
 Chapter 8 Bad News, Lost Contact with the Empire

  "Why do we have the fourth level of tax immunity?"

  Ron couldn't believe that those who can obtain tax immunity are planets or regimes that have made significant contributions to the Empire. .

  Urth is a low-level hive planet, and it doesn't look like it can get tax exemption.

  "Your Majesty, the God Emperor, it seems that you have really forgotten a lot of things." Bayev looked a little heavy: "This matter starts from five years ago."

  He pointed to the evaluation report on the table: "Five years ago, the Holy The Terran Ministry of Interior raised the tax level on Urth..."

  As Bayev told it, Ron finally knew what happened that year.

  That's the story about Ron's father, Grant Sr., the former governor of Erth.

  The planet Erth is a typical mineral-producing planet with developed mining industry.

  Under the rule of former Governor Grant Sr., mineral resources were developed in an orderly manner, and after paying the imperial tithe, there was still a lot of surplus.

  Compared with other extravagant, violent, and incompetent planetary governors, Old Grant is still kind. He is at least willing to care about the lives of his people.

  Under his leadership, the planet thrived.

  The people of Erth don't have to work in the mines day and night, and they don't have to worry about starvation. They can occasionally eat bread mixed with sawdust.

  In this cruel universe, this is a magical day.

  Such days continued until the arrival of officials from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Holy Terra.

  They assessed Urth as a planet with greater tax potential.

  They miscalculated the affordability of Erth Star and abruptly raised the tax level by three levels!

  Old Grant tried his best to appeal, but nothing happened and he could not get any response.

  The tax period was approaching, and after receiving continuous warnings, Old Grant had no choice but to mobilize all his forces to exploit resources.

  However, reckless mining caused huge damage to the environment, frequent mine accidents, and millions of people died.

  "Is there no other way?"

  Although he knew the result, Ron couldn't help but ask this question.

  "Do you mean to resist?"

  Bayev shook his head: "Resistance is unwise and meaningless."

  "That is a betrayal of the empire. The planet of Erth will become a battlefield, and the people of Erth will be there. The last drop of blood in their homeland!

  No one can refuse the orders of the Empire.

  The Empire has thousands of huge fleets, hundreds of billions of soldiers, and millions of powerful space warriors.

  Send any fleet or star. The warrior team can easily destroy the planet Urth.

  The consequences of not paying taxes are serious.

  "The tithe is loyalty to the God Emperor. It is the greatest obligation of the citizens of the empire. It is aimed at everyone and no one can refuse it.

  " The husband sighed: "Your father knows this truth very well, but his heart is not ruthless enough...

  The result is that he failed to collect the corresponding materials and the tax was delayed.

  Your father begged the Ministry of Interior to give him some more time, but those damn officials in the Ministry of Interior only have tax revenue in their eyes and don't care about the suffering of Erth!

  They thought that the Eth star was resisting taxes, so they directly sent the magistrate from the Ministry of Justice to investigate."

  Ron's heart tightened. The magistrate's intervention meant that the matter was getting serious.

  "Then what is the result of the investigation?

  "The Magistrate's team was attacked by Chaos Heretics. The Magistrate himself was slightly injured, but a female investigator died. It was an accident..." Ron

  sighed. He was attacked as soon as he came to investigate. Who would believe that it was an accident?

  Bayev seemed to know what Ron was thinking, and continued: "As you might think, the magistrate didn't believe it was an accident.

  He was so angry that he brought the matter to the Tribunal, claiming that Chaos Corruption The planet Erth needs a comprehensive cleaning! "

  Good guy, is the Inquisitor so angry that he dares to involve the Inquisition?

  The Inquisition was the most powerful secret agency of the Empire during the Horus Heresy, responsible for identifying and destroying all threats facing the Empire and humanity.

  The Inquisition The Tribunal's powers are broad, there is no formal hierarchy or centralized leadership, and they are accountable only to the Emperor.

  This means that the Inquisitors are free to maintain the survival and continuity of the Imperium as they see fit.   

  When left unchecked, Inquisitors often turn into fanatical and ruthless lunatics, even killing their own people when they go mad.

  As Ron expected, the inquisitor was very unlucky and met a manic inquisitor.

  The important ceremony of the Inquisitor was interrupted, and he endured his anger and came to the planet Erth.

  When he arrived at the place, he first investigated the magistrate.

  After finding relevant criminal evidence, the magistrate was executed on the spot for accepting bribes and abusing power.

  The Inquisitor later investigated the planet Erth, but no problems occurred. It was really just an accident.

  Old Grant thought the matter would come to an end, but the inquisitor believed that paying taxes was a sacred obligation and the cornerstone of the empire.

  Tax evasion is not allowed on any planet, no matter what the reason.

  If everything were like the Eth Star, the empire would have an unstable foundation and risk collapse.

  Therefore, Euse Star must fulfill its obligations, not only to pay back the tax arrears, but also to pay fines!

  Old Grant begged the Inquisitor to think of the people of Urth, who could not bear such a burden.

  "Life is the emperor's coin, and sacrifice is the cornerstone of the empire!" said the almost crazy judge.

  In this way, under the supervision of the Inquisitor, the planet Urth launched an inhumane taxation, and anyone who resisted would be executed.

  Tens of billions of people on the planet work day and night, billions of people die in the mines, and a large number of people are sent to the Astra Militarum to fight on the front lines against the aliens.

  By the time the taxation was over, the planet Erth had lost half of its population, the planet's surface had been extensively destroyed, and there was deadly pollution everywhere.

  "After paying such a price, the people of Esth finally collected the taxes required by the judge,"

  Bayev said, with tears in his eyes: "Those are the blood and tears of Esth!"

  "Judgement When the officer left, Lord Grant begged him to help appeal. The planet Urth really couldn't bear such a heavy tax.

  He hoped that he could tell the Holy Terra Ministry of the Interior about the true situation of the planet Urth so that they could re-launch the tax on the planet Urth . Assessment, lower the tax level of Erth Star."

  "Are you agreeing?"

  Bayev's eyes were red: "He, he cut off Lord Grant's head, and the blood spattered everyone...

  He claimed that Lord Grant was a heretic, and he said It smells like chaos!

  But Lord Grant is so kind, how could he be a heretic?"

  Ron clenched his fist slightly: "What's the name of the judge?"

  "It doesn't matter, he's dead."


  Ron was incredible.

  The Inquisitor is a powerful being that can fight against Chaos, aliens, and any potential threats, and can even fight Chaos Demons in single combat.

  How could he die so easily?

  Bayev answered Ron's doubts: "We didn't kill him, it was the subspace storm..."

  After the Inquisitor's ship set out to enter the subspace, an accident occurred.

  The powerful subspace storm tore the ship apart, and the wreckage was thrown out of the subspace along with human body parts and fell to the ground.

  "A small part of the Inquisitor's body is gone. He is lying on the ground unable to move. He ordered us to rescue him immediately!"

  Bayev said, seeming to be somewhat relieved: "We were able to rescue him, but no one moved, so we just looked at him. Him.

  See him lowering his head to ask for our help, seeing him gradually become desperate and begin to curse our blasphemy...

  Everyone watched him struggle on the ground until he died!"

  Ron sighed and patted Bayev on the shoulder.

  "Maybe Old Mike is right..." Bayev wiped the tears from his eyes: "We have desecrated the God-Emperor and we have been abandoned!"

  "Why?" Ron was puzzled.

  "The inexplicable subspace storm destroyed the shipping lanes, and the planet's only Astropath also died. We severed contact with Holy Terra, until now..."

  Astropaths are an important intermediary between the Empire's territories and Holy Terra. Under normal circumstances, subspace storms will not affect it.

  A warp storm powerful enough to kill an Astropath?

  Ron suddenly stood up: "Is it a big crack?"

  (End of this chapter)