
chapter 1

In the rain , when the sun is no where to be found on the sky only the moon. A man is standing beside a lamp pole not caring about the rain. The man was crying without anyone noticing. He was looking at his feet as if he regretted his live.

The man is azeil, azeil is an average man. He is 187 cm tall with a black hair and a blue eyes. Azeil is a 27 years old man who is well off and have a good carrier as a manager at a company. Azeil have a beautiful wife, Lindy whom he loved so much and they have been together for more then 7 years.

That day azeil just got back from his work early from the company he's working on. Azeil can't wait to get back to his house and cuddle with his lovely wife. Azeil bought a gift on the way home, it's a necklace for his wife.

Azeil thought to himself 'I can't wait to give this necklace to my wife I hope she like it. I wanna see her face when I give this to her I bet she'll make That cute face hahahaha' azeil hold the necklace in his hand and run as fast as he can to his house to meet his wife.

Azeil arive At his house. He open the door slowly and quietly not wanting to get notice by his wife since azeil want to surprise her with the necklace he just bought. Azeil walk to the living room sneakil searching where his wife is. Azeil go to the living room where he found no one, then he go to the kitchen again with no one there. Azeil now know that his wife can only be in the bedroom if she's not outside, so azeil walk upstairs still quietly to the bedroom door.

As he arive at the bedroom door suddenly azeil heard something from inside the bedroom. "Ahh….. ahh… ahnn… yes ahh…. Fuck…. It's so good ahhh... I want more... fuck me harder….." the voice that azeil know and familiar with. It's the voice of his wife but what is she saying.

Azeil open the door slowly as he saw something unbelievable and disappointing view on the bed. Azeil saw his wife was riding another man while moaning like crazy.

"What is this?" azeil said with a calm voice trying to not lose his cool.

"Huh?? Azeil!! It's not what it's looks like" Lindy said with a frown and dear in her face.

"Lindy, I'm not blind. When does it goes wrong" azeil said as he breathing become heavy. In the next second he run out of the house while Lindy is trying to follow him but can't.

Azeil was running aimlessly. He run until he's tired. He stand beside a lamp pole in the night as it started raining. Azeil is now got caught in the rain where he began to rethink his live.

'what did I do to deserve this. am I a bad person. What do I lack. am I not good enough. Am I ugly. Am I not rich enough. Am I not kind enough' azeil think about himself.

Azeil start walking in the rain again with purpose and just wanting to get out of this depression. Azeil unintentionally walk to the road where he didn't realize that a car was moving twords him at a full speed.



The sound of a metal and a splatter of liquid can be heard. At this moment azeil is dying when he began reliving his entire live from his childhood to an adult. He regret devoting his live to the woman whom she once love.

Azeil consciousness began to fade away. His eyes start closing. He heard a chater and a blabber that he can't understand. He saw a blurry light everywhere. Then azeil finally close his eyes for good.

In the darkness of the abyss a soul is thinking to himself.

'where is this. Everything is dark and black. Did I died I remember getting hit by a car. So I am dead right. Am I in heaven or hell. I feel so free and cold. Am I floating or am I standing' Azeil said confused with so many questions unanswered.

After 430 years in the darkness. Azeil still have so many questions but azeil completely forget his wife and what happen and just continue floatunin the darkness when suddenly a light appear out of nowhere after 9 years in the darkness or so he thought it was 9 year.

"Well well. What do we have here? A lost soul wondering around asking useless question like a crazy person" said the light that have no physical body and that is so bright

"What are you" azeil said to the light with a tone of a person that is scared. For some reason the moment azeil saw this light he began trembling and feeling fear all over his body even when he have no body.

"Me? I'm what you human called god" the light said.

"A god? Wait am I in one of those fanfic type of situation whe-" azeil suddenly cannot speak at this moment when the light continue

"calm down human. yes, you're right. You are in one of those fanfic type situation. So let's get to the point. I'm granting you 3 wish. I'm bored and I need something to do and you're the perfect candidate for my amusement" the light said calmly.

"so I get three wish to make is there anything I should know about before making my wish" azeil ask to the god with a bit of worries since he's a bit afraid of the all mighty being in front of him.

"yes, there is. Your wish can't be to powerful and you can't wish for more wishes. that's it" the light said with calm voice.

"Okay, that's a relief. Well for what I wish for the first is that I want a good physique in my next live. The second is I want to be able to read other people emotion is. the third is I want a system" azeil said with excitement completely forgetting his fear of the all mighty being in front of him for the chance of getting a good live.

"All can be done and is done. Mind you that your third wish is a bit powerful so I adjust it down where it's not so powerful" the light said with a hint of mischievousness in his tone.

Them the moment the light said that azeil consciousness began to fade away again into darkness.

When Azeil woke up on a bed in a room full of photos and painting of a woman and a man. The woman is gorgeous, sexy and beautiful while the man is average looking. Then he turned his head around to see the man in the photo sleeping peacefully.

'who is this guy' azeil thought to himself when suddenly his head began hurting.

"AHHHH!!!" azeil hiss at the pain and a memory of a woman name Jessica come I to his mind. Jessica is a beautiful woman in her 23th years of live.

"So In this live I have become a woman. My name is Jessica I'm 23 years old, I'm 167 cm tall. My hair is black so is my eyes. I have an hourglass figure. This body died in sleep and I took it huh" azeil who is now Jessica said to himself when he remember someone beside her name alex in bed was the original Jessica husband.

"why did god send me here as a woman and a wife" Jessica said with a feminine and gentle voice unintentionally. As she was confused the man that was laying beside her woke up.

"Honey, why are you thinking so hard. Are you still thinking about our last night section" Alex said teasing jessica while he lay on bed holding her waist not knowing that it azeil.

Jessica who is azeil inside began pondering how should she reply to this husband of her original body. When suddenly a panel appear in front of her.

[Welcome host to the good wife system]

__________________________________________________ To be continued

Tell me what you think. If there is any mistake I made or if you have suggestions I'll immediately edit the chapter to make it better. I hope you enjoy it although I write it for fun I'm trying my best so I'm sorry if it's bad and not up to your expectations.

Tell me what you think. If there is any mistake I made or if you have suggestions I'll immediately edit the chapter to make it better. I hope you enjoy it although I write it for fun I'm trying my best so I'm sorry if it's bad and not up to your expectations. also comment if you want me to continue or not I'll not write another chapter unless someone want me to continue.

ilikebrawlhalacreators' thoughts
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