
Gorgor ;My perfect story book

Lost worlds are more in number than dominant ones. Life is all about the survival of the fittest and the weak are left off to be destroyed or remain lost forever. If really relevant, they could be remembered by little kids through their fictional story books. Gorgor. An alien lost world in one of the stars of Triven. Erased from the surface of earth by the worlds with the most resources both human and natural. But still seek their resurrection and redemption through any means possible and dominate the ones who caused their doom. Notwithstanding, that Gorgor is still five year old Lilith's perfect story book. She makes her mother read it to her every night before she goes to bed and sleeps with the thoughts of the lost Gorgor, all in her head. Till she makes an imaginary friend from her story book. Andreas the prince of the lost Gorgor, becomes Lilith's imaginary friend since she was five. Hoping to free his world and himself through her in whatever way possible and rule over Triven. I humbly present... Gorgor; My perfect story book. HAPPY READING

Nessy_Biora · Sci-fi
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55 Chs

An adult now

"Congratulations Lilith"

Lilith was cheered by many other rangers and sensei's as she stepped down the stairs after she got a handshake from the grand sensei. "Thank you" she faked a smile. To be honest, she really did not feel good about this winning. She knew she did not deserve it, she did not even do any thing, Florate just let her win only so he could see Rain. She wondered if she was ok.

She tapped her bracelet to view her stats and was indeed pleased with what she saw even though she wasn't sure how she earned them.

Lilith Amnell, LEVEL 8: Responsibility: 100%, exceptional self-defense skills 96% attack skills 100% emotional mastery 78% respect 99% honor 99% discipline 100% courage 95% strength 89% empathy 100% speed 85% counter attacks 78%.

However, the smile on her face changed to a frown when she remembered that Florate's stats would be drained seriously after the disqualification. 'Oh my' she slapped her face, looking sad. What was she doing here anyway, she should go now and see how Rain was faring. She raced her steps towards the clinic but stopped immediately when she caught the sight of Andreas. He was standing few paces away and looking at with the most proud eyes. She quickly took her mind off Rain and Florate whom she was about to meet. She just stood there like she was frozen with her eyes focused on his multicolored orbs.

He smiled sweetly to her and it made her whole cheeks flush. She stood there for long seconds lost in affection before her attention was brought back to reality when she heard the sensei's voice again announce the next competitors to combat. She shook her head a slightly before looking back at where Andreas stood only to find that he was gone. She looked round, amongst other people around but he couldn't find him but she had this strong inclination that he would be in her room waiting for her.

With a beautiful smile on her face, she forgot about Florate and Rain besides they had each other. She was going to see the one who meant the world to her, her Andreas. She made her way quickly to her dorm, waving away every distraction that came her like people who were congratulating her, even the junior level rangers that wanted to be like her. None of them meant anything to her compared to the one she was going to see. In no time, she was already standing before her door. She took a deep breath before opening it and slowly walking in. She looked straight at her bed to find him sitting on it and beckoning on her to join him. With a sweet smile she walked straight to him and sat on his laps while she claimed his lips with hers in a sweet kiss.

The kiss lasted for few seconds before they decided to catch their breathes.

"You don't look happy" Andreas pointed while he tucked her hair behind her hair and wiped the sweat off her forehead. "What is wrong?"

"Florate asked me to get him disqualified on purpose during our combat", She said sadly.

"And why would he want that?" he looked stunned.

"Well, Rain got severe injuries during her combat which was before ours so she was taken to the clinic and he could not wait till five minutes when our match would be over before going to see her. He just wanted to see her as soon as possible and he knew the only way was by getting disqualified. But..."

" But what?"

" I feel so bad now for agreeing to help him with that stupid plan".


"Disqualification drains the bars of one's stats to zero percent and we just got to level eight. Having his bars turn to zero over night is something very appalling. Plus, my bars went really high. I can't tell if it is because I got him disqualified or what. I just don't feel good about what I did" she bowed her face in sadness.

"It is not your fault Lilith. Look at me" he raised her face up to meet his. "You only did as he asked, no need to feel sad or bad about it. He asked for it and you where helping him as a friend. Don't get yourself worked up over it".

She nodded to him slowly before leaning on to him and pecking his nose twice and then his forehead while he claimed her breasts with his hands, grabbing and squeezing them together making her let out soft moans as she kept kissing he forehead and soft hair. He trailed kisses up to her neck and buried his head in the crook of her neck as he inhaled her scent both of sweat and sweet.

Her breathes were already unsteady and so was his but didn't make them stop what they were doing. She crossed her legs over his and faced him directly and this time he claimed her lips with his in a kiss while his hands still played with her soft breasts and sweet moans escaped her mouth at every chance it got. He slid his tongue into her mouth and tangled it with hers giving her the most pleasure. He wanted to savor every corner of her sweet mouth with his tongue.

She grabbed his soft hair with her hands, burying her fingers of one palm into it and sliding the other to the back of his neck then she felt this sensation go through her body like a jolt of some sort immediately her hand got behind his neck making her pull herself from him abruptly.

"What is it?" he asked softly with sweet voice and his lustful eyes looking into hers.

"Your mark" she answered. He had showed it to her few years back and she thought it very amazing and awesome. To her, it was even cooler than having ears. It was carved smoothly and it emitted this beautiful ray of light in the dark. She always places her hand on it whenever they were making out because she liked it's feeling underneath her slim fingers. But this time around, it was different. She felt some how electrocuted by it and it scared her a bit.

"What about it?"

"I felt this shock when I touched it. Does it hurt?" she asked with much concern.

He kissed her jaw before answering her question. "No" he said with the most sexiest voice she has ever heard.

"Then why did I feel that jolt?"

"I guess we should stop here" he let his hands fall from her body, placing them by his sides and waiting for her to stand from him but it did not seem like she was in any mood to.

"Stop here? Why? What did the jolt mean?" she asked again.

"Trust me Lilith you don't want to know" he said simply still waiting for her to get up but she wouldn't yield. She rather drew closer to him and touched it again.

"Ouch!" she flung her hand. "The tension just increased. What is going on? Are you alright?"

"Lilith don't push me" he said lightly as if pleading to her.

"Don't push you to what Andreas? I am not scared" she widened her eyes. "Tell me what the problem is? Why is your mark jolting me?"

"You are not ready for that yet Lilith" he said with concern as he carried her down from his laps.

"I am no longer a child Andreas! I am now ready for anything". She said with her eyes looking very determined. "I am eighteen Andreas. I am now an adult, so tell me what ever it is you have to say, because I am curious to know what is going on with you".

"I wish I could tell you everything Lilith but I just can't" he said sadly.

"You just can't!" Lilith could not understand why he was keeping his problems away from her but she was sure of one thing, she was ready to handle anything it was. "Is it about your self control?" she asked suddenly. "Are you at your apex that you can't hold back anymore? Just tell me!..."

"Like I said before Lilith you are not ready yet. Let's just leave it for next time. I promise I will tell you everything you need to know" he creased her shoulders as he spoke sweetly to her but she slapped his hands off her. She pulled away from him and began to untie her gi. She took off the top and allowed the trousers fall off her waist, leaving her with just her panties and bra.

"Lilith what are you doing?" Andreas looked shocked to see her stand before him with just her underwears. Since she became a teenager, she has never stood before him half naked like this and he didn't very much like it now that she was fully mature and had a very beautiful body. Her curves were in the right places and her regular workout gave her a slim and gorgeous body which was provoking his insides at the moment.

"Put your clothes back on Lilith" he commanded like he was very sure she would listen to him. But she was out for the worst. She snubbed him totally and began to unhook her bra, after which she took it off her exposing her bare breasts to him. She felt a bit shy at the moment but couldn't care less. She was going to make him touch her today, whether he liked it or not. She had waited so long, only for him to say that she was not yet ready. She hated the fact that he still took her for a child and she was going to prove to him that she was grown up now.

"Lilith stop this now!" he raised his voice a bit but it only seemed to give her more boldness. She dropped her bra on the floor and walked slowly towards him.

"Are you going to tell me what is going on with you or are you going to wait till am fully naked?" she asked with a straight face.

"You are going to make me loose it Lilith" he swallowed hard. " Just put your clothes back on and let's talk".

"Promise?" she decided to listen to him because right now, he looked very unwell as if her half naked body was draining the life out of him. The last thing she wanted now was to hurt him the more, so she calmed down to listen to him.

"Cross my heart" he answered looking really pale.

She nodded to him slightly and went back to where she dropped her clothes. She picked them up one after the other and put them back on. She tightened her gi again and sat beside him on her bed.

"I am listening" she said which made him inhale deeply before talking.

"I need you to trust me when I say I want to sleep with you more than any thing" he started with so much lust and affection in his voice.

"If that is true, then why are you refusing to touch me?"

"No matter how bad I want to, I cannot touch you Lilith" he said coldly.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She furrowed, getting scared already of what the answer might be judging from the way he spoke.

"It means I might kill you if I try to go beyond the kisses. You might die Lilith"...