

Waking up is never something considered special, but it will be a world event if you open your eyes after them being closed for a long long time, seemingly with no light at the tunnels end. After being found by a exploration troup the young female Ruby Crescent finds herself missing her memories and so the key to who she is. After following the people around her she discovers mysteries and a old destiny set by long ancient times.

Die_Nachtwandlerin · Sci-fi
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1 Chs

Prolouge 1

Waking up is something no one would ever consider as a special event, but when opening your eyes after them being closed for a long time, seemingly with no hope of it happening, is a event everyone looks at.

With heavy eyelids the young female tries to open her eyes, groaning at the light that seemingly attack her not even fully opend eyes, causing her to immediatly closing them with a flinch. A flinch followed by a light yelp of a female nurse who was just checking on her body.

„You are awake!", she cires out and quickly rushes tot he rooms door, opening it swiftly, „Doc hurry, i think shes waking up!"

„Of course i am awake", the female grunts as she trie again to open her eyes, propping herself up with the help of her elbows, „just what else should i be?"

With a amused laugh a male doctor enters her room, wearing the typicall white coat and a formal appearance, shooing the nurse out oft he room to make her go get some things before turning to the female on sitting on the bed, „this is with no doubt one oft he best first words i have ever heard."

„Pardon me?", with a confused glare, with her emerald coloured eyes, the female watches his every movemnt as her eyesight begins to stop being blurry.

„Oh dont be Miss Fox, i am the one who should be sorry, after all it is you who got greeted with a sentence that probably makes non sense to you at all", he gives her a light apologetic look and smiles at her firmly as she scans him with her eyes, „please dont worry Miss fox, i am by no means here to harm you in any way, so please excuse me saying that we werent really expecting to see you back alive so soon", he steps a little closer while flipping through his papers.

„Back alive?2, the female shifts uncomfortably in her bed as she never leaves him out of her sight, „where am i? and who are you?"

„Of course, you are in a hospital at Rosario, the capital city of our beautiful world pandora", the doctor quickly steps a little bit closer what is not going by unnoticed by the female who by this time just glares at him, „i am a doctor here, doctor Eber and you dear miss fox were out for quiet a while now, and pretty beaten up as you got found."

Perplex her eyes widen as she tries to process the words just told to her, „found? Beaten up?"

„Miss fox i am afraid to inform you that you were in a coma for quiete some time by now, three month here in our care, one by the ones who found and fixed you and probably a while longer before your body was found", his hand lightly touches her shoulder as he uses his magic to keep her calm and proventing her from having a shock about the news, „please do not worry you are perfectly fine now, your body is patched and your soul has recoverd ist strenght aswell."

Right at his speeches end the door oft he room opens, keeping the female from answeurng or even reacting at all to what has just been told to her. The nurse from earlier quietly enters with a bed table, filled with some food and wate ras well as a bag with things she cant identify. With carefull movements, and assuring that the female is ok, the nurse places the table over the females legs which are hidden by a blanket. Just as everythin is placed and save the doctor throws the nurse back out oft he room.

„Please miss fox i know it must be a lot to take in rightt now, but can you recall anything that might have happend to you before you got knocked out?", his hand stays on her shoulder to make sure, since he is pretty sure she has a memory loss aswell, to keep her calm and collected.

„Recall anything…", she repeads his words and things for a view seconds in a heavy silence, just until her head snaps back up looking at the doctor in a panic, she couldn`d, „i-i cant recall anything really, it is all blank!"

„It is alright", he assuringly strokes over her shoulder using more of his magic on her, „a temporary memory loss isnt unusual after a coma. Just focus and tell me if there is anything, even the tiniest detail you can recall."

She keeps silent again and strokes with her hands over her fox tail, going over every inch of her memoriest hat might still be in her mind, „i think i can recall my name, or atleast a name. Ruby, Ruby Crescent. Yeah it sounds familiar, i guess?"

The doctore nods and writes something down on his papers, „good, that is a good start miss fo- i mean miss Crescent. As for now i will be leaving you to rest, eat and to get used tob e back alive", he chuckles about his own joke and ruffles trough his reven coloured curly hair, „we will run more checks on you tomorrow to make sure your body and soul are as healthy as they should be. Have a good night."

„Good night doctor, and thanks for fixing me back up", Ruby smiles nicely at him before strechting her arms oiit, he was right her arms fell like they have been never used before and heavy.

„Oh by that chance, you should not thank me for fixing you back up. As much as i would love to take the credit fort he masterpiece like fixing a body back up, im afraid that is far out of my knowledge. A questionable yet master at his work as a doctor has fixed you up. He aswell was the one who found you, his name is spheros. But enough now, see you tomorrow for the check up, another person will be visiting you tomorrow aswell but he asked me not to give away who he is beforehand", with these words the doctor waves lightly and leaves her alone in the quiet big room, now that there is no one to share it with.

As the door closes shut her smile drop of her face and she blankly stares at the door for a good five minutes, as if to make sure that he has left and is out of hearingsreach. The female curiously eyes her food and decides rather quick that she is not hungry at the moment but more interested in herself. She half lied and hald told the truth tot he doctor, she does remember her name but akso something diffrent, yet she cant recall what it is, just taht something inside her tells her to keep it to herself, atleast fort he time being.

After a while of thinking aboit the other word that showed up in her mind, GOLT, she decides to stop. It only causes her brain to hurt more then it already does. Her eyes lad

Nd on a mirror across the room facing a chair which is cleverly positioned right next to it, her thoughts run about another question, how does she even look. With shaking hands and still weak muscles she lifts the table thing of off her tot he side and casually slides her legs out from under the warm portection oft he blanket that feels surprisingly comfortable. After staring at the ground like it could kill her any second she carefully touches the ground with one of her big toes, just to find out that in a perfect contrast to her bed ist he ground as cold as ice. A amusing thought runs throught her head, even she had lost her memeory she still is able to recall words and what is what, a phenomen as she would call it. With a quick movement she stands up, just to fall head first, arms as shield, on the ground thanks to her legs eho give in to her body weight right as she stood.

She twitches her fox ears in annoyence and carefully, while clinging tot he bed as i fit would save her, from the ground back on her feed, who still clash wuth the gravity that forces them to carry her full weight. After a view seconds of adjusting her stand she carefully places one foot inftont of the other, trying to use her fluffy tail as a balamce help. With a bit of training, aka 3 steps, she unsteady walks over tot he mirros which is just above er hight. As soon as she reaches it she uses the chair next to it as a advice that will help her stand. As her eyes meet herselfs eyes from her mirror self she twitches her ears and flixs her tail behind her as if she doesnt know the person who is looking right back at her.

A slender femle greets her, palr nrarly unhealthy looking skin, dark reddish brown nearly black hair, emerlad coloured eyes with a cat shaped nature and a misshiveous hint inside them and her fox ears black at the botoom with a whute inside and white tips. Her tail is soemthing she already saw before hand, a white fluffy tail with a pretty comfortable furr on it. All in all she isnt disapointed or anything, how could she even, afterall she cant decide how she wants her nature to look like. No, she is actully quiete happy about her look, she is leased would be a fair way to put it, she is pleased with what she is seeing. As she turns ariund to look how her tail conects to her body she lifts the baggy white shirt up a little, just to reveal not only the tails conection point to her body, but also something black on her back. She csually lifts the shirt up higher just to reveal a blacj tattoo on her back, nothing like a picture but a pattern oft he same thing and a unrealistic eye hinting like think right between her shoulder blades, sorounded by the other black marks. Her eyey follow the marks eagerly over her back until she notices that a view lead toward her body front. She turns back tob r face to face with the mirror and sees that her front body aswell has a view oft he black marks. All in all they are over her whole back, higher hips, a firm connection leading to some abover her breasts ending in between them and some more on each body side.

She sighs unable to tell from where they came, or better why she hast hem. After making sure her shirt is back in the place in belongs to she turns back towrds the bed. Her thpught running in circles about the dictors mentioning of her being fixed up, if she really was that bad injured as he potrait it than the one fixing her back up did a perfect job, there is not even a singe wound she can identivi on her body, as if nothing ever happend to it.

Her ears twitch as she hears the door towards her room oprn, her ears point towrds it with their fluffy side and she patiently waits fort he person to enter, feeling like she most likely should have stayed in bed instead od wandering around the room.

The door opens and with a soft knock a male enters her room, first looking towards the bed before spotting her infront of the mirror, locking eyes with her, two pink coloured oebs staring into her green ones, „you must be ruby Crescent if i am correct? Would you mind talking for a while?"

Hey there,

i hope you can enjoy my story.

I am not a native english speeking person so there might be some grammar mistakes. Please be patient, this story is a project i started years ago and now i finally come to write it down.

By no means am I a profesional writer, i am still learning and figuring things out :)

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