
GoT: Edward Stark [Hiatus]

Edward Stark youngest of Eddard Stark. Come and see what changes brought when Jon was in Edward care as his son. Author's note: well excuse it if it taste wishfullment story. To be honest I didn't understand what wishfullment is. Enjoy

marawa · TV
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19 Chs

Chapter 1. Edward Stark.

Edward Stark was the younger brother of Eddard Stark and elder brother to Benjen Stark. He was different from his brothers and sister. He was ruthless to his enemies and always follow through his words. He was known as the Mad Wolf not a glorious name but that how he was known. Luckily he can be reason with and more understanding. He also have good commanding skills on the battlefield and defending. He also dubbed as the Sea Wolf because of his fleet commandeering. He is ten and nine name days.

He lead all his three elite horsemen riding after his brother Eddard Stark when he done beating up the Mountain and the Pig for the distasteful act they had done with an innocent babes. He maybe not look much but he was strong of his age inheriting the Winter's blood making his bone density strong to his age. He can compete with the Mountain using his strength and agility at the same time. When he found out that they kill the babe he didn't talk and just beat the crap out of Lorch the Pig. He then duke it out with the Mountain and using his agility he manage to german suplex the Mountain.

Now he was on his way to The Tower of Joy where his little sister by one year short. Riding worriedly as his brother already left for three days now with three of his horsemen he saw him his brother with Holland Reed with a cart pulled by the horse and a body which was covered. Seeing the babe in his brother arm and not his sister he felt a bang in his heart tucking his horse rein to move slowly. It was all his fault, he was the one who encourage his sister to be an inspired warrior and also allow her to love the one she loved.

Cleaning the tears in his eyes he didn't look at Eddard but unmount and walk to the wagon. He knows the truth he told it to his honorafool brother who didn't believe him but his foster father, Jon Arryn and his friend Robert Baratheon. He march his own men just to save his sister from the Mad King hands and also avenge his father and elder brother.

"You fool! Why would you choose a mad king son. There's plenty good men out there but you chose a potential mad king as your lover" crying on his sister body Edward found that she bled at her lower part, he stop and look confuse then remember the child. He raise his head and found themselves crossing the Twin he didn't know how long he was crying but it seem like he fell asleep beside his sister body in the wagon.

Crossing the Twins he saw his good sister also carrying a babe. He got off then walk to Eddard and hurriedly took the babe before he said something a southern woman hate. "Brother, give me my son" taking the babe from Eddard hand who was confuse and lost of what happens.

Eddard look at his brother in confusion as Edward plays with the babe. He turn to Reed who shook his head also felt confuse. "Brother what are you doing? This is.." "You a Stark" he was suddenly interrupted. "Pardoned?" "I said you ARE A STARK" repeating what he said Edward emphasize the rest.

Looking at his brother with a questionable expression Eddard ask for elaboration.

"You are a Stark, Not an Arryn. I will keep the babe and name him my son. I know who he is. I already told you from the beginning that our sister was not kidnapped but instead of listening to me. You Listen To Jon And Robert instead. I move the Moat not because of the rebellion but to avenge my father and brother. Father was right in giving me the Moat the South can't be trusted" saying his piece he took Aegon Stark Targaryen and mount his horse. "I will welcome you at the Moat. I need to prepare the guest house. Also, Remember You are A STARK"

Watching Edward ride off with his calvary Eddard sigh. He turn to Lord Reed who nodded at Edward words, "Aye, what he said. You trust the Arryns and Baratheon over your brother, Lord Stark" sigh in defeat he move to his wife Catelyn Tully with his son in her arms whom he name Robb Stark.


Marching through the Kingsroad they were welcome with a huge fortress that had stopped the Andals and Rhoynal from invading the North. The Moat was repaired not to it former glory but it was still repaired to withstand invasion from the South. He rule over the edge of the neck of Cape Kraken and Flints erecting a wall facing the sea filled with ballistas. Inland he created a new trading hub where he patrol the sea with his Galleys the size of Dutchman ships and the Armadas. When he was sent to rule the Moat he have rally all he could and capture all the Bandit making them works prisoner. They built everything using logs they can get from the Neck and Wolfwood. He done all of this when he was exile to the Moat Cailin when he was ten and three name day.

The cause of his exile was, he was too hard on all the soldier in Winterfell and the surrounding Lords. He was challenging everyone who can hold a steel from Winterfell to all the lords heirs all soldiers and knight. If he defeated he will come the next day. His challenge cause a huge of unrest where his father had enough and send him at the Moat as a Lord. His father just consider it punishment but he who have live in a comfortable castle state otherwise and so he rally some peasant and train them for six months then take them and raids bandit. With the loss of his soldiers he earn harden and skilled ones. With them they capture the bandits around the North then make them build wooden wall and towers around Cape Kraken and the Flints. He also do what the Stark never do, he sail to Essos which his brother Brandon have to look after the Moat in his stead while he amassed many knowledge or he stole all the books. He also kidnapped some sailors, builders or carpenters and smiths. Well he not really kidnapped but fooled them to work with him through friendship.

Now his castle the Moat was still in construction. He loan from the Iron Bank which finance his more good walls, like stone walls and other plans he had. He found that the only resource the North had was wool from Skagos and maybe ironwoods from Wolfwood and the Neck. His good grace was that all his peasant soldiers have became more proficient in leading war, he found talents among them which he invest his time in engaging them with his new game of chest. But this game was different they play using figurines of every house in Westeros and the North. They also play on the map where they became Lords of their own army moving them bringing new strategies.

Reaching his castle he brought his nephew to his censor recorder. "Tom, write the babe as Jon Stark, my son under my family line. Also call for the wet nurse. I want him to be look after and healthy"

"Ross, how's the progress with Cape Kraken and Flints?" Walking to his solar Ed started to inquire about his House state with his steward Ross. "Aye, m'lord. The towers at the City wall have already built and Mann with ballistas facing facing the southeast and west direction. Same with at the East shore the walls have been erected with all the towers facing the Bite Sea. Thanks for handing over the blueprints of the Armada and Dutchman ship to the Iron Bank they have clear a thirty thousand of loans leaving behind Five million and Seventy thousand golds of loans. Also, the bridge towers from Rills have finished"

"That great news, is there something I need my attention too?" Handing over Jon to the wet nurse who arrived he sat back behind his table read some paperwork.

"Ah aye, there's news from from the free cities. The ships that you commission have set sail by estimation they will arrived at the Three sisters by the morrow but may I ask? There's a lot of these ships how can we dock them at the Bite?"

"Oh, no we won't place them at one place. Send for some men to prepare logs all the way from the Bite to the Saltspear. We going to take fifty galley from the Bite through land and into the Blazewater Bay" he said taking the figurine of wheel ship moving it from the Kingsroad to the Saltspear river. "I know it sounds crazy but it will do if we call all of the returning Banners to helps us it will be done in fortnight"

"Anything else? If none then please ask the maids to prepare the guest room at the child tower. My brother will arrived by next week" Walking out Ross went to do his job.

Sighing Edward open the drawer of his table and took out his family photo. It was a picture he draw when he nine. All the acquired knowledge came from his memory he didn't know about. One day he just woke up with all the memories of someone called Leanardo Da Vinci. With those memories he make do with them and to cope with the headaches he resort to inhuman training and battle around. That what earn him the Mad title because of his mad behavior.

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