
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

What do you know 2

Hannah looked at him. Was he seriously asking her. What does he think that she will tell him because he asked. Hannah nodded her head in her imagination.

'Why ask such Ken. I don't tell the devil my findings about him. He might just have me killed'. Hannah said smiling.

Ken adjusted himself. 'Hannah you are now a Royal. Any thing you do to ruin my family also affects you. So use your head. Don't always be corrected at the end of everything. Remember my dad's word to you. Once a Royal always a Royal '. Ken looking at her.

'Ken, I married you brother not the family of your. Your brother is my husband not your family and your self. The only person reputation i will protect with my life is my self. And your brother is part of it. You and your family are just problems I will want to eradicate. And secondly'. She placed her face closer to his. Very close that there lips were almost touching each other. Their face was only an inch separated from each other.

'Are you scared of what I may do with such findings of mine '. Hannah said smiling. ' are you scared that I may ruin your life same with your family. Well don't be scared. It's going to happen. And am not hiding it. Ken better brace up because that wife of yours will soon be leaving and she is not coming back. And when she is leaving, she is going to take everything she owns. Bringing your family to just rich people and not the influential'.

'You will.do no such thing, you hear me '. Ken said grabbing her hand and squeezing them. Hannah wrinkled in pain.

'Stop it ken, you hurting me'. Hannah said .

'Exactly, remember that you are a Royal. Don't try anything funny Hannah'. He said leaving her hand. Hannah smiled and stood up.

'Thank you for your time. And know this the battle just began. Buckle up. It's only 3 days remaining for your happiness because am going to rain fire over the heads of you and your family '. Hannah said as she walked out of the bar. Ken stood up. He hit his hand on the table. Making his drink fall to the ground.

'Hannah don't try anything. If you love your self'. Ken said

Aurtur walked into the room. His cloths were ruined. The waiter just poured coffee all over his shirt. He immediately took off his shirt. And was about to take off his pant. When Hannah stopped him.

'You shouldn't do that because kam not in such happy mood to look away'. Hannah said standing up and walking down towards him.

Aurtur looked at her. He was about speaking when Hannah continued hee her words.

'Where were you'. she asked looking at him angrily'.

'At the private lounge, why'. Aurtur asked looking at her.

'Private lounge, I was looking for you. I thought the kidnappers had come to get you. Do you know why because you act foolishly.. if it was ken, I will not be bothered but you. I don't know what level of stupidity you exhibit. And you say you want the kingdom from your brother. How, do you want to fly . Your brother was given that post because he is wise ready for life. Ready to fight. He sees life as kill or get killed. But you see life like combing a Barbie doll hair. This is not fairytale Aurtur. If you want revenge. You have to play that part. Play the tough, quiet, cautious, always ready for a fight part and not always playing. Making a fool out of yourself'. Hannah said looking at him with annoyance.. she didn't even bother to look for him.

She left him standing and went to bed. 'We must hurry up with our fake honeymoon. Your parents need to get in trouble.'. Hannah said lying on the bed.

Aurtur starred at her. Did she just give him a speech. He sighed. He and went to the bathroom to freshen up. By the time he was done, he switched the light and lied on the couch.