
Goneaway (Runaway Sequel)

The oldest daughter of Kayla and Connor Andrews is about to take on her own drama, her life is fairly normal until she meets Nick, a juvenile delinquent who can careless about the law and authority while dealing with an ex boyfriend who is determined she belongs with him. Will she stay daddy's little angel or become Nick's sidekick of trouble?

Kaycee_Cruz · Teen
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Months have passed, Oliver and I grew closer; we did online classes so we could graduate early. I missed Nick but I knew we couldn't talk to each other anymore, I hung out with Oliver alot. We were at the beach hanging out, I left to get some ice teas for us while he set up the blanket and lunch. I bumped into a familiar face, I kept walking but he said my name "Lily?" I looked in his direction "Hey?" He came up "I thought you moved? What are you doing back?" I looked away "Um.. I'm staying with my Uncle for the summer." He smiled "We should hang out."

I looked back at Oliver "I'm actually hanging out..." I pointed to Oliver, he looked at him then back "New boyfriend?" I laughed "No." He smirked "So we don't have an issue then?" I became nervous "Carson, I can't. We broke up because of what you did and I had to move because of it." He became irritated "You still haven't let that go?" I became scared "I'll see you later." He grabbed my arm "Lily." I gulped "Let go of me." Oliver walked up in time, he snatched Carson's hand off of my arm "Leave her alone."

Oliver started walking with me making sure he doesn't do anything, I became upset "Can we just go somewhere? I'm sorry." He looked at me "Don't be sorry, yes we can go somewhere else." I wiped my eyes on my sleeve and went to his car; he grabbed the blanket, food and came back to the car. We drove along the beach, he looked at me "Are you okay?" I turned to him "Yeah." He frowned "Who was that?" I sniffled "My ex boyfriend." He looked forward "Is that why you moved?" I nodded "He has a restraining order against me."

He looked at me "Why? He was grabbing you!" I shrugged "We were hanging out at his house and he... Umm did things I was uncomfortable with... Uh I punched him to get him away from me and his parents called the cops. I went to jail for domestic violence and they allowed him to get a restraining order on me. It was dismissed but after that, I got called the names he would spread around. My dad thought it was better we moved so we did. His parents are very well known and it was quickly well known what happened to everyone in this town."

He became angry "If I was your dad, I would've killed him already." I faked a laugh "My dad tried to keep peace I guess." He glanced at me "I believe you, I can't see you being that person." I looked up out the window "Turn here." We drove up the drive and parked; I walked up the hill to the top, Oliver followed behind. His jaw dropped when he reached the top, I looked at him smiling "Crazy view huh?" He looked at me "Yeah, I wouldn't have known this was here." I looked out over the ocean "I used to come here with my dad, he said he would bring my mom up here when they were younger.

He stood beside me and reached for my hand "I'm sorry about that Lily." I looked at him and noticed he was analysing my face; he leaned in to kiss me but I turned my cheek "Look at the dolphins." He looked at the ocean acting like he wasn't doing anything "Um.. where?" I frowned "I guess they left." He looked back at me "I know you are with Nick and if I did anyt.." I looked down "We were never together, it was a game to him. He enjoyed playing with my feelings."

He looked surprised "Oh I thought.. um.. it seemed so real." I nodded "Can we talk about something else?" He nodded multiple times fast "Yeah no problem." I looked at him "Trust me I would but he told me about Phoenix and I just don't want to be..

that way." He nodded "Technically. Nothing ever happened with us, we were friends and he believed it was more." I looked away "I don't blame you. Or him."

Oliver cleared his throat "Well if you weren't even dating then the situation is in no way similar." I pushed my hair back "I guess so but I do have feelings for him. It's just not right." He nodded "Honestly, you think you'll see him again." I shrugged "I've been kind of hurt toward him but I guess it goes to what happens and if we go back." The wind began to pick up and my hair was flying everywhere; I tied it up the best I could "You've been awesome to be around Oliver and I just don't want to lead you onto something that may or may not happen." He looked down "Are you ready to go?" I let go of his hand and went to the car.

We drove back we stayed quiet as the radio broke the silence. We got back to my uncle's house, I went to my room with my sister's. I quickly finished my schooling and graduated, I enrolled to a college and got accepted. Oliver applied to the same school and got in; we shared an apartment just off of campus. That was the only way my dad felt comfortable allowing me to go to school there.

Months passed, I ended up realizing that I would never see Nick again, I opened my heart to other men. One of those ended up being Oliver, living with him I caught feelings and I couldn't hide them when he was around. Life feels normal when I'm around him.

I came out of the room when he opened the front door; I sat on the couch "How was class?" He set his bag down and took his shoes off "Lame." I handed him a card "Happy birthday." He opened it "What's this?" I smirked "Gift card to your favorite restaurant." He smiled "This place isn't cheap." I stood up "Well my dad pitched in." He hugged me "I love you. And tell him thank you." I kissed him "I love you too."

He pulled away a few inches "I missed you today." I smirked "Prove it?" He smiled and chuckled "I have work but just real quick." I pulled his shirt off and he picked me up laying me back on the couch, not breaking our kiss. We got interrupted by my phone, I silenced it but it went off again. Oliver joked "Someone knows what were up to." I laughed and saw it was my dad.

I shushed him "It's my dad." He covered his mouth and quietly got up, I fixed my hair, threw on my shirt and answered the video call "Hey dad." He looked concerned "Why didn't you answer your phone?" I smirked "I was in the bathroom." Oliver came up behind me "Thanks for the gift card." My dad looked away and sighed "Geez I thought something happened." I smiled "I'm fine dad. I have Oliver here." He exhaled "Okay I'll let you go, I love you and miss you. Answer your phone." I nodded "Okay I love you too, bye."

I hung up, Oliver was in the room getting ready for work. He came out in his uniform "That was close. When are you going to tell him about us?" I joked "When we're married because he would not let you live here with me." He laughed "After college. So four years." I shrugged "Whenever you propose." I laughed "I'm just kidding, it's still early for that." He kissed my forehead "You never know. I love you, see you tonight." He opened the door and left to work. I hung out by myself until he got off; I picked up my phone when it dinged. I unlocked the phone to a friend request; it was from Nick.

My heart dropped and I felt a knot in my throat, I opened it and sure enough it was him. I quickly deleted it and blocked him, I couldn't let Oliver see that and especially my dad. He told both of us we were to stay away from each other for my safety. It was tempting but I enjoyed what I had with Oliver, he didn't mess with my feelings or give mixed signals. He knew what he wanted and he proved it everyday. I didn't have to worry about being in danger or doing dangerous stunts putting my life at risk. Our life together was normal and healthy, I see a long time with Oliver and no one was going to come in between that.

Later that night, he returned home and laid with me. I turned to him "I have to tell you something." He kissed my cheek "What's wrong?" I exhaled "I got a friend request from Nick." His emotions changed, I grabbed his face "Wait before you get upset." He waited for me to say something "I deleted and blocked him." His emotions changed "Lily." I kissed his bottom lip "I love you and nothing is going to come in between us okay? I know what you're going to say and I don't care about it, you are enough."

He looked away "I was going to say you didn't have to. I know you're in this." I gently pulled his face to me "Babe. I don't need him, I want to marry you and have our family. He's my past." He smiled "I love you so much." I smiled back at him "I love you so much more." I leaned in and kissed him, things got tensed quick and we were allowed to love each other. Shortly after we fell asleep.