
Got into some otome game I never asked for (BL)

Michael is an average man that was one day was playing games on his computer then an ad showed up and he happen to miss clicked it, a white flash covers his screen and his whole room...things happen... and he woke up an a child's body. otome game that his sister plays... he is still a boy so he might not end up with the characters... ... right? will he get out of this so called hell he says? will he still be straight throw this game? Credit is to the artist "Sinaco_O" on Twitter

Hadia_Zia · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
8 Chs

Chapter six: Scarlet

For the whole day, Yuno was on the balcony waiting for Luke. While he was waiting, He got the book that he didn't read yesterday out as he looked at it.

"The world's creators…" Yuno mummer as he opens the book, he flipped through the pages looking for any creators with red eyes.

'One of the male leads is not a human, he is from a different kingdom, a kingdom full of different creators. Rin Michinu, the wild-type male lead. His noble family sent him to the academy that I will be in in the future… but the point is if he's not a full human, this hidden one sure might be one too.'

Yuno stopped at a page as he read.

"Oh, your fucking with me…!" he reread the page.

「 The Most Terrible Creature: The Scarlet.

These hell-like beast creatures are known for their red eyes. They are like demons, the goat-shaped creature. Unlike demons, they are more powerful. Many try to study these creators but it is unknown as only one was discovered. Some studies say the creature is the devil, the ruler of other demons. Some say it's a different type of creature and is not related to demons at all, but a new creation that is out for blood and properly related to the vampire clan in the north. Even if this creature is mostly unknown, it is safe to say to get away from it. It's incredibly dangerous, unlike any others it's the most violent. 」

"Of course, they made the most dangerous one a fucking male lead..!" he cursed, biting his lower lip. " And here I assumed he might be a demon but looks like it's even more threatening!" he let out a sigh as he tilted down on his chair, placing the book on his face.

"I hate this shitty game.." he mumbles.

Michael closed his eyes as he tried to calm himself breathing in and out slowly. In his life, he was a pretty normal calm guy but recently after a 'matter' it has been hard handling his emotions, mostly his rage. He had therapy for that and god, he was getting better at keeping calm. But, this game might cause him to lose it.

Michael dropped the book down on the table, walked to his bed, and fell, locking his eyes. Floating off to his little world.




"Why do people keep waking me up?" Yuno moves up.

The shouting was reaching from outdoors sounding like some grown-ups yelling at someone that was also yelling but their voice was smaller than the grown-up alarming him.

'Shit! Did Luke get noticed?' he got up from the bed rambling to the balcony, he couldn't see anyone, only their voices. He ran outside to his room, as he was just about to walk downstairs he could hear the voices on the first floor.

Two guards were holding Luke, the duke walking down from the second stairs to the first. Yuno, being on the second floor, looked down in blight.

'Shit, shit, shit…!' running downstairs his little legs tripped on the carpet making him drop almost on his face but his father caught him.

"Father…!" he was stunned by the man's flexibility and awareness, then again he is a war hero.

"It's dangerous to run downstairs Yuno, are you alright?" he let go of Yuno who looked at Luke who looked back at him in a sorry face.

"Yes! Yes, I'm alright!" Yuno looked back at his father with a smile.

'It's okay, it's fine, you can do this.' he chewed his cheek in his mouth.

"Father, why are the guards holding my friend like that!" he glanced back at them, the guard's body tenses, they let go of the boy, both bowing down a perfect 45 degree.

"Young master, We thought he was an intruder. Please pardon us for not knowing he was your chum!" They yelled as Luke was startled by their loudness.

"It's okay, everyone makes mistakes!" he used his innocent smile card again against the guards making them aw.

"Yes, it seems that this is Yuno's "friend." I would like to speak with them-" the duke's smile had no shine after them as the others shiver.

"-can you two tell the housemaids to get us some tea ready for our talk?" he looked at the guards who bowed again before speed walking to the kitchen.

"Now should we go?" the duke asked.

"Yes! let's!" Yuno would be fibbing if he said he was not sweating.

".....Y-yes.." Luke was walking behind the two.

This will be a heck of a ride for the both of them to decide Luke's faith, they both knew this. Luke felt like pissing his pants.

*Extra because this chapter is small :]

Yuno/Michael: Why him? Why the most violent one being a fucking male lead!

Author(Cloudy_gift): why not lol


Luke:*gets caught by the guards*

Luke:*mind* no! I got caught! Mike is going to be so disappointed!! Ahhh! Am I going to get killed?? I'm so stupid! I should have been more careful! I'm sorry mike!"

Guard 1: Jerry! This kid's got no meat!

Jerry(Guard 2): I know Tom! Look at this poor kid! We have to get him inside and get him some meat!

*Tom(Guard 1) and Jerry forgetting about Luke's trespassing as he was panicking*









AGE: 19

HIGHT: 5'11