
Chapter 48 Fight!

 With Carter's declaration of battle, he exuded an unparalleled momentum.

  That is the bravery and fearlessness of the guards!

  The guards were inspired by Carter's declaration of battle, and their fighting spirit was completely ignited.

  Including the seriously injured guard, he also joined the fighting team.

  He can still fight!

  Even if he dies, he must die on the battlefield.

  Because only in this way can the shame suffered previously be washed away.

  He wants to use the blood of heretics to forge his loyalty to the Governor!

  Bolter rounds were chambered, chainsword engines roared.

  The guards clenched their weapons, and headed by Carter, who was holding the Ripper's chainsaw, they formed a fighting formation and walked steadily towards the aberrations ahead.

  Only fight and death are the only guides!

  At this time, the surrounding gunfire stopped.

  When it was confirmed that ordinary attacks were ineffective, the defense forces and bailiffs stopped attacking so as not to interfere with the battle of the guards.

  The surroundings became quieter for a while.

  Everyone's eyes stayed on the backs of those heroic guards.

  That is a war angel from the Royal Court District who is loyal to the Governor.

  Everyone's hopes are pinned on them.

  There were even bailiffs and SADF soldiers praying.

  They prayed for the God-Emperor's protection and for the strength of these Praetorian Guards.

  Let the Praetorian Guards become heroic and invincible.

  Like those legendary emperor champion warriors.

  Roar -

  the aberration crawled out of the ruins of the shack, and the impact of the cannonball just now did not cause much damage to it at all.

  But it felt angry.

  How dare these weak insects resist.

  Dare to provoke the heir of the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes!

  The twisted flesh and blood all over its body shrank and surged, and its stretched tentacles retracted in front of it. Thousands of dark eyes on the tentacles stared at the approaching guards.

  It was a gaze from chaos, exuding strong malice, as if it wanted to swallow up all life.

  "The descendants of the great Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes will never forgive any disrespect. You should be afraid!"

  The evil head on the aberration's chest screamed, and he was so excited that he went crazy.

  Although, he could no longer control his body.

  The moment he injected the Chaos Essence, the bloodthirsty primitive instinct completely took over his body.

  He was just inhabiting that body.

  His relationship to his body is like that of a parasite to its host, or a dog to its master.

  Of course, the evildoer obviously didn't think so.

  He felt that the power of this body belonged to him, a great divine power bestowed by the Lord of Ten Thousand Eyes!

  The tentacles that the aberration shrank in front of him were waving, and the cold gazes of all the dark eyes on the tentacles were locked on Carter.

  According to its instinctive awareness, the tall warrior is the biggest threat!


  It tentatively flung out a tentacle.

  The tentacles carried the whistling wind and hit Carter.

  But Carter didn't move, and the guards around him immediately stepped forward to stop the tentacles and cut them off!

  Several more tentacles passed by, but still no results were achieved.

  They were all stopped by the guards!

  Carter was still moving forward, his footsteps becoming more and more steady, and the guards around him followed.

  Move forward step by step!

  Until Carter and the guards stood in front of the aberrant body, looking up at this behemoth.

  The two sides faced each other, and no one launched an attack rashly.

  The atmosphere was extremely tense, as if the air had frozen.

  "The lackeys of the false emperor!"

  The evil head suddenly shouted, breaking the silence:

  "You should be afraid.   

  Kneel down and surrender to the great Lord of Eyes!

  Kneel down and beg for mercy, offer flesh and blood as a sacrifice, maybe I..."


  What he responded to was a bolt bomb.

  Carter raised his bolt pistol, pointed it at the noisy guy's head, and blasted it hard.

  In an instant, the evildoer's head was shattered. Half of his head was missing, like a smashed watermelon.

  "Damn it, kill them, kill them! "

  The villain felt even more humiliated, and half of his head howled. The

  aberrant body suddenly attacked, and its two strongest tentacles suddenly lifted up, carrying a huge force, and slammed into Carter!

  Face to face ! Carter did not panic under such a violent attack. He dodged slightly and avoided the direct attack of the tentacles. The   two tentacles

  suddenly hit the ground, causing a cloud of smoke and dust.   There was

a roar.

  Carter swung the chain saw and cut off the tentacle instantly, and

  the broken tentacles bounced violently on the ground.

  At this time, other guards started to attack.

Either shooting or slashing

  against the tentacles waving in their respective areas. It didn't take long

  for the explosion of explosive bombs and the roar of the chain sword to resound throughout the area

  . Under the tight siege of the guards, all the aberrations were attacked. The tentacles were chopped off one by one.

  After clearing the obstacles, Carter rushed forward and slashed at the aberration's body with the chain saw.

  With each swing, large pieces of flesh were chopped up and taken away by the high-speed rotating chain saw. .

  The deformed body of the aberrant body was severely injured.

  There were scars all over its body, and pieces of flesh and blood fell to the ground along the wounds.

  "It hurts!" Damn the fake emperor's lackey!

  Hurry up and hide, hurry up! "

  The evil head also felt the damage caused by the aberration, and the severe pain made him unbearable.

  He shouted, urged, and tried to issue instructions, but he could not control the aberration at all.

  Seeing this, Carter and the guards attacked More intense.

  Kill this heretic!

  Hoho -

  the aberration felt a greater threat, and it mutated again. All the dark eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes and turned blood red.

  Then, the flesh around its body expanded rapidly. It was a big circle!

  His whole body was like a balloon that was filled with air and was about to explode!

  Carter sensed the danger and roared loudly:

  "Get out of the way!" "

  However, his reminder was still too late.

  Boom -

  the flesh and blood outside the aberration suddenly exploded like a bomb.

  A powerful shock wave enveloped the bodies of the soldiers and threw them violently around.

  Carter was the closest. , the shock wave he suffered was even stronger.

  He was knocked away by the shock wave and fell hard to the ground.

  When Carter stood up

  , he saw a three-meter-tall humanoid figure walking out of the smoke . Aberrant body!

  The muscles of the humanoid aberrant body were bulging, and its body was covered with blood-red eyeballs. At this moment, it

  exuded a weirder aura

  than before . The even more terrifying aura made the surrounding guards shudder,

  while the ordinary soldiers further away were frightened beyond words.


  The humanoid deformed body jumped up from a distance and slammed into Carter's body. In front of you!

  (End of this chapter)