
Good bye my love: I will never cry Again.

"When you two got married was my daughter a virgin.?" It was unexpected question, that Limes Alcor never expected to hear especially from someone he respected like his mother in-law. He remained silent if not dumb without being able to say anything since he knew with the on going conversation, he was going to be the bad guy here. And there was no way he was going to get any help. '" I'm asking you , was she a virgin?" she asked again, this time with a thick tone. He was adamant to speak at that time, he felt embarrassed to discuss bedroom matters with his mother-in-law, he just nodded to indicate yes. " Then why are you complaining? If you took my daughter's virginity it only means you were her first man. " That is not what I meant." Then what do you want? Leave my daughter alone, let her enjoy her life, she's still young and if you're tired of her ,file for a divorce." " But those men she goes out with, some of them are married and twice her age some have their fiancee's." He tried to explain what he already knew. "Then why did you let her get to that extent, does it mean you're not a man enough to satisfy my daughter, you never got hold of your leash on her ,why do you want to pretend you need her by your side." Expect a toe curling experience and nerve breaking season in this new novel. It going to be a tough emotional journey, if darkness and pain isn't your cup of filtered coffee, then DON'T! Don't forget your tissues yeey!

muhonja_nonstop · Realistic
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29 Chs

promised date.

"Just because we all have hearts pumping blood in order to live, doesn't mean that that is it's sole purpose, some hearts are just so strong to blood and love."


Every heart that desires love, needs the strength to hold onto the repercussions that comes with it.To be able to feel, to endure, to understand, to reciprocate and to break are all the stuff that comes along with love.

The heart accept more of exclusivity, it always goes berserk to prove that in one way or the other it's only love that can cure it, because at the end of the day the heart yearns and longs for more.

After Alcor left, Nalia sat still sorting out her thoughts, she realized how truly she was lonely, she didn't have relatives nor a family, only her tiny room, broken old phone and bunch of rats.

She knew he would never be hers, even with Nigel out of the picture. She contemplated on what Nigel had told her the day she visited, that she was only going to be a caregiver to her son Brecam and nothing more, that she would never sleep in his house let alone next to him knowing the pain he'd gone through.

"Alcor respects you enough for just being their for him and his kid, your not his type and you'll with the idea of accepting the reality, because he would never flaunt you like his woman ."

Nalia decided to go out for a stroll, she saw Alcor a hundred meters away from her with his son playing. The look on his face was warm as if he was the source of the beautiful rays that were heating her skin, he wore a mixture of happiness and relief on his face. Against her will she strode to where he was swinging his son.

It was like time had taken forever for Nalia to reach them. Brecam grabbed her legs immediately he was kept down, the harmless smile he directed to Nalia melted her heart and immediately she picked him up and smothered kisses on his chubby cheeks until Brecam started giggling nonstop.

She didn't mean to interrupt the father son bonding time but the feeling of being closer to Brecam was hard for her to resist, hut after playing with him for a while, she gently handed him his son and was about to leave when he spoke.

"How about taking you out as I promised?"

She turned around and smiled evily.

"You mean the promised date?" Nalia seemed to be contemplating about his offer. " As much as I want to go for that date, I can't let you ditch your son so that you can fullfil your promise."

"Stop overthinking everything time I tell you something, I just wanted to take you out for coffee, and for my son, he's already tired I was almost taking him back if you had not showed up."

"Okay, then I'll leave you to it, let me go back to the workshop, I need to dress up."

Alcor couldn't believe his ears, it was like he was speaking of the light but Nalia was bend on thinking about the night.

" I could have said go ahead, but I'm not sure if it could be of any use Minor."

"Why do you say so sir?"

" It's simple, what are you going to wear?"

Nalia erupted into a howl of laughter, Alcor was right, how could she have forgotten she didn't even own any dresses or formal clothes rather than a bag full of boyish attires.

" I think we should pass the date tomorrow."

" I can't promise you anything about tomorrow because I would be officially busy." Alcor looked at his watched before looking back at Nalia. "I would pick you up from the workshop in the next twenty minutes, if you change your mind lemme know."

As she watched him leaving she slowly strode to the workshop, he'd promised to take her out and he was going to do so, she happily went to the workshop and patiently waited for him, even after Bali and Jem taunting her to change her clothes, she still turned a deaf ear to their suggestions.

They silently walked slowly, until they found a cool coffee shop where they sat and ordered a cup each.The entire time they were silent until Alcor broke the silence by asking her,

" What is wrong with you? I promised to take you out and I kept my word."

"Why do you ask? Did you want to hear something from me boss?" She was not going to tell him about Nigel's visit the very day he'd left and what she had spoken.

"Your unusually quite, I think something is up."

" Nothing to worry about Mr Alcor, I just thought that I should listen to your silence ...It speaks volumes."

"Then what have you heard for the past one hour?"

" I have heard of your uneven thumping of your heart and the fear of facing the real you."

After that Nalia and Alcor started talking , Nalia felt shame about her plan of seducing Alcor, she knew Alcor has always been an uptight man and even after working with him for three months. 

Alcor smirked at her remark before asking her again.

"I think it would be better if you enlightened me about the real me."

" The real you?" She looked at his ocean blue eyes while pondering on what to tell him.

" The real you is like a molten melting chocolate in a wine glass, slightly enticing and daring but sensually hot to the touch that makes one afraid to touch or swallow."

"Are you hitting on me?"

" That's what you say, not me."

"You talk too big for a minor, what would you be talking when you're of legal age?"

Nalia was going to avoid discussing the subject she had brought up but she knew it was going to be futile, there was no way Alcor was going to let it slide.

"When that time comes..." She cupped her cup of coffee tightly before slightly leaning towards Alcor who was opposite her and whispered. " It would be actions alone."

Alcor started coughing violently, Nalia thought that it was just a joke until Alcor started experiencing difficulty in breathing.

Nalia immediately stood and tried patting him on his back, the owner of the coffee shop immediately came to them and easily handle Alcor who had started to sweet heavily. Nalia looked sorry after everything had settled down.

They then left the shop, she was sorry for causing him to choke.

"It was my fault, I shouldn't have spoken without filtering my words , I know you don't like socializing because of what you had gone through."

"It's alright Minor, is just that I accidentally choked, your precedent thoughts can cause a great bridge of success for you in future."