
Chapter 1- Father, teacher of Justice

I was born into troubled times, an age of dangerous pirates and also an age of powerful marines, my father was my only known relative,  i looked nothing like him with straight silver hair and light-skinned, with two bright blue eyes, I was 4 when i first asked my dad what was justice, he said it is what i thought that would bring peace to the world. I never knew what my dad did when i was a child, but one thing he never failed at, even through the busy schedule he had was to train me, at the age of 6 i could punch through a boulder and by 10 because of my intense training i could create quakes on islands with just my punches. 

It was at this time, that i grew curious of my dad's profession and one day when he went out to work, i walked into his office and found a lot of paperwork, pens, files and paperweights. In the corner was a drawer with a picture hung on it's handle, of my dad in marine uniform, with an inscription under the picture, "Admiral Sengoku." I left the room and went outside and trained the day away till my dad came home. 

When i was twelve, my dad taught me something about an internal screen that our ancestors used to have that skips every five generations and it seems to have reached me, and after a years worth of meditation and training in harnessing my life energy, i managed to see an invisibles screen in front of me that only i can see, i likened it to a game system. 

Name- Jonathan Yaiba Sengoku 






HP: capped at 100 can be upgraded

Df: none

Haki: very beginners observation, only in battles

Ship: none


rank: n/a

The system was undermining at first but I knew that it will only get better as i trained and got stronger, i decided to pick up the way of the sword, and asked my father for a good sword to be mine and a few months later, he brought one home from work and laid it on the table, "Careful son, this is a great grade blade, be careful!" With that warning he went off to file his paperwork.

The blade was beautiful, it's red handle was engraved with golden patterns and it had a round guard as a hilt, the katana was heavy, but i still picked it up and went outside to practice. 

[skill unlocked: Swordsmanship: mastery:0]

6 years later:

Name: Jonathan Yaiba Sengoku





HP: MAX is 500

skills: Swordsmanship (mastery: 250/500) Fist based combat (mastery: 100/500)

DF: None

Haki: Approaching advanced threshold conquerors, intermediate observation and advanced armament .

Ship: none

Occupation: none

Rank: n/a

I had improved over these last years, and i smiled nostalgically as i thought about my life on the boat to marine ford for my evaluation. The base approached and me and my father were greeted by a captain who took us to a training room. Where a grey haired Vice Admiral stood.

Garp chuckled looking at me then regarded Sengoku "You think he can be a marine!" My father looked at Garp with contempt then looked at me, I blackened my fist and punched the man in his old wrinkly face, when he wasn't prepared, grabbing his arm i twisted it kicking him in his backside sending the marine hero into a running treadmill, it was quite amusing. 

That was when i heard a voice from the darkness, "Garp you old fool, you can't even stand up to a kid!"

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