
Chapter 3 Evil Gods and Faith

  "The God of Blue and Gold..." Isis muttered, "Does he admire Nephthys?"

  "Admiration." Seth was sure.

  The original Seth learned the news and specifically asked the God of Blue and Gold for confirmation.

  After receiving a positive answer, he beat the blue and gold god.

  "Okay, I'll go find him." Isis made her decision.

  He also told Seth to use more divine power to flush out his divine body, lest Apep leave behind any hidden methods.

  Apep is in charge of chaos and has no wisdom, but his methods are strange and obscure.

  "I know." Seth nodded seriously.

  It concerns himself, he will definitely mobilize his divine power to flush his divine body every day.

  Isis turned into a gust of wind and left, looking very anxious.

  Seth understood that God's authority determines God's power.

  Like Isis, she has the triple authority of magic, life, and marriage.

  She wanted to increase her power, and the most convenient way was to prompt marriage between gods and gods.

  The contracting of divine marriage greatly increases her power.

  On the contrary, if a large number of living species die, a large number of people who enter into marriages will dissolve their marriages, and a large number of people who learn magic will decrease.

  Although she still controls the three powers, Isis's power will be greatly weakened.

  His sister is arrogant and will not tolerate herself becoming weak.

  Seth shook his head, stopped thinking about these things, and spoke.


  A gust of wind and sand blew by, forming a huge yellow sand bird completely condensed from yellow sand.


  Set walked up to the flying bird and sat down on its back, saying, "Go to the nearest oasis."

  The yellow sand bird flapped its wings and flew to the south.

  According to memory, 80% of the world created by Ra was a desert covered with yellow sand.

  The remaining 20% ​​are grasslands and forests formed by the Nile River formed by the great flood and its tributaries.

  There are also large and small oases in the desert.

  The original Seth did not pay much attention to the humans created by Ra, even though they sacrificed and believed in him.

  Seth wanted to meet humans and taste human food.

  The flavor of food from another world makes people drool just thinking about it.

  Suddenly, a black snake with wings and red eyes roared and flew towards Seth.

  The yellow sand bird turned back, opened its mouth and spit out a blast of sand that hit the black snake.

  In an instant, the black snake turned into flesh foam and fell to the ground with the wind and sand. The yellow sand bird turned its head and continued on its way.

  Set didn't care about this, as monsters contaminated by Apep's blood lived in the desert.

  Like Apep, they have no intelligence, are crazy, and like to destroy.

  But generally they avoid oases, temples, and gods.

  However, some crazy monsters are not afraid, but will rush to fight.

  Suddenly, a long white feather floated in front of Seth.

  The feather has the power of truth attached to it and is the feather of Maat.

  The main god Matt - the god of truth, justice and fairness.

  What is she doing to herself?

  Out of curiosity, Seth reached out and touched the feather.

  In an instant, the feathers disintegrated and turned into the words of the holy book.

  The script of the Holy Book is hieroglyphic.

  After taking a look, Seth understood what was going on.

  According to Matt, an evil god appeared on a nearby oasis.

  Seth happens to be nearby, so Seth is needed to destroy the oasis.

  "Evil God..." Seth muttered and let the yellow sand bird fly towards the oasis where the accident occurred.

  Half a sun later, the yellow sand bird arrived over the oasis where the accident occurred.

  Seth sat on the throne on the back of the yellow sand bird and looked down.

  The oasis, which is hundreds of miles in size, is covered with green plants, and the lake is crystal clear, with red fish swimming one after another.

  At the outermost lake, women wash clothes and chat, while men go into the water to catch fish.   

  After catching the red fish, the men walked towards the center of the oasis holding the red fish.

  In the center of the oasis, wooden houses are arranged in an orderly manner.

  Children were running around and playing barefoot.

  Just looking at this scene, the oasis seems to be a paradise on earth.

  Set set his sights on the only stone building in the center of the oasis - a stone temple.

  The smooth stones are painted with unknown patterns, which look particularly beautiful.

  People in the oasis knelt down and prayed devoutly in front of the temple.

  A man knelt in front of the stone temple: "Almighty God, grant us a good harvest!"

  At the same time, a blank power came into being.

  Then there was a woman, kneeling in front of the stone temple: "Almighty God, grant me health!"

  That blank power came into being again.

  This power fell into the stone building and quickly became evil.

  "Faith gave birth to evil gods." Seth confirmed the original memory of Seth.

  When human beings pray sincerely, they will generate a kind of blank power.

  If God merges with himself, his own divine power and authority will be polluted.

  If the creature merges with itself, it will be driven by the content of the belief and become an evil god.

  Seth took out his ankh, which was only as big as a palm.

  It looks like a cross, but the upper part is not a cross, but an oval.

  This is the condensation of authority when every god is born, carrying the breath of God.

  Set threw Ankh below.

  Anka fell for a moment and then floated over the oasis, emitting a soft white light.

  This light enveloped the entire oasis.

  It was also at this moment that everyone in the oasis looked up at the light in the air.

  Suddenly, a green light rushed out from the temple in the center of the oasis and flew towards the desert.

  However, at the edge of the oasis, soft white light stopped him.

  Set looked at half of the muscular young man and half of the evil god who looked like a lizard covered with black scales, and felt nauseated.

  Apparently, a monster broke into the oasis and absorbed the power of those blank beliefs.

  People on the edge of the oasis saw the monster and worshiped and prayed crazily.

  The blank power of faith fell on the monster, and was absorbed by it in an instant, becoming evil.

  At the same time, Seth noticed that the monster's scales faded some and became more human-like.

  The monster looked up at Seth's position and opened his mouth to speak.


  "The god who gives...them good harvests and good health..."

  Seth glanced at the monster, stretched out his hand and tapped the man who was kneeling near the monster.

  In an instant, the man's entire body turned into yellow sand, scattering on the green grass.

  When people around saw this scene, they screamed and cried.

  But in the end, they all prayed to the monster.

  "O God, O Almighty God, please resurrect Nak!"

  The blank power fell on the monster with the sound of pious prayers.

  The monster's expression changed: "I am... God, the God who resurrects people...!"

  After stammering, the monster spit out green mist, covering the yellow sand that the man turned into.

  After a while, the green mist dissipated, and the man who had just died appeared on the spot.

  Then it turned into yellow sand and collapsed again.

  The monster and the people in the oasis were stunned.

  Seth already knew the result. The power of faith does not mean authority.

  Without authority, corresponding power cannot be exercised.

  Moreover, believers' prayers will change God's mind.

  How can such a god be considered a god?

  (End of chapter)