
Gorgeous revenge

MATURE CONTENT: i fell in love with the tycoon son. But after I found out the evil deeds he and his family has done to my family and other family. I decided to quit the relationship. Then the tycoon son raped me. And I had my son. I went to the family to report the issue and let them give my son the right he deserves. They rejected him. And even tried to have him killed. After the bad things they did to my family and me. It's now my turn for pay back. Luckily i have got my trump card. Their second son. Who is adopted. It's now my turn to play the games. And i know this game and how its played. 'Son it's now your turn'

Clyenemo · Urban
Not enough ratings
60 Chs

'I do'

As the two ladies walked towards the wedding hall. Hannah stopped and looked at Tracey.

'Tracey, call Ronald. Immediately the wedding is over. He knows what to do'. She paused on her tracks.

''Isabella...sorry Hannah. What is going to happen. Is it going to be dangerous.'. Tracey looked at her as Hannah continue walking.

'We have talked about this already'. Hannah said as they stopped in front of Lucas Royal. Lucas was just starring at her. Soon he brought forth his hand for her to take. Hannah took it but got cut off by Tracey. Who took her a bit far from Lucas. She then whispered into her ear.

'Now what's going on. Why are you accepting his hand.'. She looked at him and glared before turning her face back to Hannah.

'Well,you see I no longer have a father to walk me down the hall and hand me over to my husband. So therefore the father of the man will then have to do it. Don't worry, he is taking me to my husband and not to the mortuary'. Hannah said and walked towards Lucas and accepted his hand. She starred back at Tracey and nodded.

Trying to tell her it was okay. She then walked with Lucas into the hall. Her black veil covered her face. As she walked into the hall everyone was surprised to see her wearing a black gown. The room suddenly stood still as the people inside just kept starring at her and then there were sound of whispers . She smiled underneath her veil. What a wonderful surprise. She stared at the man who she was holding his hand. His expression was exactly what she was expecting. He was trying to hide the frown that settled on his face. 'I haven't even started but you are already having an hard time keeping your face in check'.

'What's wrong,you look a little pale Lucas '. She said to him.

'What kind of dress did you wear. Why black to your own wedding'. He said smiling. He didn't want guests to know what he was saying and also he didn't want them to know that he was also surprised by her dress code. He wanted to show that he was fully aware and supported it.

'Well I figured the Royals like to create an attention to them selves. So I dressed to fit into the caliber '. She said as her eyes pierced into his to see his expression.

'Well you sure did get an attention. Are you morning your husband, my son '. He looked at her and smiled.

'Mr Lucas, why think such. I wish no harm for my dearest husband. I love him and want everything about him. And everything I want I get.. whether I want the thing for good purpose or bad purpose '. She smiled as the got to the groom's position. Lucas just smiled. He knew this girl had something she wants from them. That's why she wanted to get married to Aurtur.

'If you know what's good for you,better run away and call off the wedding now. Cause once you are in. You are in forever . No turning back'. He whispered into her ear.

'Don't worry I have no intention of turning back. And like you said once you are in you are in'. She also whispered into his ear.

Lucas just smiled and left. He went to his position. Kaise who had been starring at him gave him a nod. Lucas smiled bitterly.

Aurtur had been starring at her. She was looking beautiful. Although she was wearing black. She still looked good. As she walked into the room a while ago,he imagined how beautiful her face will be if he unveiled her. The black gown showed her perfect curve. Her body was properly fitted in the dress. He smiled as he starred at her.

'You look beautiful'. He said as they got to the Altar. Drawing Hannah attention to him.

'I know, it's not a surprise. I dress in order to showcase my intentionto your not so happy family. Am sure ken must be dieing of jealousy as about now'. She said as they stood before the priest.

Both starred at the priest waiting for him to begin. It seemed the priest was waiting for a go ahead. Or did Lucas tell him to wait for a few minutes in case she changed her mind.

' what are you waiting for priest, did your tounge suddenly tie'. Aurtur said and everyone laughed except the Royals.

'Mr Aurtur royal do you accept miss Hannah Debra as your lovely wife. In sickness and in health. Till death do you part'. The priest said as his big eyes waited for Aurtur reply.

Aurtur turned to me and smiled. 'Yes I do'. The priest chuckled. 'You Hannah debra. Do you accept Aurtur royal as your lovely husband. In sickness and in health. Till death do you part'.

Hannah smiled and stared at the Royals. First Lucas, second Kaise, third ken, then katherine and Abigail. She smiled.

The Royals were extremely waiting for her reply. Lucas looked at her waiting for her to run. The Isabella he knows won't do anything that may put her self in trouble. Even though she has changed her name and identity. She is still the poor and naive girl she has always been.

Hannah stared at them and looked back at Aurtur. Finally this was it and there was no turning back. She opened and mouth and said the most dangerous words ever. The two words that will ruin the Royals for good. Those two words they didn't want to hear her say in their life to their son. She said 'I do'.

Everyone silenced. It looked as if she just said a murder statement. Even the priest eyes widened as he swallowed hard.

Aurtur smiled and looked at her he took the ring from the little ring bearer.

Aurtur held her hands . 'Miss Hannah debra . I promise to love and cherish you all the days of my life. I also promise to take good care of Bryan. I will make sure to care ,love ,protect and adore him. From hence forth,he is mine. He is my own son both legally and biologically. I will protect you and everything you fight for, I will join you. Your enemies are my enemies. Your friends are my friends. I promise to defend you always. Anyone who hurts you automatically becomes my enemy and I will not let them get away with it. This is my vow to you from this day'. Aurtur said and slide the ring into her fingers. The crowd clapped their hands. Waiting for her turn.

Hannah took the ring and looked at him and stared the Royals one last time. She then brought her gaze back to him.

'Dearest Aurtur. I promise to love you all the days of my life. I promise to always be with you no matter where you go. I promise to help you fight your problems. Anyone who is not your friend is not mine either. Anyone who insults you. I will punish. I will deal with those who try to insult you in your back. Dearest Aurtur from now on your family are now my family. In sickness and in health. In good all bad . Till death do us part'. I will care for you family and show them my utmost intention. I will show them how much I care for them all. With out leaving a single thing out. That is my vow to you and your family. Dearest Aurtur Royal. Your family are my family. In sickness and in health, in pain and suffering, in wealth and proverty. TILL DEATH DO US PART '.She said.

Everyone clapped as they stood up. Their vow was mind blowing. There were cheer and cameras everwhere. Their vow touched so many. The clapping continued. Everyone was happy except the Royals who just got into trouble. To everyone Hannah speech was an act of true love. But the Royals they were aware. This wasn't true love at all. Rather. She was telling them their fate now that she is married to their son.

By the time the cheering was over the priest continued.

'With those heart warming vows, I pronounce you husband and wife. You can now kiss your bride".

Aurtur unveiled her. She was looking dashing. His lips came close to her. And he gently gave her a kiss. Although this was supposed to be a pretend kiss. But he couldn't hold back. Her lips were just too soft. It made him want more from their relationship. Yes he wanted her to revenge, he also wanted her to love him back. He wanted their relationship to eventually grow into something not just contracted but also there will be love. He wanted to take care of Bryan and her . He wanted to raise a family with her. As he kissed her, he decided to make his relationship with her work.

Hannah was suprised how long the kiss was going. She felt maybe he wanted to make it real. You know for the game to look real. By the time he broke the kiss. She smiled as she looked at everyone.

The crowd once again cheered for the couples. They were the latest couples in town. Hannah stared at the Royals whom just stood at their various position. Their countenance showed their bitterness towards this wedding.

Lucas who couldn't bear anymore left the hall and Kaise ran after him.

Hannah smiled as she saw the reaction in his face as he left the wedding hall. He was like a man who just heard that he has only one month to live on earth. She smiled. She looked back at Aurtur who kept smiling at her.'This is just the beginning, I am now Hannah Royal. Miss Hannah Royal,how cute'. She smiled devilishly.

Lucas went to the car and kicked the tires with his legs. Kaise caught up with him.

'Hey lucas,what's wrong'. Kaise looked at his.

'Hannah ,has put herself inside the lions den. She can't leave it alive. What ever happens Kaise from now. We must be very careful. Because this woman is here to cause trouble' . He said as he frowned.

'How do you know that, Hannah can't do anything to us. She will always be a poor beggar. Don't worry, you don't need to work yourself with her. She can't do anything to ruin us'. Kaise smiled. But her smile got cut off.

'Nonsense, that is not Isabella. That is Hannah Royal. Anyone who becomes a Royal is now a devil. That person can do anything. And now she is a Royal. No matter what happens we can not let her do anything that will tarnish our name and reputation. what ever you do, from now on we must be very careful. We must play our cards right. Any mistake of ours we are done for'. Lucas said as his face turned serious. Kaise just stared at him. Her body became tensed. The air around them got hot. The both of the starred at each other .