
Got Hitched To Him: Magnificent Dream Of My Youth

He was like a mirage to her...someone who always seemed to be there yet he was never. Being the only daughter of the late CEO of Jiang Corporations, she was the next heiress. But wait...what? She went on to become a doctor??? Oh, to continue what her late father was not able to complete. While her cousins: "You want to become a surgeon? Go ahead. I will handle Grandfather." "Go Elder Cousin, I am always rooting for you!" "Make sure not to kill anyone." "..." -- She was like someone from a caravan to him... every time he wanted to give her affirmation of being there, he was held down by the laws of nature. Being the CEO of Lin Corporations at the age of 18, he was quite ruthless with his ways. When he first entered the business play, a rival said, "He is still a child. It would be easy to take down the business from him." The very next day, along with being the CEO of Lin Corporations he was also the largest shareholder of Lin's biggest rival company and managed to take it down. Another rival said, "It would be impossible for Lin Corporations to bloom in the foreign business market now that the CEO is a 20-year-old boy." In six months, the year-end foreign business statistics revealed Lin Corporations being at the top of the list succeeding with more than 10 billion dollars to the second on the list. But was it enough? -- At 26. "Boss, a man is trying to woo Mrs Lin now that you have been absent for almost two years." a young man stuttered while his sweat rolled down from his forehead. "Oh." "!!!" "It's time to return." "..." -- He loved her secretly for years but every time he wanted to approach her, every single time he was held back by destiny. "Mr Lin, say, you were absent for two years. Had there been a woman outside that you were busy taking care of?" "Mrs Lin, indeed there was a woman that I was busy taking care of. But that woman is inside my heart." "!!!"

Pink_Bluebells · Urban
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63 Chs

The Hushed Voices Were Intriguing.

Qin Zihao awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and moved his eyes to the car that she drove in. He hadn't focused so much on this before but it was her who drove it, wasn't it?

"Miss Jiang?"


"Were you able to drive without any problem?" He cautiously asked her.

Jiang Ying Yue stopped moving for a few seconds but then spoke nonchalantly, "I had been to the therapist when you were not here so I was fine."

Qin Zihao diverted his eyes to Jiang Ying Yue. It didn't look as if she was lying, however, had she ever even shown the exact thing she felt from inside?

"And you went alone?"

"I did." Jiang Ying Yue simply said it not realising the grave thoughts going through his mind.

"You shouldn't have." Qin Zihao muttered profoundly.

"Why?" She asked curiously. It wasn't because she got offended by it for not letting her have some privacy but was genuinely inquisitive to know why she needed to have someone always by her side.