
Chapter 15: Anne-Jiro's Back Story

When we got here to the house then I made him sit on the sofa, he looked very weak, so I immediately took a medicine kit, I even looked for it when suddenly this man spoke.


"Hey is not my name!" I said

"So what? Aren't you have someone in here in your house?"

"Hmm. I have but both of my parents are night shift at the Hospital. They are doctors."

"Am I asking what their job is?"

"I'm just saying. Is it bad?" I walked towards to him

"Tss .." he said ass I took the medicine I need to treat his wounds.

"OUCH! Hey! Can you be gentle? It hurts!"

"Tsk. I said Hey is not my name, call me Anne!" I pressed this cotton on his arrogant mouth.


"Manage your attitude if you don't want me to increase your scar!"

"Okay!" I continue to treated his scars.

After this happened, we became friends, that's all, he is still a bit stable. I also found out that we go to the same school, he is also Richford. 3rd day since I saw him on the road, I am here now on the garden bench, it is beautiful here, relaxing, I read a book but I suddenly remembered Jiro who was doing an attitude on me so I smiled, because he seemed to have a period everytime he attitude. I was still overwhelmed. Ahaha. I was surprised when he suddenly appeared next to me ...

"Oh?" I said in a startled tone.

"So, Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Eh? It looks like you were just arrogant last night, do you seem to be different now? Do you have a fever?" I asked him while placing my hand on his forehead.

"What are you doing, I just said I can ask you something, you insertd fever right away?"

"Eh then what is it?"

"I Like you, can we date?"

"Eh? Seriously?"


"Hmm ... In one conditon!"

"What's that?"

"Stay away from any fight or trouble please? I don't like reprimands."

"Sure! For you I'll avoid those harmful things." He seems to agree with my condition so I just gave him a smile! Ahaha.

He also courted with me for 1 month, he made great improvements, he no longer became a scoundrel, he even introduced me to his friends known as G6, they became my friends right away, it was easy for them to get along. I answered Jiro while we were on the Ferris Wheel. he's funny because he doesn't know what it's called, he just calls it a big wheel, it's romantic for me because we stopped at the top, the beautiful City lights are amazing, it's night. Here he asked if he could be my girlfriend, I said yes to him, and he looked so cute while he was smiling. Here I love him so much! Yeah!! Ahahaha.

Until the day I had to go back to New York, that's when my Dad transferred me to School, because he and Mom found out that I had a boyfriend, because they researched Jiro and they found out he was a troublemaker, I tried explain to my parents but their ears are closed! To be honest! Jiro and I are not legal with my parents only, because they don't want me to be in a relationship with him, I don't really know whats on their mind? I'm just a teen so maybe they are too protective of me. So whether I like it or not, I really need to break up with Jiro even though I still love that person!

Jiro told me that he would follow me to New York, but no! I did not allow him. I just thought of a reason to break up with him even though I don't want to! I told him that I no longer loved him and I just used him, he did not believe in the beginning but later on he believed, I forced myself not to cry in front of him. He told me to take back what I said I don't love him anymore but NO! I did not take it back, even though deep inside it seemed to break my heart.

The day came when I was leaving, I was already at the airport, I really wanted to see him before I left, but how can I see him? If my parents banned him to the Airport! But even so! I still hope to see him. I looked around, then I saw him in a corner looking at me, he was in disguise, but I knew it was him, in his eyes I really knew it was him! I can't be wrong. Then Mom call me, it's time for me to really leave. Destiny is driving me away from the Philippines. I look at him and gave him a good-bye-for-now-smile! He just followed my gaze until I could enter.

It was a difficult time then, because I was only 16 this time, Jiro was 17. So we are opposed because we are too young! I do not know!

Present! I came home to the Philippines because Dad told me to fix the documents at our Hospitals, I came home just this Friday, tomorrow Sunday I have to go back to New York right away, right? I went with Jiro to see my G6 friends, I actually missed them even though I only lost 2 years, but it will add up, ahahaha, because I haven't finished college there yet.

The Guys did was fun for me, even if it was all of a sudden Ahaha. They still don't lose their awkwardness, like when it was just ...

"Uyy! Anne, can I ask you something?" Andrei asked.

"Hmm? What's that?" I asked while drinking juice.

"Are you Jiro again?" I was stunned by Andrei's question!! Straight to the point.

"Shut Up Andrei! You're too inquisitive!" Jiro scolded.

"Tss. Oy Guys! I just saw Jiro blush again!" Jun teased Jiro.

"Tsk. No Guys, not us. Ahahaha" I said and I just laughed at the next one.

"What is that Jiro, you are so slow with Anne, you just want me to woo Anne now!" Migs is angry with Jiro. Jiro, on the other hand, looked surprised when he saw Migs hugging me.

"Crazy! Don't blame Anne for your antics with Andrei, Migs!" said Jiro once Migs' arm was removed from me. So? Does he still have feelings for me?

"This is Jiro! Tell me the Truth! Did you still have feelings for Anne?" I waited for Jiro to answer, but he did not answer, instead he just drank a drink.

"Sus! Jiro, you're obvious."

"What is obvious?"

"So Gay! Ahahah"

"Tsk. You idiot! Do you want to let me down there?" said Jiro and the melee was about to form.

"Go! Give me your best shot!" Migs added angrily.

"Hey! You're both drunk! Stay Put! Ahaha" Chris said while parting with the two, he pushed the two on his face, so they sat down.

"You still haven't changed, you are still ugly. Hehehe" I said.

"Of course! Ahaha!"