
chapter 4

There was a black car driving on the road with one passenger and one driver. The two of them are Jessica and Alex who is on the way to go on a date.

'why did I just go with the flow huh. I just take his hand like it's a usual thing for me. I'm turning gay aren't i hah' Jessica think to herself remembering the interaction with all before they get in the car. Jessica look out from the car window looking at the sky for a star.

"Quite beautiful isn't it dear" Alex who was driving said to Jessica with a mischievous mind to flirt with her.

"Yes it is beautiful" Jessica who was looking at the star was to focus on imagining what shape the star made.

"Well it is beautiful but I think you're even more beautiful dear" Alex laugh at his own flirt. while Jessica look away from him as there was a hint of blush on her face.

"Ahahaha... Haha... Thx" Jessica realize that she was flustered by Alex word and she blame it on the original body feeling.

'what was that!!! Am I blushing!! Why am I blushing! It must be the original Jessica feeling yes that must be it!!' Jessica think to herself before realizing something.

'Wait why do I blush at his word but when he kiss me I didn't blushed or flustered just panic. Huh could it be that Jessica feeling began to Marge with my own! No way right?' Jessica stayed silent for the rest of the ride wandering if what she think is true.

Then Alex stop the car on the side of the road in front of a fancy restaurant. The restaurant is bright and big.

(At the restaurant)

Jessica then got ready to get of the car before suddenly Alex spoke to her.

"My dear stop!" Alex said as he hurriedly get out of the car and run to the passenger side of the car and opening the door for Jessica like a gentlemen. Alex then over his hand to Jessica.

"Alright dear you can go now. Take my hand" Jessica hesitant a bit before taking his hand and go with Alex to the restaurant. The two of them enter the restaurant and go to the seat that Alex have booked for them.

'wow this restaurant sure is fancy and big. But is the date just this? Huh am I disappointed! Why would I be disappointed am I looking forward to this date! No way am I and Jessica feeling really merging. Ah.. let's ignore that' Jessica was wondering in her mind but her face was frowning.

"Dear is there something wrong? Did you not like the restaurant?" Alex said a bit worried about Jessica opinion about the date.

"Ah.. that's not it. I just thinking about something bad hahaha" Jessica said to Alex.

"Oh I thought you're disappointed by the restaurant I choose. Oh one more the restaurant is not all part of the date there's more" Alex said proudly with the plan of the date in his mind. He's excited to see Jessica reaction to the big plan he have.

"It's not?" Jessica said as she's a bit happy but quickly change to her normal mood.

"Yes just wait you're gonna like it" Alex said to Jessica.

The two of them then order their food. Not long after their food come to their table and they began eating it. While they were eating a bunch of people looked at Jessica mesmerized at how beautiful she is while some of the guy is looking at her figure.

"Alex why don't we finish this quickly and go to your next plan" Jessica said to Alex as she was a bit uncomfortable with all the stare she got.

"Alright dear let's finish this and we'll go" Alex said understanding about her situation as this always happen to the original Jessica too.

After they finish with their meal Alex took Jessica to a beach where there was a yacht on the water.

(At the beach)

The yacht have a bunch of flowet that made a word "for my dear".

"How was it dear. We're going to go drive this yacht to the sea and have a romantic moment with just us" Alex said as he hug Jessica close to him intentionally pressing her body against him.

"I... It's uhh... It's amazing" Jessica said as she's blushing again looking at the yacht.

"Alright let's not waste time and let's go dear" Alex said quickly pulling Jessica with him and bringing her to the yacht that he had ranted.

They drove of together in the yacht exploring the sea and having fun. Jessica was genuinely have a fun time with Alex in the boat as they soar the sea. Jessica didn't even realize that she have so much fun.

"Alex look the sea is glowing blue!! How is that possible" Jessica said looking behind the boat as the sea behind them glowing blue.

"Haha beautiful righ. I plan this for our date dear. Did you like it?" Alex said he hugged Jessica from behind her and he kiss her cheek.

"This is beautiful I like it" Jessica said while blushing. Once again she wonder why she's blushing and she confirmed that it might be true that her feeling is merging with the real Jessica.

"It didn't stop hear my dear I have something more that I promise you'll like it" Alex then go to drive the yacht into the middle of the sea where they can't see any land around them.

The sky is full of star that was shining brightly. Jessica was mazmerized by the sight as this was the first time she had seen so many star in the sky in both live she have.

Alex suddenly broke the silence between them and spoke to Jessica.

"Jessica, you know that I love you so much right. Even after 4 years we've been married I've always love you the same no I love you even more then 4 years ago. So Jessica I thank you for being with me for the longest time" Alex the pull Jessica closer to him and kiss her deeply without letting her go. Jessica was stuck there and was out of breath but Alex keep Kissing her.

After Alex separate his lips Jessica was catching her breath as she was cought off guard by the kiss. To Alex Jessica looked so cute at this moment. Alex the holde her cheek and kiss her again but only for a bit.

'huff.... Huff... What is this my heart beating so fast.... Am I flustered?. I'm blushing so hard' Jessica cover her face with both of her hand she doesn't know why she felt so much embarrassment in her. Before Alex can do anything to her again Jessica spoke to him.

"Umm... Alex it's already night let's get home now I'm tired" Jessica said trying to get her embarrassment out.

"Ah you're right. Alright let's go home now dear" Alex then drove the boat to the sore and then he brings Jessica home.

(At home)

Alex carried Jessica in her arm. Alex carried her in a bridal style.

"Jessica did you have fun in today's date" Alex said smirking.

"Yeas it was fun" Jessica said truthfully as she is having fun.

Alex then carried her to the bed before laying her on it. And the he spoke again to her.

"Well since you have fun why didn't you give me a reward dear" Alex said with seducing tone as he get on top of her. Alex holed her hand on top of her on a pillow.

"Huh wait Alex uhh... I.... Uhh" Jessica can't utter a word as she can't find an excuse to go out of the situation. So she just pry so that nothing will happen with them although it was fine but her dignity as a man didn't let her.

(Outside of the house)

Someone lurking outside of the house. It was a guy he was wearing a hoodie. His face was covered by the shadow of the night. He was looking at the house seems like he's searching for something inside the house but then he walk away into the dark.

__________________________________________________ to be continued

Wow thanks y'all. Yesterday I've got 3 comment telling me to continue so here it is chapter 4. Well I really thought that someone would ask me to delete this but well for now I didn't find it so I'm glad. If you all find any mistake, loophole of advice to give me please do tell me it'll help me greatly. Again I'll told you guys don't expect much from this novel it's my first time writing story. I'm bad at English and I'm bad at writing but know that I'm trying my best. Anyway just like I said from the previous chapter if you want me to continue writing this novel just comment and I'll continue and if you don't want me to just comment then I won't.

Om thing I might not be able to write every single day. But do expect at least 2 chapter a week.

Anyway another thing from chapter 3 I ask if I should add adult content in here one person comment yes and there's more person telling me to do it then not to do it(even though no one comment no). So the next chapter will have +18 in it. I expect it to be good since I am a weeb and I join the darkside of it you know what I mean right. The h stuff I watch a loot if those I didn't have a girlfriend 😭. We'll don't expect it to be good I'm a virgin after all. Well thanks for not sending hate massage.

btw the three comment from chapter 3 is only a thanks not asking to continue my eyes is playing trick on me this chapter shouldn't exist my bad

I won't continue writing the new chapter until someone comment to continue on this chapter. I'll delete the novel if more people want me to delete it then the people want me to continue it.

btw the three comment from chapter 3 is only a thanks not asking to continue my eyes is playing trick on me this chapter shouldn't exist my bad

ilikebrawlhalacreators' thoughts
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