
 Chapter 39 Experiment, a great creation!

"Go out and let me think about it..."

  Ron closed his eyes with difficulty, his heart full of entanglement and helplessness.


  Bayev bowed slightly and withdrew.

  Ron walked to the tower balcony.

  The afterglow of the setting sun shone on his body, coating his outline with a golden edge.

  He looked down at the multitudes below, where millions of people lived loyal to the Governor's subjects.

  This heavy responsibility weighs on me and makes me feel exhausted.

  Ron looked at the sunset and murmured:

  "I will find a better way, I will definitely do it!"



  The territory of the Homan family.

  Creaking -

  the sharp metal friction sound stopped, and the crude elevator descended to the bottom floor.

  Yusef Homan stepped out of the elevator with his shiny black leather boots, full of gentlemanly demeanor.

  He is the current head of the Homan family and the ruler of this territory.

  In front of him was a huge and closed laboratory, the lights were dim and red, and the floor was covered with dried blood spots and minced meat.

  Yousef frowned and subconsciously avoided the dirty things on the ground.

  Why don't those shitty guys know how to keep clean?


  A researcher wearing a scarlet lab coat and wild hair came forward.

  "How did the experiment go?" Yusef subconsciously moved back.

  The researcher flipped through the data excitedly: "Based on the data collected last time, our research has made significant progress, and we will soon be able to create new finished products!"

  Yusef nodded with satisfaction. A few days ago, he went to Wang A batch of experimental products were placed in the courtyard area for actual combat testing.

  The desired data was successfully obtained.

  He looked at the huge culture area in front of him, where cylindrical glass petri dishes several meters high were lined up, filled with various flesh-and-blood creations of horrific shapes.

  These are powerful weapons made by the Homan family to deal with the guards.

  Thinking about it, Yusef crossed the petri dishes and walked to the end of the culture area.

  There is a giant petri dish about ten meters high, with a pattern of broken eyes printed on the glass of the petri dish!

  Yusef looked eagerly at the giant petri dish, which was a truly great creation.

  The foundation of his rule over this planet!

  Through the glass, you can see a bloody ball of flesh inside.

  If you look carefully, you can see that it is a deformed pregnant woman!

  The pregnant woman lost her skin, the flesh and blood of her entire body was tangled together, and her belly expanded crazily into a terrifying ball of flesh several meters in diameter with countless eyes.

  And her upper body and legs are still normal size.

  Even so, she was still alive, wailing silently in the culture fluid!

  She saw people standing outside the giant petri dish, especially Yusef, with pleading eyes.

  Praying that the people in front of her would let her rest in peace.

  The extreme torture made her long for death!

  Yousef looked at the pregnant woman and couldn't help but shed a tear in his eyes.

  That's his sister, a blood relative!

  He avoided the pregnant woman's pleading eyes and nodded to the researcher.

  The researcher walked to the console not far away and pressed the green button.

  In an instant, the entire laboratory shook slightly, and dark red lights flashed.

  The machinery operating under the giant petri dish injects complex liquids of various colors into the pregnant woman's body through complex hollow tubes.

  This caused great pain to the pregnant woman, and her silent wailing in the culture fluid almost condensed into substance.

  In her belly, a terrifying ball of flesh several meters in diameter began to beat like a heart.

  Yusef looked at the terrifying ball with enthusiasm, tears streaming down his face.

  There is life there!

  Only the most extreme pain and despair can give birth to such a great creation!

  The syringe at the upper end of the robotic arm is inserted into the meat ball and a certain amount of liquid is extracted from the inside of the meat ball.

  The liquid is then poured into the sealed test tube.

  In the test tube, those mysterious liquids shone with a charming blue light.

  Yousef looked at the liquid in the test tube from a distance and was very wary.

  These would be his surprises for the incompetent Ron Grant.

  "Come and test the effect!"   

  Yusef ordered a young researcher to conduct experimental research on the liquid in the test tube.

  The young researcher was frightened, but still obeyed the order.

  Because the consequences of disobeying orders are more terrible than death, many researchers have proven this point of view with facts.

  The young researcher trembled as he walked into the fully enclosed ceramic tempered glass room.

  As soon as Keren walked in, the glass room was completely locked.

  He turned his head and looked outside pleadingly, as if he wanted to say something.

  But seeing the look in the lord's eyes, he shut up again.

  The young researcher tremblingly took out the test tube containing the blue liquid, sucked out the liquid with a syringe, and injected it into the chinchilla in the glass box on the table.

  After the blue liquid was injected, the chinchilla immediately struggled violently, and its body swelled and became severely distorted.

  It became as big as a puppy, with several dark eyes growing on its body, and its fangs and claws became long and sharp, making it extremely aggressive!

  The deformed squirrel struggled violently and hit in the glass box. The glass box clicked and cracks appeared.

  When the young researcher saw this scene, his fear of the monster overwhelmed everything else.

  He turned and ran to the glass room, hammering on the glass and shouting for someone to open the door.

  The glass chamber was well sealed and his voice could not be heard at all, only a slight thumping sound could be heard.

  No one cared about the young researcher's cry for help. Yusef and everyone just looked at him quietly.

  Looking at everyone's eyes, the young researcher finally despaired.

  He turned around, leaned his back against the glass wall, and looked at the deformed squirrel in the glass box.

  The cracks in the glass box are getting bigger and bigger, and they can't hold it anymore!

  If he let that damn rat escape, he would be torn into pieces!

  He was almost overwhelmed with helplessness.

  Boom, boom, boom.

  The glass wall behind him shook slightly.

  The young researcher turned around and found the Lord standing in front of the glass wall looking at him.

  I saw Yousef maintaining a gentleman's smile, raising his hand and pointing to the other wall of the glass room, gesturing for the other party to look over.

  Looking in the direction of the finger, the young researcher found an imperial standard rapid-fire automatic rifle hanging on the wall.

  He reacted, ran over like crazy, and grabbed the rapid-fire automatic rifle.

  Only then did he realize that there were two test subjects this time, himself and the squirrel!

  If you can't get rid of that deformed gray rat, you'll be dead!

  The young researcher took a deep breath, made a decision, loaded the rapid-fire automatic rifle, and pointed it at the glass box.

  Hiss -

  the deformed gray rat roared and smashed through the glass box.


  However, the moment it came out, it was completely covered by the firepower of a rapid-fire automatic rifle!

  The deformed gray rat struggled to escape, but was beaten back by bullets that were continuously fired into its body.

  The powerful thrust pushed it all the way to the corner, and clouds of blood mist burst out from its body.

  The young researcher held the trigger tightly and did not stop until all the bullets were fired.

  He looked at the bloody and motionless deformed gray rat and breathed a sigh of relief.

  However, a sudden change occurred, and the deformed gray rat suddenly jumped up, pounced on him, and began to bite him desperately.


  The young researcher screamed, unable to resist at all. He was dismembered by the deformed gray rat and fell to the ground.


  These were the last words he left before dying.

  Yousef watched this scene quietly in front of the glass wall, very satisfied.

  This experiment was a success.

  In the glass room, the deformed gray rat quickly gnawed at the body of the young researcher, quickly devouring his flesh and blood.

  But it is still hungry, craving for flesh and blood!

  The deformed squirrel turned to look at Yusef standing outside the glass wall, and rushed towards him with all his strength.


  The misshapen gray rat hit the glass wall and bounced back.

  However, it immediately got up and continued to pounce, only to be bounced away again.

  Outside the glass wall,

  Yusef just looked at the little guy inside calmly, hitting the glass wall again and again as if tirelessly.

  Until the flesh and blood are confused.

  Just when he felt bored and was about to leave, he suddenly found a crack in the glass in front of him.


  The deformed gray rat bumped again.


  There were cracks in the entire glass wall!

   Thanks to the big reader "Toris" for the tip!

    So touching!

  (End of chapter)