
GOT: Aurion Targaryen

Aurion Targaryen ran with his remaining family after the Usurper took the throne. But he was born with a tenacity that hasn't been seen since Maegor the Cruel. With Blackfyre in hand, he will tame all Dragons and lay waste to those who oppose his reign. The song of ice and fire will be sung, and Aurion will fight the darkness.

HiroKoya · Book&Literature
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8 Chs


Aurion Targaryen

Age: 8

(290 AC)


 "Elia. Ser Arthur." I greeted them as I got closer. 

"Ah, Aurion!" her face lit up upon seeing me and she gave me a gentle smile. 

I sat down next to her, and we stayed silent for a few seconds.

"Aurion, do you know what happened?" 

"No, I was half-unconscious during it. I do know that it started when I picked up the sword though, with both hands."

"Both hands?" Ser Arthur chimed in. "Why did you specify that?"

"Well, first I held it with one hand, and I couldn't even pick it up. But when both of my hands gripped the hilt...I turned into a demon." 

Elia gave me a playful smack on the back, "No, you're not a demon. You're a hero."

"Hero, huh...? It sure didn't feel like it."

Once again, silence. 

"Aurion...you know..." Elia looked up into the sky, and then back into my eyes. "I was beaten to near death in front of my children, and then they were killed in front of my eyes. The following months, I was scared to close my eyes, because every time the image of the Mountain would appear in my head. The same could've happened to your mother and Lyanna, but didn't. It didn't happen because you prevented it. You saved yourself, and others from that terrible fate."

Hearing these words from Elia was weird, unexpected. 

I turned my head in embarrassment and she chuckled in response. 

Then she got up and walked away, "Well, don't worry. You're a good kid, you'll get over it in no time."

I just sat there, digesting her words again and again. 

'...beaten to near death...'

'...killed in front of my eyes...'

I had to shake my head, because the whispers were getting too loud.

My head turned to face Ser Arthur, and I looked him dead in the eye before requesting.

"Can you train me?"



King's Landing

Lord Varys

(290 AC)


"So, do we have the Targaryen spawns?" King Robert asked the question in a frustrated tone.

"We don't, unfortunately. I decided to use locals for the kidnapping so we could keep our name clean, as instructed, but they failed. All that was found at the scene was the dead bodies of a few fishermen." I answered him. 

I was truly gutted when the news came. I had expected this to go smoothly. The elder Targaryen male was inadequate, and the rest were too young to resist. But it failed. 

Since all of our contacts in the contact party had died, there was no way to be certain of how exactly they failed. Although, looking through the description of the scene, I can only assume that Ser Barristan must have followed the younglings and was able to protect them.

"Bloody Hell! I knew we should've killed them when they were babies! They will start spreading their sperm in a few more years, what do you expect me to do then!? With a hundred of those devils running around!?" The King slammed the table in anger, and the wine fell off. 

"P-Perhaps we should try hiring proper assassins, Your Grace." Grand Maester Pycelle joined in with his useless opinion as always. 

"Your Grace, we simply don't have the funds to do that. They are across the Narrow Sea, and that too in Bravos." Jon Arryn, the Hand of the King, provided a voice of reason.

"Baelish! Do you lack the funds to support the crown?" King Robert's fury is as always, directed towards the wrong people. 

Well, not so wrong in this case. 

Lord Petyr Baelish has been drowning the crown in debt for years, and yet, the King can't see through his schemes. 

I've personally been using his crippling of the crown to my own benefit, but the fact remains that he wants to overthrow the Baratheons. 

"The duty of the Master of Coin is to provide the coin. I think I can arrange enough for this...venture." As always, the snake bares his fangs. He doesn't even mention the debt in front of the King, making sure that the spending doesn't stop.

"Varys! Make sure you send decent men to kill them this time! I want their heads on a spike delivered to me during a Tourney! But tell them to bring Rhaella Targaryen alive! She gave birth to the demon that kidnapped and raped Lyanna! I'll feed her to the men as a feast."

"Understood, Your Grace." Ah yes, the King doesn't know that Lyanna Stark is alive, and well. 

She even has a daughter, Visenya. 

I fear what would happen should I divulge that information. The Realm is already being destroyed under his rule, but it could very well get much worse.

The small council is dismissed and I return to my den to talk to my little birds. 

Oh dear, what shall I do? 

The Realm deserves a better king, and neither Robert nor Tywin are fit to sit on the Iron Throne. 

But my nephew in Volantis is far too young. Do I have to hold out for him to grow up?


I need to know the truth about what happened in Bravos. The Targaryens may be able to help me survive until I can put my nephew on the throne.



Aurion Targaryen

Age: 8

(290 AC)


"Haa...Haa...It hurts...Why does it hurt so bad?" 

I was on my knees, panting from exhaustion.

"This is the first time you have properly trained, my Prince. Normally, you would just lean on the sword like a fat idiot."


"It's inevitable that you need time to get used to the physical demands that this needs."

I looked down, my hand was still gripping the wooden sword. "This sword is so light...I really don't get how I can be this tired already."

"Don't forget that you're just 8 years old. Patience is the-"

"Yes, yes. You keep repeating that same line whenever I get restless. You're a really bad poet, Arthur." 

Things got quiet while I caught my breath. We had decided to call it quits even though not even 2 hours had passed. 

I looked to the sky, and a lot of things went through my head. "Arthur, do you have any family?"

"I think so."

"...have we still not established contact with Dorne?"

"It's too dangerous, Prince. Any attempt will be intercepted and altered."

"Would you do everything to protect your family?"

"Of course."

My gaze turned somber, "You're a Kingsguard, Arthur. What will you do if you had to choose between the King and your family?"

Arthur stared at me before sighing and sheathing his sword. "Some questions are best left unanswered."

"You may be right." I stood up with his help and heard my bones crack. My body is way too fragile right now. "Let's return to my room. Accompany me, will you?"

"Of course, My Prince."

'Prince huh...the guards that we brought along from Westeros always call me Prince. But am I really, a prince?' I sighed and decided to not think about it anymore. 


"Wha-!" My heard turned towards where I heard a voice. It felt like it was right next to me, whispering loudly in my ear. 

"Prince Aurion?" 

"No, it's nothing..." Maybe it was just the wind. 

I should get proper rest.


(A/N: Changed the years a bit. GOT starts in 298AC. Aurion/Daenerys should be 16 by then, and were born in 282AC. That's cuz google says that Elia's children were born in 280AC(Rhaenys) and 282AC(Aegon).)


Next TWO Chapters are already out on patre0n.com/Neil247!!!!(Replace 0 with o)


