroidery in my office, I wanted it all stripped away. Father never had such luxury when the office was his. I thought that I would be happy now… but that wasn't the case. 

My dreams are haunted by nightmares, my days are filled with regret, every time one of my siblings looked at me it felt like my father's eyes filled with a sense of betrayal as his own son had stabbed him in the back.

How so very regrettable, even his brother Oliver had left him. His sweet brother, he might seem a little rough around the edges, but Oliver had always been the best older brother one could hope for. After all, he did give up being the family head for me.

The only bad member in this family was me, even father was good to all of us… damn… why did I have to do something like that! For the rest of my life, this will haunt me.

I took a wine glass in my grasp, it was filled with water and as I went to drink it, I saw my reflection on the water… suddenly my eyes in the reflection turned red and my face morphed into that of my father.

"AHHHH-" I yelled out in fear, smashing the glass on the ground.

"Is something wrong?" Suddenly my mother came in, she used to be but a simple maid, but now as my mother, her status had risen to the Lady of House Redhawk. She had long dark hair and green eyes, even at her age, she looked good.

"N -Nothing mother." I tried to reassure her, but my shaking hands and the sweat on my face seemed to give away my true mental state. "Why are you here?"

She still seemed worried but decided to leave it for later as she smiled. "Your brother Oliver is here. He just returned from his journey in Essos."

"Is that so…" though I tried to act nonchalant, a small smile greeted my face. I always had a soft spot for Oliver, even amongst us siblings he was always such a lovable fool.

"Yes, he is coming straight here." Mother said excitedly.

As if on cue, the door opened and my brother entered through. His short silver hair shined and the smile on Oliver's face seemed all too familiar. "Well hello there my baby brother, how are you doing?"

Mother went to greet him too with a kind look on her face. She never hated any of my siblings, even though they were all by different women that father had slept with. "I see that you are doing good Oliver. Healthy as always I hope?"

"Yep," said Oliver, before he picked up a knife and stabbed my mother under her chin, the knife's tip exuded out of the top of her head. 

What? Is this a dream? Hallucination? Visions? They always seemed so real… yeah… this must be a vision.

Brother pulled the knife out of my mother's head, her body slumped on the ground, and came towards me with her blood still dripping from his hands. The smile on Oliver's face seemed like he did nothing wrong and just came to greet me.


A feeling of pain hits my throat as something hot overflows from it. I grasp at my throat and see the blood on my hands… ah… I get it, my throat just got cut by Oliver.


[ Oliver POV ]

I just casually started wiping away the blood with a red cloth. Gerold's body plummeted down on the ground and he bled on the floor, just like his mother.

Sadly, I had to kill the maid, she was always good at giving blowjobs under the table. But sadly, she was useless when I was in this body, plus she was getting kinda old and her beauty wasn't what it used to be.

Looking down at my son Gerald, there was still that shocked look in his eyes. Weird, I thought he would at least go and try to grab his sword after I skewered his mother. Was he in shock? Damn, I have never seen someone die like that before.

I mean he saw me with the bloody knife after killing his mother, yet he didn't react. Probably was in some kind of delusion. 

Whatever, that's a thought for another time. 

"Guards!" I called out, and immediately the room was flooded with over a dozen of them, all wearing green armor uniforms with a red hawk painted on them. I pointed at the two dead bodies.

"My brother got sick and died, his mother killed herself in grief after that. Understood?"

"""Yes sir!!"""

They yelled out in unison. I had already paid them quite a bit of gold and bribed them. It seemed like Gerold got quite careless after he killed me that day. 

Anyway, he is my brother now, not my son. Have to make sure I don't spill that in front of someone else. 

"Cut up the bodies in little pieces and burn them. Empty coffins will be held for the funeral since their appearances were too grotesque from the 'sickness' and 'suicide'." I gave away the instructions to them and they immediately started carrying out the orders.

Hmmm… I will kill these guys too, after all, Gold can only buy their loyalty so much, a bolt to the heart would buy it forever. Some secrets are better kept hidden like that.



Two hours later and I had everything in place, also had to kill the maester as he had caught whatever 'sickness' was plaguing Gerold whole he had tried to heal him. So with a small donation to the Citadel, and in the foreseeable future, everything should be back in place. 

Gerold wasn't a good leader, but at least he wasn't bad enough to lose over 8 million Gold Dragons, he only lost 7 million. Anyway, time to start playing the game again


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