
Good and bad fruit

Anoh_JoyI · History
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15 Chs

Chapter 10 Run or not

Olivia joined in the dine, she sat on the fifth seat after George who sat at the head. When she looked around she noticed George and Dylan having a little conversation, she focused back on her food not wanting to Make eye contact with Dylan.

" Olivia " She heard George called her.

" Dear George. " She answered which left him satisfied.

" Dylan here, wants to take you to the dungeon with him, he seem capable of protecting you, do you agree.'' Olivia nodded her head.

" Lady Olivia when will you be ready." Dylan asked.

" I am eager to learn about the vampire, maybe we can go right after the Breakfast unless you will be busy. "

" I won't be busy. " He said.

When the breakfast ended, they left to the dungeon. The place wasn't painted and looked dilapated. It made her feel a little anxious. She was still trying to deal with her anxiety.

" Are you okay, Lady Olivia. " Dylan tilted his head to look at her from the side while they walk. It was the fourth time a drop of sweat was falling from her face.

" To be honest, I feel very anxious. " Dylan offered her a smile to calm her nerves.

" There is nothing to be anxious about, I am here. " He said.

' Why do I feel like he is being informal again. ' She thought.

The guard continued to lead them to the bars the vampire was kept. She saw some people locked on bars as she walked.

" Why are this people here. "

" They committed one crime or the other."

A growl erupted and as the got closer she could tell well about the sound. it was a groan. The sight of a man with pale skin but claws and fangs appeared on her view. He sniffed as if smelling them before snapping his eyes at them. He started banging on the bars with a groan.

" It's okay Lady Olivia, it's won't harm you okay. " Dylan said to Olivia who hid behind his back. " Let me take a look at it, stay here while I go closer. "

" What's your name scrawny creature. " The creature groaned banging it's arms on the bars. Olivia later went closer but stood beside Dylan.

" Oh my, it changes. " Olivia gasped seeing the man begin to turn into a wild beast. The hairs on his head fell, his eyes became red shot, his skin all scaly. What Olivia had noted down was that, even though their shadow fell on the floor. The beast had no shadow.

" Did you see this. " Olivia pointed at the floor where the vampire stood.

" What. "

" No shadows. " She whispered.

" I didn't know you a quiet smart lady Olivia. "

" It's a disaster you keep underestimating me isn't it. "

" is it? " He rose one of his brow. They stepped out a little from the bar of the vampire, just as they were about to leave the banging sound turned into a creak.

" Run! Olivia!" Dylan who was the first to hear the sound said.

" Why should I run. " Olivia said and not to long she sighted the vampire not to far from his cage. Her eyes widened in shock.

" Du... Duke Dylan your back, the. ....vampire. " Olivia stuttered.

" Run and don't look back. "

" Come along Duke Dylan. "

" There is no time, I will have to distract the vampire, they have super speed ability and will caught up with us if we both run. ''

'' But I can't leave you here, you are our guest. "

" Lady Olivia!" He pushed her to run. Olivia didn't know if she should run or not but she can't leave him alone with the beast.