
Chapter 69 People are looking forward to the Governor.

 Ron slapped Moss's iron shoulder on the ground, his eyes revealing great appreciation.

  "Well done!

  This Governor officially declares that you will be the number one hero of the Royal Court District and the greatest farm robot!"

  "Governor, woo woo woo!"

  The display on Moss's eyes showed a pattern of eyes that moved and teared.

  It has been working hard to plant the fields for so many years, and finally got the recognition of its master.

  At this moment, it feels that the machine has the value of existence, and it is extremely honored and happy!

  Moss is a robot from the golden age of mankind. In that era of extremely advanced technology and civilization, it was allowed to have rich emotions. It

  is even a little cute, and it looks a bit out of place in today's Hell Galaxy.

  "Are you done being moved?

  If you are done, take me to the warehouse quickly, quickly!"

  Ron was very anxious.

  Like a ruthless scumbag.

  He just wanted to get the food quickly, after all, the people in the Royal Court District are still crying for food!

  "Okay, Governor, I will get there as fast as I can!"

  Moss received the order, and the monitor showed a struggling eye pattern.

  He drove the hovercraft to make a sharp turn, and then headed towards the warehouse at a very fast speed.

  The speed was so fast that it almost left an afterimage.

  Ron felt the huge acceleration, and his whole body was numb.

  If his body had not been strengthened by the little sun, he might have fainted on the spot.

  He opened his mouth to say something, but the artificial wind kept pouring into his mouth:

  "That's right... there's no need to be so anxious..."

  Soon, the hovercraft spun and stopped sharply, stopping in the warehouse area of ​​Green Wave Farm.

  "We're here!"

  Moss got off the hovercraft and pointed to the steel doors in front of him.

  Ron jumped off the hovercraft, his steps were a little shaky.

  He helped Moss stand steadily, and said earnestly:

  "Don't be so reckless when driving for the leader in the future, understand?"

  "Okay, Governor!"

  Ron walked to the front of the warehouse and looked up at the steel door.

  The steel door alone was almost ten meters high. You can imagine how huge these warehouses are.

  How big a spaceship is it to build such a large artificial farm and warehouse?

  Moreover, after the spaceship was attacked and destroyed, the remaining force field device can still protect the Green Wave Farm until now. What a terrible technical ability! It is

  worthy of the golden age of mankind. Any leak of technology is enough for him, the planetary governor, to take off.

  "Open the door quickly, let me see how much food is inside!"

  Ron pointed to a steel door.

  He was very excited. The bigger the warehouse, the better. The bigger the warehouse means more food!

  In the empire, food is an extremely precious material. Only with food can the population be expanded steadily and the army can be supported to conquer the world.

  When he gets the food in the warehouse back, he can develop it in a big way!

  After receiving the order, Ross pulled the wrench to open the steel door of the warehouse.

  With the ground shaking, the door slowly opened.

  Ron couldn't wait to run in and was stunned:

  "Moss, is this the food you mentioned?"

  Where is there any food in the warehouse? He only saw a pile of completely rotten, mountain-like black ash...


  sat in front of a huge desk with several piles of documents on the table.

  Those were the government affairs he had come to deal with today.

  After finishing a document, he looked up with a frown.

  The Royal Court District has had a hard time recently

  because their Governor has disappeared.

  He has been missing for five days.

  Of course, it was only a temporary disappearance.

  He went to the scene of the disappearance to investigate, and the Governor simply disappeared out of thin air, leaving behind only a hovercraft.

  There were no signs of any attack at the scene, and the guards also said there were no signs of the enemy.

  Even Bishop Doni had gone to see it, and he did not find any trace of Chaos.

  These pieces of evidence showed that the Governor had not encountered an attack.

  Everyone was more willing to believe that the Governor had gone to some mysterious place.   

  After all, the ability and technology of space transmission are not a big secret in the empire.

  Especially Bishop Doni.

  He vowed that the governor was a living saint chosen by the Emperor of God, and nothing would happen to him.

  Every living saint is extremely mysterious and powerful, how could he die easily? According

  to legend, the living saint, Saint Celestine, who often appears as a glowing angel, can even come back to life and revive himself and others!

  Although everyone believes that the governor will not be in trouble and will come back to bless his people soon.

  But a lot of things happened during the governor's absence.

  The despicable traitors, the Horman family, used conspiracy and trickery against the Royal Court District, spreading the news that the Royal Court District's food reserves were completely exhausted. The

  Horman family sent more evil followers and launched a suicide attack, contaminating the protein of the starch factory.

  This loss made the already food-deficient Royal Court District even worse.

  The current situation is very bad. Many people are hungry, and people have starved to death on the streets one after another.

  There are even rumors that the governor has abandoned them and everyone in the Royal Court District will starve to death!

  Bayev issued a statement, saying that the benevolent Governor followed the guidance of the great Emperor and went to find food for everyone.

  The Governor will soon come back with endless food so that everyone can have a full stomach!

  This was fabricated by Bayev to temporarily appease the people.

  Fortunately, the residual power of the Holy Scripture is still there.

  Most people who are loyal to the Emperor and the Governor chose to believe this statement.

  They endured hunger and waited with hope.

  Waiting for their Governor to return with endless food.

  However, some people sneered at this and thought that those were all lies in the Royal Court.

  They cursed the officials and the Governor of the Royal Court. They

  believed that the Governor and the officials had taken away the food that originally belonged to them.

  Under the instigation of the Horman family spies, those people began to make trouble, commit crimes, and even plundered the food of the weak, and even killed people and ate meat.

  Under their influence, the security of the Royal Court territory became worse and worse, and the order was about to get out of control!

  However, what they didn't know was that these actions would lead to more serious consequences.

  Because Bayev has decided that if the Governor does not return and the situation does not improve, he will kill people to make protein and launch a decisive battle against the Horman family.

  This is a last-ditch effort.

  By then, no one will be spared!

  This is a very difficult decision. Bayev only hopes that the Governor can come back soon.

  As he promised, solve the food problem and save the people who are loyal to the Royal Court!

  Just when Bayev and others were looking forward to Ron's return.

  Ron was frowning. He dug into the pile of black ash. There was no doubt that all the food was rotten!

  He covered his chest:

  "Moss, please, don't tell me that this is all the food..."

  "Of course not."

  Moss's answer saved Ron's heart. It continued: "Under normal circumstances, the warehouse can keep the food from spoiling for two hundred years, but these grains were stored ten thousand years ago..."

  "Then why did you open it?"

  "Governor, you asked me to open it."

  Moss said calmly:

  "According to the existing data, most of the food stored in the warehouse area is inedible because it is too old.

  If you want edible food, you can go to that warehouse..."

  It pointed to the warehouse farthest away:

  "The food grown in the past two hundred years is stored in Warehouse D177."

  Hearing Moss's accurate answer, Ron finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  Fortunately, there is still food that has not spoiled, otherwise it would be a big trouble.

  Soon, the steel door of Warehouse D177 opened.

  After Ron entered, a cool breeze hit him and he could smell a fragrance.

  It was the fragrance of rice.

  He looked up and saw dozens of mountains of food!

  (End of this chapter)