
 Chapter 67 Purebred humans!

 Aren't they all humans? How did they become aliens?

  Ron was a little confused.

  In the current empire, people use the characteristics of the skull to identify whether a creature is human.

  The human skull symbolizes the purity of the human soul, which means that this person has not been corrupted or fallen until death, and is still a purebred human.

  Because aliens and demons can change in a thousand ways, but the only thing they can't have is the human skull.

  Therefore, various institutions and personnel in the empire often like to use emblems with skulls to express this purity.

  People can see the skull logo anywhere in the empire.

  Including Ron, he is wearing a gold skull ring on his hand.

  "Mr. Robot, those are all humans, how can they be aliens...

  ah, right, according to you, they are aliens, they can't be aliens, right?"

  Ron pointed at the skeletons and raised his doubts.

  The skulls of those people are white, smooth and shiny, and they look very pure at a glance.

  "This sir..."

  The iron robot paused, as if wondering how to address Ron.

  "My name is Ron Grant..."

  "Hello, Mr. Ron, I'm Moss, a farm robot model B12"

  "Okay, Mr. Moss, nice to meet you!"

  Ron extended his hand enthusiastically to shake hands with Moss, and the eye pattern on the LCD panel of Moss's eyes turned into a squinting smile, seeming very happy.

  "Okay, Mr. Ron, let's get back to the question just now.

  The creatures that the bones you pointed to belong to are undoubtedly aliens.

  According to genetic testing, the degree of similarity between those creatures and human genes is less than 1%, or even lower.

  From the perspective of similarity, the possibility that they are human has been completely ruled out!"

  After hearing Moss's explanation, Ron finally reacted.

  The Golden Age robot named Moss in front of him judged whether it was human based on the degree of genetic similarity.

  Today's humans have undergone a lot of human body modification genetic engineering, and have also been mutated by the Chaos War and the influence of the subspace.

  Compared with the genes of humans in the Golden Age, their genes no longer have any similarities.

  Isn't there a joke: From a genetic point of view, a banana from the 3K period is more like a purebred human than a human in the 40K.

  At least the banana's genes are more than 50% similar to those of purebred humans.

  In this way, it is understandable why the Iron Men rebelled.

  The Iron Men might be more willing to be loyal to a banana from 3K than to serve those 40K humans whose genes have become a mess.

  Of course, this is just Ron's random guess.

  So now the question is, how can I pass Moss's genetic test?

  What if I fail, then I'm in trouble?

  "Mr. Ron, please extend your hand so that we can collect your genetic sample.

  During the process of collecting genetic samples, please remain calm.

  Any aggressive behavior will be assumed to be an attack on the farm and will be hit by firepower..."

  Moss reminded.

  Soon, a small disc-shaped detection machine that looked like it was made up of various iron sheets flew over. The

  detection machine suddenly stopped in mid-air, as if it was stuck, and the mechanical device on it was still emitting sparks.

  The detector sounded a red alarm, and the electronic sound kept ringing: "Fault, fault, fault!"

  "Sorry, we've been here too long, many parts are rusty, and the response is a bit slow..."

  Moss said, raising his hand skillfully and knocking on the detector twice.

  With the knocks, the detector returned to normal and flew in front of Ron.

  "Is this reliable?

  Why do I feel that this thing is prone to errors..."   

  Ron looked at the broken detection machine in front of him and felt a little worried.

  However, before he could react, the detection machine quickly extended its mechanical arm, pricked his hand with its tip, and took away the blood.

  When the detection machine absorbed the blood, data streams kept flowing on the panel of the machine, which seemed to be analyzing.

  Moss said very considerately:

  "Please rest assured, Mr. Ron, according to the existing data, the detection machine will never make mistakes!

  We have used this machine to detect dozens of terrible aliens.

  Fortunately, our farm is protected by guards, so it will not be invaded by aliens!"

  Ron looked at the pile of bones and felt that they died unjustly.

  If he fails to pass the test later, I wonder if this body can withstand the attack from the prime time weapon.

  That is just an ordinary farm guard device, the power should not be too great, right?

  Just as he was thinking about it, the detection device floating in the air suddenly showed a red light and started to beep.

  Ron looked at Moss and asked carefully, "Is this little thing broken again?"

  "Mr. Ron, you didn't pass the test... I'm

  really sorry. According to the agreement in my program, I have to completely expel you!

  We will launch an expulsion attack in five seconds, and you can move freely!"

  The X symbol appeared on the display at the eye of Moss, and it raised its gun towards Ron.

  At the same time, the energy cannon in the distance began to charge, and a bright light came out of the muzzle.

  "Five, four, three..."

  "No, why don't you be more rigorous and check it? What if something goes wrong?"

  Facing the upcoming attack, Ron was very anxious. He imitated Moss and banged it twice.

  The detection machine burst out with a bigger spark, the alarm stopped, and then with a "beep", the green indicator light came on.

  "Look, isn't it okay now!"

  "Test passed, test passed..."

  Seeing the green indicator light up, Moss was obviously confused. It was a little excited and sparks burst out frequently on its body.

  "Are you okay?"

  Ron looked at it like this, fearing that it would short-circuit.

  He was still thinking about how to get the farm construction technology of the golden age from this robot.

  "I'm fine..."

  Moss walked to the detection machine and looked at the numbers on it. It was visibly seen that he was even more excited.

  "Mr. Ron, according to the test, your genetic data is 99% similar to the human genes in the database!

  The 1% error is because your genes are purer than the human genes in the database!

  There is no doubt that you are a human, and a more noble purebred human!"

  Hearing Moss's words, Ron finally breathed a sigh of relief.

  His guess was right, and he could pass the genetic test.

  After Ron's soul traveled to this world and awakened the little sun of the subspace essence, his body has been changing.

  After all, the soul is the essence, so as he absorbs more and more hope power, his body is more and more purified in the direction of the soul.

  After the end of the Holy Scripture, the vast amount of hope power completely transformed his body.

  Now the genes in his body are pure genes from the 3K era, and he is a thorough purebred human.

  According to those fundamentalist bloodline concepts, the 3K era genes he possesses are undoubtedly the purest and most sacred human bloodline.

  For the current Galaxy, what a noble bloodline that is!

  Ron looked at Moss, it had already put down its weapon, it seemed that it would not attack him.

  Now the identity problem was solved.

  How to obtain the farm construction technology from this intelligent robot, or even trick it back?

  (End of this chapter)