
Honey Vs Sugar

Honey Vs Sugar


Honey is hexose sugar and its chemical formula is C6H12O6.Scientific name of honey is "Alpis mellifera".Honey is a natural substance derived naturally from bees.Bees suck the sap from a variety of trees, fruits and flowers and convert them into a natural sweet material which we call honey.Since it is probably derived from natural things and nature itself is involved in its preparation and therefore it has no side effects.Honey contains a lot of natural healthy elements and it is very useful for human health. It can be easily used by people of any age and any health. It is a cure for many diseases, even diabetes. Patients with high blood pressure and obesity can also use this natural gift.And in many countries it is used as a natural sugar.


Sugar is sucrose sugar and its chemical formula is C12H22O11.Sugar is also obtained from natural sources such as sugarcane and beetroot.But its preparation uses a variety of chemicals and machinery processes after which it comes into existence objectively.

We use this sugar in a variety of sweet dishes and drinks and especially in bakery،tea and kiwa and in various kinds of hard drinks etc.But overuse of this sugar is harmful to health. Overuse of this sugar can lead to various health problems such as obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes.Therefore, its use should be kept low and in some countries it is called Health killer, like Japan, so there is no bakery of any kind.


Comparison of honey and sugar has shown that honey is much better than sugar and it has only advantages and no harm and doctors also recommend this thing because the nutrients in it are very important for our body. Essential and healthy.And in contrast to the sugar that we use every day, doctors call taking this sugar slow poisoning which later causes great harm and because of this we fall into diseases and our life becomes indigestible.Healthy is Wealth Honey is better than sugar.