
 Chapter 19 Radical Doctrine

 "Yes, Your Excellency Bishop, I just became a psyker"

  Ron directly answered Bishop Donnie's question.

  Because he found that when Bishop Doni asked this question, Bayev's expression remained unchanged and he made no move.

  This means that his situation is safe and there is no need to hide anything.

  What's more, he doesn't have to be afraid of the church now. The empire's hands can no longer reach the planet Erth.

  Upon hearing Ron's affirmative answer, Bishop Donnie didn't react much and just nodded.

  He continued to smile: "It seems that there is nothing wrong in the spiritual investigation. Do you often feel the call of the void? That is not a good thing."

  Then, he told some things to note about psychics.

  Ron listened carefully, but couldn't help but ask: "Your Excellency, Bishop, I am a psyker, do you mind?"

  After all, according to the church's precepts, psykers, like mutants, need to be controlled and dealt with. danger exists.

  After hearing this, Bishop Donnie was stunned for a moment and looked at Ron with a solemn face: "Do you admit that the God Emperor is the only true God in the world?"

  "Of course, I am the most loyal servant of the great God Emperor"

  Ron said without hesitation He replied, his voice was so loud that he could barely raise his arms to shout an oath.

  Whether he believes it or not, he must give this answer.

  In the empire, belief in the God-Emperor is the greatest proof of correctness, the only and correct thing.

  Do not believe?

  Then you are a heretic and will be judged!

  "Praise the God Emperor!"

  Bishop Doni nodded with satisfaction: "Belief in the God Emperor is the only and correct thing.

  Every lamb who believes in the God Emperor should be treated equally, not to mention that your body and soul have not been corroded. It is safe.

  Psykers can also be recognized by the God Emperor, such as the Astropaths, and their contributions cannot be ignored.

  Like us, they have dedicated everything to the great God Emperor!"

  said Bishop Doni! His expression became more and more fanatical: "From what I see, no matter who you are or what race you are, even if you are an unclean person, as long as you believe in the God Emperor...

  then he is the Lamb of the God Emperor and a loyal believer of the church!

  The God Emperor's love is equal. , the glory will shine on all things forever!"

  Looking at the excited Bishop Donnie, Ron suddenly realized.

  He is also a fanatic believer in the God-Emperor, and his ideas are even more radical.

  There are many doctrinal differences within the church, but the vast majority of priests believe that mutants or subhuman races are unclean and untouchable.

  Bishop Donny was still under someone's supervision before, so he did not expose such radical teachings.

  But now that he is the only bishop-level priest left on the planet, he finally doesn't have to hold back and can say whatever he wants!

  The final interpretation of doctrine belongs to Him!

  "Your Majesty the Governor, what do you think of this?" Bishop Donny finished speaking, breathing slightly, as if waiting for Ron's reaction.

  The atmosphere suddenly became tense, but Ron's excited voice quickly broke the silence.

  "Your Majesty the God Emperor, I understand!"

  Ron knew how to cheer, and he looked like he had been inspired by the gods: "As Your Excellency said, the benevolent God Emperor equally protects all lives that are willing to devote their loyalty!"

  No matter what ! No matter how outrageous the bishop's teachings were, Ron would support them.

  After all, he will have to rely on him to stand up for himself in the future and add religious background support to himself.

  Within the empire, without the approval of the God Emperor, that is, the church, it can basically be said that it is difficult to move forward.

  "Praise the God Emperor, I am deeply honored by your understanding."

  Bishop Doni was very happy to see someone supporting his point of view.

  In the past, people who heard this view either did not dare to respond or denounced it as heretical thought.

  He even threatened to burn him at the stake.

  Fortunately, he, Donny More, was a disciple of the Archbishop, otherwise he would have been burned to death long ago.   

  Although his life was not in danger, as punishment, he was expelled from the Holy Land and exiled to a remote place on the planet Erth.

  And now, as the only bishop of Erth, he can finally boldly promote his teachings!

  He even fantasized about being able to develop Chaos Demons or powerful alien tribes into loyal followers of the God-Emperor in the future.

  Let those old stubborns in the Holy Land see who is the most loyal servant of the God Emperor!

  "Alright, Mr. Governor, let's continue talking about your problem. Resisting the erosion of the void is not a simple matter..."

  Bishop Donnie continued to hold Ron's hand, his face full of kindness and an irresistible feeling. smile.

  He babbled on about some meditation techniques that could calm the mind and resist the erosion of the warp.

  Afterwards, he asked the angels to fetch several holy objects that had been blessed by the church.

  Those holy objects were made of special bones, coated with holy oil, and glowed faintly.

  According to Bishop Doni, the holy objects were blessed by the God-Emperor and had a good effect on resisting subspace erosion.

  The holy relics of the church are extremely precious. Priests regard them as their own lives and keep them in shrines to worship them day and night, rarely leaving them.

  Ron was extremely puzzled by this. If you have good things, you have to make use of them.

  If you hide a sacred object in a shrine and don't use it, doesn't it mean that the jewel has become dusty?

  In fact, before Ron's predecessor was corrupted by Slaanesh, he repeatedly requested the church to grant holy objects, but was rejected.

  If he had a holy object with him at that time, he wouldn't have been dragged to Slaanesh's palace so easily.

  Now, however, things are a little different.

  "These holy objects... were given to me?"

  Ron looked at the high-end holy objects in front of him, a little incredulous.

  Did you just give the sacred object to him?

  "Your Majesty the Governor, just accept these gifts, you're welcome!" Bishop Doni kindly stuffed the holy objects into Ron's arms, as if he was afraid that he wouldn't receive them.

  In a daze, Ron seemed to be back in his hometown during the Chinese New Year, when relatives were stuffing red envelopes into his pockets.

  "Oh, how can you be so embarrassed..."

  Ron said he was embarrassed, but his hands did not stop and he hugged all the holy objects.

  As soon as he took it, he suddenly felt heavy and almost fell to the ground.

  Good weight!

  His body is a little weak, but these holy objects are too heavy!

  It was hard to imagine how the old bishop in front of him could pick up these things so easily.

  Bishop Donny reacted quickly. He immediately supported Ron and asked very worriedly: "What's wrong with you?"

  Bayev next to him saw the problem and quickly asked Carter to come up and take away the holy objects.

  When Ron regained his composure, he realized the powerful physique of the natives in Warhammer 40k.

  Even an old man has so much strength!

  The episode just now made Bishop Donnie quite nervous, and he pulled Ron on and kept apologizing.

  He gritted his teeth and sent another high-level holy object.

  An exquisite dagger, extremely lethal to chaos monsters.

  Ron accepted the dagger with satisfaction, and then suddenly realized that Bishop Donny was a little too enthusiastic.

  Showing courtesy for nothing is either cheating or stealing!

  He was very puzzled.

  What on earth could have caused Donny, as a bishop, to spend so much money?

  (End of chapter)