
 Chapter 8 City of the Sun

Osiris looked at his brother speechlessly: "My dear brother, do you really not understand what Nephthys wants to say?"

  Seth did not beat around the bush and said: "I understand."

  "But I no longer love Nephthys."

  "Didn't Sister Isis tell you?"

  "I did." Osiris sighed: "I thought you would regret what you said."

  "Besides, you have also seen that Nephthys loves you."

  Seth said seriously: "One-sided love will eventually end."

  "Maybe." Osiris sighed again: "Poor Nephthys ."

  Hearing his words, Seth asked deliberately: "Sister, will you be back soon?"

  "Yes." Osiris nodded.

  Seth didn't ask again, he had already mentioned it when it was time to mention it.

  Hopefully nothing will happen to Osiris and Nephthys.

  In fact, Seth planned to leave the temple of Osiris, after all, Nephthys was there.

  Although her expression of love was interrupted by him, Set knew exactly what Nephthys wanted to say.

  Even if he didn't say it out loud, it was still embarrassing,

  but when he thought about it, he ran to the temple of Osiris just to prevent what happened between Osiris and Nephthys.

  Although he wanted to warn Osiris in advance.

  But now that the two gods involved are alone together, he should just keep an eye on them. As for the warning, he will find another opportunity later.

  For the next ten days, Seth was almost stuck to Osiris, whether he was cultivating seeds or responding to sacrifices.

  Osiris was helpless. He put down the wheat in his hand and said, "Dear brother, why didn't I think you were so clinging to me before?" "

  I don't know." Seth pretended to be stupid, and then changed the subject: "Brother, you Why should we respond to human sacrifices?"

  Human beings have the practice of believing in gods and have built statues and temples of gods.

  Most of them are statues and temples of the Supreme Sun God.

  Other gods are basically invisible to humans. The gods live in Sun City and have almost no contact with humans.

  No contact will be made unless it is related to one's own authority.

  Until 10,000 years ago, the gods left the City of the Sun and built temples on the earth.

  Only then did humans begin to know about gods other than the Sun God, and even began to believe in and offer sacrifices to them.

  The problem is, the blank power created by human faith is poisonous to God.

  Even the blank power of faith can create evil gods.

  As a result, most gods do not accept sacrifices, worship, or respond to humans.

  "Authority." Osiris picked up the ears of wheat that fell on the ground: "I am the god of agriculture and fertility."

  "Agriculture and fertility depend on humans."

  "Protecting them is equivalent to developing my own authority."

  " Where is the blank power of faith?" Seth asked curiously.

  He has never accepted a sacrifice, and those blank powers will disappear immediately after they are generated.

  "I refused to integrate that power into myself, and they fell into the statues in the temple." Osiris frowned: "And they did not disappear." "

  This time the divine meeting is held, I plan to seek a solution from the god Ra ."

  Seth hummed, thinking that he had fooled him, and left.

  Osiris smiled helplessly and continued to cultivate seeds.

  The next day, when the sun rose as usual, Isis came back.

  She looked tired, and she had an unpleasant fishy stench, which was Apep's stench.

  Osiris came over and supported Isis.

  "Little brother, little sister, you are all here." Isis smiled.

  "Stop talking, sister, rest." Nephthys said with a distressed look on her face.

  Seth smiled at Isis and said, "Sister, rest."

  "Yes." Isis smiled and was helped into the temple room by Osiris.   

  In order to avoid embarrassment, Seth walked out of the temple and unconsciously looked at the red sun that had just risen.

  The sun also rises, meaning Apep dies again.

  "After this divine meeting, Shu should let himself participate in the rotation again." Seth couldn't help but sigh.

  He didn't want to be part of the rotation, which would mean facing Apep.

  Seth didn't think he could handle the demon snake that killed the original Seth.

  "Forget it, run away when things get bad!" Seth made a quick decision.

  After staying outside the temple for a long time, Seth heard Isis's voice before entering the temple again.

  Isis said with a bright smile, sweeping away her previous fatigue.

  "The divine council will start tomorrow. We should go to the City of the Sun."

  Seth agreed with this decision. He wanted to see the City of the Sun, the residence of the gods, with his own eyes.

  Most importantly, he no longer had to stare at Osiris.

  Isis took out her Ankh and looked at Osiris.

  Osiris also took out his own Ankh.

  Then the two injected divine power into the Ankh at the same time.

  After receiving the divine power, the two Ankhs were suspended in the air of the temple, emitting golden light.

  At the same time, golden divine patterns spread from the Ankh to the void, eventually forming the shape of a door.

  Seeing this, Seth took out his Ankh, injected it with divine power, and sent it up into the air to meet Isis and Osiris. Cards are tied.

  Nephthys on the side did the same.

  Four Ankhs were placed side by side, and divine power burst out.

  The illusory divine pattern finally came true!

  A huge golden gate made of pure gold, engraved with mountains, water, desert, flowers, grass, trees and people, stands in the air!

  Seeing this, Seth stretched out his hand to take back the Ankh.

  The three Isis also took back Ankh.

  The moment Anka left, the golden gate split into two and slowly opened.

  This is the Sun Gate that only God can open, leading to Heliopolis, the City of the Sun.

  After a while, the door opened completely, and behind it was a red sun.

  "Let's go." Isis smiled and took Osiris' hand and said.

  After saying that, they stepped through the door and entered.

  Seth also walked through the air and entered the Gate of the Sun.

  Seth felt warm as he passed through the red sun.

  After the Red Sun, Seth witnessed a miracle.

  A red sun hangs high in the blue sky.

  A majestic city was built with white boulders, and complex and huge sun patterns were engraved on the city walls.

  To the left of the city is a golden ocean with countless golden water lilies in bloom.

  On the right side of the city is a dense jungle with no end in sight.

  Behind the city, there is nothingness and chaos.

  In front of the city is a wide road, with boundless grassland on both sides of the road.

  Although it is a fusion of memories, it is still shocking to see it with your own eyes.

  However, after Seth was shocked, he set his sights on dozens of gods besides them.

  Gods with three appearances: animal head and human body, animal head and animal body, human head and human body, are walking on the road leading to the city.

  Searching for corresponding memories in his memory, Seth knew their names and authority.

  Speaking of which, he seems to be one of the beast-headed gods...

  Set suddenly thought of this and immediately searched for his fused memories...

  Tsk, he really is a beast-headed god!

  Human beings are not what they really are!

  (End of chapter)