
Gorgor ;My perfect story book

Lost worlds are more in number than dominant ones. Life is all about the survival of the fittest and the weak are left off to be destroyed or remain lost forever. If really relevant, they could be remembered by little kids through their fictional story books. Gorgor. An alien lost world in one of the stars of Triven. Erased from the surface of earth by the worlds with the most resources both human and natural. But still seek their resurrection and redemption through any means possible and dominate the ones who caused their doom. Notwithstanding, that Gorgor is still five year old Lilith's perfect story book. She makes her mother read it to her every night before she goes to bed and sleeps with the thoughts of the lost Gorgor, all in her head. Till she makes an imaginary friend from her story book. Andreas the prince of the lost Gorgor, becomes Lilith's imaginary friend since she was five. Hoping to free his world and himself through her in whatever way possible and rule over Triven. I humbly present... Gorgor; My perfect story book. HAPPY READING

Nessy_Biora · Sci-fi
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55 Chs

Going to miss her

*Nine years later*

"I am so sorry baby. You were still too young to know of what happened to your father. I hid the truth from you, not because l water to but because l didn't want to see you hurt and ruin your childhoof with your knowledge of your father's death. Please Lilith try to understand me and forgive me. Please baby would never hurt or wrong you on purpose. Please stop crying now"...

Lilith sobbed to her pillow profusely, as her mothers words reoccured to her. She just couldn't believe how her mother had hidden her in the dark for such a long time. Telling her lies that her father was a ranger among the Triven warriors. She had grown up, hoping to meet her father one day, not knowing that he was long gone. How could she have kept het in the dark for so long.

She felt so hurt and pained as if her heart was about to tear apart. She still couldn't accept that her father was dead and she never got to meet him. Why was this happening to her? Not now that she had finally graduated from the kid rangers institute of north east Triven and was leaving tomorrow for the main training courses at the headquarters Nerwin. Maybe that's why her mother decided to tell her truth, because she was leaving tomorrow and would only return once she was eighteen and fully a Triven ranger. She must have thought that she deserved to know the truth and she must tell her before she leaves for Nerwin tomorrow.

Eventhough her mother thought she was now old enough to handle the truth, she still didn't believe she handled it well as she just walked out on her mother, leaving her all alone to cry in her room. She didn't no why, but she just couldn't bring herself to believe that all her mother did was just for her own good and only protected her childhood. She just couldn't agree that all of it was a lie. Her dream of meeting her father one day and making him have a special class with her to improve her fighting skills. But now, all those dreams were shattered and would never come to reality.

She buried her head the more into her pillow as she cried and screamed into it, as if not wanting anyone to know she was crying but her trembling shoulders could tell that she would soon run out of tears to shed.

"Try to understand Lilith. Your mother meant no wrong, nor did she mean to hurt you. She only did what she though was best". A voice spoke sweetly beside her ear.

Andreas. Lilith was not surprised at all, he was seemed to appear out of nowhere. He had always been her friend and there for her since she was five. Their relationship was nothing beyond friendship, not as if she expected anything more because she was satisfied with the state of their relationship.

He had been the one that kept her going throughout her stay at the kid rangers institute. He gave her the fighting spirit all the time, to never give up, even though sometimes her training classes seemed difficult at times. However, he has never taught her to fight before nor helped her with her fighting skills because basically he couldn't fight. He was weak when it came to physical strength but was very strong when it came words.

"Oh Andreas" she sat up to him and gave him a hug. "You have no idea how hurt l am right now. How could she have lied to me and kept me in the dark. Why did she do that? Why didn't she tell me the truth? Why wasn't she honest with me" she buried her her in the crook if his neck as she cried the more.

"It's ok Lilith" he embraced her more, "l am here now".

The hug last for long seconds, before he finally pulled her away gently to wipe her tears. "Stop crying now and try to understand your mom. She did what she did, so that you can have a great childhood. Imagine if you grew up knowing that your father was late, l am sure you would had a very awful time being child. Try to get her reasons Lilith" he creased her face gently as he spoke to het calmly.

*sniff sniff*

"I never thought of it that way" she said within tears, as she saw sense in what he said. "So my mommy hid my father's death from me to protect me?" She looked at him with her innocent purple orbs.

"Of course Lilith" he affirmed "She loves you and did all of that, just for you. She had always wanted you to have a perfect life, even at the abscense of your father".

"I was just to emotional that l couldn't understand. I walked out on her and left her to cry alone in her room. I should have not acted that way to her. She must be hurt now" she said with a sad look on her face. "Oh what do l do now?" She asked him as he held all her answers to the best of her knowlege.

"Go talk to her, tell her you are sorry and patch things up. You know that you will be leaving tomorrow and won't get to see her till the next four turns of Omania round the universe's brightest star".

Lilith gave him a nod and stood from the bed to make her way to her mother's room. She found her crying her eyes out on the floor, holding the photo of her dad. "Mom" she called with tears already welled up in her eyes.

"Oh Lilith come here. Have you forgiven me baby?"

"I don't need to forgive you mommy because did nothing wrong. I now understand that you did what you did for me, and l don't hold against you any longer".

"Oh baby" Lilian stood from the floor and have her daughter a lung squeezing hug. "I knew you would understand baby when the time is right".

"I am so sorry mommy please stop crying now". Lilith separated from the hug and wiped her mothers tears. "Save them for tomorrow when you shall say goodbye to me" she teased, making her mom let out a snap laugh.

"I will be just fine Lilith" she stroked her hair. "All l want is for you to fufill your dreams and become a powerful ranger of Triven just like your father was. Will you do that for me?"

"Of course mommy" she made her salute "l will never let you down". Her pose made her mom smile with pride before hugging her again. She was indeed going to miss her.