
Got Hitched To Him: Magnificent Dream Of My Youth

He was like a mirage to her...someone who always seemed to be there yet he was never. Being the only daughter of the late CEO of Jiang Corporations, she was the next heiress. But wait...what? She went on to become a doctor??? Oh, to continue what her late father was not able to complete. While her cousins: "You want to become a surgeon? Go ahead. I will handle Grandfather." "Go Elder Cousin, I am always rooting for you!" "Make sure not to kill anyone." "..." -- She was like someone from a caravan to him... every time he wanted to give her affirmation of being there, he was held down by the laws of nature. Being the CEO of Lin Corporations at the age of 18, he was quite ruthless with his ways. When he first entered the business play, a rival said, "He is still a child. It would be easy to take down the business from him." The very next day, along with being the CEO of Lin Corporations he was also the largest shareholder of Lin's biggest rival company and managed to take it down. Another rival said, "It would be impossible for Lin Corporations to bloom in the foreign business market now that the CEO is a 20-year-old boy." In six months, the year-end foreign business statistics revealed Lin Corporations being at the top of the list succeeding with more than 10 billion dollars to the second on the list. But was it enough? -- At 26. "Boss, a man is trying to woo Mrs Lin now that you have been absent for almost two years." a young man stuttered while his sweat rolled down from his forehead. "Oh." "!!!" "It's time to return." "..." -- He loved her secretly for years but every time he wanted to approach her, every single time he was held back by destiny. "Mr Lin, say, you were absent for two years. Had there been a woman outside that you were busy taking care of?" "Mrs Lin, indeed there was a woman that I was busy taking care of. But that woman is inside my heart." "!!!"

Pink_Bluebells · Urban
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63 Chs

Who Are You?

But who knew that one day Old Madam Lin would suddenly announce that her elder grandson had already gotten married to the young mistress of the Jiang Family.

That was a huge blow to Old Madam Liu's pride. Indirectly she had been hinting the whole time wherever she went that Liu Xiyue was already betrothed to First Young Master Lin and she knew Old Madam Lin was already aware of what she was doing. Seeing Old Madam Lin never cornering her for it, she took that as a low-key acknowledgement of betrothal from her side too, making her go on the ninth cloud.

All of that resulted in a huge humiliation and ignominy that she faced when the official wife of First Young Master Lin was publicly announced.

Ever since Jiang Ying Yue entered the scene as Young Madam Lin, a line was drawn by Old Madam Liu between her and Old Madam Lin evincing her displeasure by which the latter remained unmoved.

Old Madam Liu had thought if she would show her displeasure, Old Madam Lin would definitely be affected by it and will do something to curtail her unhappiness. She would not give that much importance to that girl over their years of friendship, right?

However, on not getting any reaction from the other side even after a couple of months she realised that it was only her who was at the loss and was getting affected, not the other person.

In the end, gritting her teeth it was her to give in first and the one who went to find the Old Madam Lin bringing expensive gifts along to express her apology.

Staring at Jiang Ying Yue she was put to recall those unpleasant experiences and again felt the same embarrassment she had to go through because of her. Knowing it was not the right time to do something about her, she forced out a tight smile at her before turning to Old Madam Lin and ignoring her.

She can not make the same mistakes again after learning that Jiang Ying Yue was well protected by the Lins.

Jiang Ying Yue was not upset or affected by her behaviour. She was already told by Grandmother Lin beforehand that most of the elderly women might not be fond of her and would openly show discontent towards her due to her bearing the title of Young Madam Lin, so she was not supposed to give any heed to them.

Moreover, ladies like these were present in almost all the upper-class families. She remembered when she was in her late teens, she had once accompanied her Second Aunt to one of the gatherings like this.

There was a very beautiful couple present over there who had married against the wish of the man's family after falling in love with each other. The girl was not from a very well-off family and since her parents were already dead so she was constantly looked down upon by everyone and was called sl**, bit**, gold digger and various other foul names.

They used to treat her this poorly only when her husband was absent, during his presence they used to treat her like a queen.

So when he went to the washroom for a minute or two leaving her all alone in that gathering, the girl was immediately surrounded by middle-aged women who started taunting her which after a while turned into bullying.

Knowing she was powerless in front of them she tried to avoid them by moving from there but was pulled back forcefully from the strap of her gown that as a result tore up from the right side of her chest. And since she was not wearing a bra from inside due to the design of the gown, her right breast was out in the open for everyone to savour.

Everyone present there was shocked at this, no one had expected it to go so far. The girl tried to cover her chest with the torn cloth as tears continuously fell from her eyes. She had complained about the tyrannizing happening to her husband several times before but he never believed what she was saying because none of that happened in front of his eyes.

Also because he was continuously getting brainwashed by his mother at that time.

That incident was her last straw as she finally snapped at them. The months of torment she went through were poured right in front of everyone at the same time her husband also slowly approached the scene.

He was dumbstricken watching his wife in such a situation and started making his way toward her to help her.

Watching him coming near, she had stopped him and only turned to the food table on her right side. A sharp knife was kept there in one of the plates and she picked that up.

Her eyes moved to all the elderly women who had been bullying her for the past few months, "People born into middle-class families can never be considered humans among you heartless people."

"For months, I tried to be how you wished me to be so that I won't be bullied anymore. My parents had always told me not to forget my own identity and to be surrounded by the ones who would never want me to change but I have long forgotten who I was and have already moulded myself into the woman whom I don't recognise every time I look into the mirror."

"Now that they who accepted me unquestionably are no more, I might as well go to where they are!!!" after that, a screech was heard as she sliced her wrists, in front of everyone.

Jiang Ying Yue back then had realised how cruel the mindset of high-class families could be.

So this much display of displeasure was nothing in front of what that girl went through. She had two powerful families behind her, the name only was more than enough to pull her out of some trouble.

Liu Xiyue who was ignored by everyone was fuming with anger and jealousy on the side. Ever since she had been young, she was told that she would be married to the First Young Master of the Lin Family so that young heart of her had always been filled with his thoughts but now watching some other woman being the wife of the man she dreamt of her whole life, living the life she felt she was the one born for; rage was thriving inside her.

Her grandmother had instructed her to forget about him and start thinking about Second Young Master Lin before even he was taken from their hands.

But how could she? That person was even harder to grab. He comes back only once a year and that is also during the new year whereas First Young Master Lin was only out currently due to his business, he would be back soon.

Her love would come back soon!

Liu Xiyue had been known as his fiance not only among her family or friends but even in front of the media. The rumours of their engagement were made to spread like a fire thanks to the PR hired by her grandmother in hopes that when the time would come, Lin Family would be put at the dead-end where they would be left with no choice other than to get them married.

But when the announcement of marriage was made public personally by the prince of her dreams with some other woman that was not her, just not her dreams but even her reputation was destroyed.

People whose eyes used to fill with admiration when she entered the room turned out to be the ones to openly grace her with pity.

Just a single announcement from him turned her into the biggest joke of the century. Her life had become a laughing stock between her friends and a topic that needed to be taunted among her family at every given opportunity.

Just because of the girl standing in front of her, who was from a more influential family than her and was more prestigious than her in status.

Drinking the water she took from the waiter, she went to Jiang Ying Yue, " Hello! How is your health now?"

Jiang Ying Yue who was busy going through the paintings after separating from Old Madam Lin was intruded as the same lady from before blocked her way.

She was not expecting this lady to continue following her as she did not even know who she was.

Being polite she replied, "I am sorry but may I ask who you are? I did not recognise you."


Author's Note:- Ok, So I had always been pretty confused about this particular part wondering whether should I go with this one or not? But to all those who might have found the story about the couple and what happened with the girl in party where Jiang Ying Yue had gone in her late teens a bit disturbing, just to clear it out I only wanted to express the cruelty and length the high class people could go to.

The end of this girl, I had written keeping realistic approach in my mind as that was something that I would have done if I was in that mental state of the character.

Here, the point was the mental health that had been disturbed of the girl because of the verbal abuse she went through.