
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

First day at work

'Aurtur take care of your self and please thus is your first at work make the most 0f it'. Hannah said as she picked his suit case. Aurtur smiled brightly as he said those words. His smile made him look so cute. As a few dimples came up his cheek. He walked towards her. And smiled

'I sure will'. He said still smiling. Hannah just stared at him. She later turned towards Bryan who was in the bed smiling at them.

'Hannah, about O.B Her you still planning to begin it's. Aurtur said going up to Bryan and carrying him. 'Good boy'.

'Yes, in fact am going there today.'. Hannah said as she gave him a murderous smile.

'Oh'. Aurtur simply replied. He looked at Bryan. 'Am going to miss you Bryan. Take good care of your self. And no troubling Mummy. Alright '. Aurtur said giving the boy a smile.

Hannah looked at him suprised. Yes she talks to Bryan. But Aurtur treats Bryan like. The man was not something she could describe. But what gave her big suprised was when Bryan laughed. 'Did her son understand what Aurtur Said'. Hannah laughed at her thoughts.

'What's making you laugh '. Aurtur asked. Drawing Hannah's attention to him.

'Nothing,it's time you left.'.

'Alright , Bryan daddy is off'. Aurtur said.

Immediately Aurtur said this, Hannah stopped what she was doing. Those words of him cut her deep. Yes, Aurtur was Bryan fake father, but she didn't feel too comfortable. As her mind remembered Ken's rejection. She looked at Aurtur who kept smiling at Bryan. Her emotions started flowing through her brain. 'Hannah cut it, remember Aurtur is now Bryan's father even If is for a year. Just try to not think of Ken'. She spoke in her mind.

Aurtur looked at Hannah, she looked spaced out.

'Are you alright '. Aurtur said walking close to her.

Hannah looked at him and smiled. 'Of cos, am alright. Let's go'.

'Okay'. Aurtur said as he dropped Bryan on the bed. He smiled at him. The little boy just kept smiling with his eyes causing a stir.

'Bye,bye'. Aurtur said and left him.

Meanwhile, The Royals were just done eating. They all stood up preparing to go to their destination. Aurtur walked in.

As he walked in with Hannah standing beside him. Ken frowned and left the room. Lucas starred at Aurtur. He sighed and left. Kaise looked at Hannah and made her way out of the room. Aurtur smiled.

'I should go'. Aurtur said and left.

By the time they all left, the only two people left in the room were katherine and Hannah. Katherine stood up from her sit and went up to Hannah. She looked her. Hannah smiled back at her.

'Why state at me, is it because am more beautiful than you'. Katherine spoke first.

'I think those words should be played backward. And secondly I don't stare, I was just making my way to my room to prepare my self for work.'. Hannah said smiling.

'Work, you work. How surprising I thought you were actually a go digger. Fighting for a place that belongs to someone else'. Katherine smiled as she said this words.

'Well am not. Actually am very hardworking. I don't sit around all day. Waiting for a gift. I work.'.

'Well, I stand to be corrected'.

'Surely you do. Excuse me '. Hannah said and walked out of the room.

Taking her bath and getting ready, Hannah made her way out of the house. She took Bryan with her.