

" I know you wanted to rest today, Andre, I'm sorry to stress you out. "

"Your requests will never be a problem for me, my little beauty. ".

Inko sat down with a smile in the huge car belonging to her brother. For her, standing at a relatively modest 1.65 meters tall, the interior of the car seemed incomparably spacious. She felt her size seem to shrink as she stepped inside.

The car belonging to Goliath was a half-size of a giant, specially designed for his needs. Sitting in its spacious interior, Inko watched fascinated by the decorations and finishes that gave the car a luxurious look. The leather seats, soft and comfortable, fit her body perfectly. The entire interior worked in harmony, creating an unrivaled aesthetic image.

The elements surrounding her were awe-inspiring. The high ceilings created a sense of immense spaciousness that in no way matched her size. With eyes full of amazement, she surveyed the interior, noticing every detail that served beauty and comfort. The dashboard lighting was finely adjustable, allowing Goliath to create a unique atmosphere in the cabin. The built-in audio system surrounded the beautiful sound, creating an atmosphere of splendor and luxury.

Inko couldn't hold back a smile as she realized that this car was her brother's magnificent creation. Every detail conveyed the care he had put into creating this car to allow her to enjoy comfort and luxury despite its modest size.

The most she knew about her brother's car was that it was a Mercedes and had been customized by Andre and his friends. She vividly remembered him and his crew assembling it in the garage, with the music turned up to maximum.

When she remembered that, a thought occurred to her.

" Look, Andre, maybe I should get my own car, I'm not comfortable taking you away from work.... "

Andre sat down in the driver's seat, and after tiling, he closed the door, inserting the keys and listening to his sister's words. He chuckled, " Huh, you don't have to. I'll drive you around, and when I die, that's when you'll drive off on your own. I got your license and you know how to drive, but I'm totally against the idea. If I'm not around, call someone from the Guild and they'll pick you up. Get yourself a private chauffeur, but before you do, let me take a look at the man. "

Andre pressed the remote button by the doorknob, whereupon the mansion's gates began to swing apart, opening them to the road. Goliath slowly pressed down on the gas pedal, bringing the car to the curb.

He drove the car leisurely, already resting his hand on the armrest of the door, his glasses on his forehead and his eyes focused on the curb.

"No matter how much you say you love action, it's always amused me how calm you are on the road, brother," Inko said, quietly watching her brother's reaction.

A kind smile graced his face, which pleased her as well. There was a reason she said he was the best thing in her life. If he's happy and she's happy.

Since her grandfather's death, she had no known family, except of course Andre. In his prosperity she herself found comfort and to his words she would always listen. However, she would not leave it without her opinion. His suggestion about the chauffeur.

She understands the implication of it. Brothers are always incredibly protective of their sisters, and Andre is even more so. If she even brings a man to be her chauffeur, but doesn't pass Andre's test, there's nothing she can do about it. He's more likely to test the applicant for strength and reaction speed so that in case of an emergency he can protect her.

She doesn't consider herself above the rest of the people, and if something happens, she will send this driver to help the others. However, she doubts that this will be realized before she is safe, lest Andre literally strangle this chauffeur.

Yes, Andre's protectiveness can be frightening at times. And the bar for absurdity is reached when she tries to meet someone.

A few years ago she met a guy named Joshua, a solid man and a gentleman, he chose his words perfectly and knew how to find his way to a girl's heart. Except that he turned out to be a representative of the mafia.... How did she find out? Did Joshua tell her? Maybe this Joshua decided to save her the trouble and tell her the truth? Well, uh, no, it wasn't that at all.

It was her brother who'd shown up at her office and thrown a stack of papers at her, which she'd learned was Joshua's biography, all his crimes and incidents he'd been involved in. It even had his home address and his family's address. With these documents, he gave Inco an ultimatum that day. He bluntly told her, "You're not seeing this man again."

She didn't fight it, though, because later on, the real reason why Joshua was getting closer to her was revealed. The gang was looking for Goliath's favor. The gang realized they couldn't take such a man by force, and holding Inko hostage would only bring doom to the cartel. So they decided to use a more cunning approach, through Goliath's sister, that is, through her. If their man Joshua could get Inko to fall in love with him, they would use her, because Goliath would listen to her. That way they could probably conduct their business without the threat of prison.

That was their plan, except they didn't know that Andre was overprotective of his sister and watching who his sister was going to spend her life with. What they didn't realize was that Goliath had a lot of connections in the government, and all that goes with it: FBI, CIA, etc.

Sometimes it could irritate Inko, because following a man so closely is disrespectful and shows that you don't trust him, but she can't be angry with him. It is, as he put it "brotherly instinct" and there is nothing she can do about it.

However, she asked not to become so closed to her, and that she herself learn about the people with whom to get acquainted. At first he flatly refused, but she kept insisting, stopping her gaze for at least five minutes. Eventually he gave in, but not completely, he only indicated that he would find out about her future boyfriends' involvement in crimes, etc.

Inko shook her head, bringing her thoughts back to place, she turned back for a second, watching the gate close behind them, "Has Regina made a duplicate key yet? I remember her saying she lost them."

Goliath positively nodded his head, turning on his right turn signal," Yeah, she texted that she'd be here in an hour and a half, you should check your phone, she said she texted you too."

Inko raised an eyebrow, instinctively reaching for the phone in her jacket pocket, "Yeah?" she took the smartphone in her hands and unlocked it and logged into messenger, after a bit of browsing she found Regina's contact, she saw the message Andre was talking about in a chat with her, "Indeed! How did I not notice that..."

Andre smiled, realizing the reason for her forgetfulness and immediately that smile disappeared when he remembered that he was the one to blame for her workload, "Inko, how about you and I recruit some helpers for you? Sort of-

"Ep ep ep! No need, I can do it on my own--"

"That's where I say 'Ep ep ep!' my dear sister!" waving a finger to the side reproached Andre, using her own words when she cut him off, "You know my plan, and for that you need a few people. The documentation that will come from each state will be insane, and I know your brain can't handle it. And I need my sister, I need my nephews!" finished Goliath with a smirk, waiting for a reaction from his sister.

Inko shook her head with a chuckle, knowing his attitude towards guys she gets involved with, "You see, my brother, for you to have nephews, I need to find a guy, get to know him and marry him, and the good part of a relationship is that you get to know each other, revealing secrets and showing your feelings. Which you know is hard to do when you have a person's entire autobiography on your desk and you say 'No!' " Inko squeezed her voice out, trying to imitate Andre. to which he laughed himself, and raised one free hand in a sign of surrender.

" BWA-HA-HA! Now a sister accuses her brother?! So be it, I'll tone it down a bit, even though this conversation was-..."

"Uh, I can't with you..."

" And that's the charm of it!" he proudly raised one hand clenched into a fist, and then laughed again, moving the car towards the exit of the expensive neighborhood.

The New York morning greeted them with fresh air and the lively dynamics of the bustle. The Goliath maneuvered masterfully through the busy streets, quietly accompanied by the rhythmic sound of honking, honking, and the noise of passing cars.

Inko watched with interest the morning bustle that was everywhere. There were many people around, moving swiftly along the pedestrian walkways. They were carrying bags and backpacks, hurrying to work, school or the first meeting of the day. Interests, creativity, and hopes merged into one kaleidoscopic picture that appeared before her eyes.

Around Inko and Goliath stretched familiar building facades, storefronts filled with merchandise and advertisements. Colorful signs enlivened the streets, inviting the gazes of passersby. Strange and unfamiliar faces flashed before them, creating a sense of unity and yet unpredictability.

The sounds of the city filled the air: the lively conversation of passersby, the laughter of children, the rumble of buses and roaming shopping. New York lived and breathed its own rhythm. Inko could hear the voices of curious passersby asking each other questions and sharing news, creating an incredible sense of fusion of all this urban polyphony.

Interesting smells filled the air - coffee from nearby coffee shops, freshly baked bagel rolls, and the smells of different cuisines wafting in from restaurants and small eateries. It all blended together to create a symphony of aromas that mesmerized every passerby.

In the distance on the horizon, Inko saw tall skyscrapers touching the clouds. They represented the grandeur of the city, symbolizing the dreams and possibilities that lived in each of its inhabitants. New York was for many a place where they could fulfill their dreams and achieve their goals.

And speaking of goals.

"You talk about recruiting my team, but first you have to recruit yours."

" To set up a Guild in every state means paperwork and dealing with state laws, and that requires lawyers, tho I can find the manpower easily."

What is a Guild? The full name is "Honor Guild." On paperwork it is the Hero Agency, and the name Honor Guild. Right now, the Guild's main headquarters is in New York City and its mission area covers full state. The goal that Goliath is aiming for is quite ambitious but worthy of realization.

He wants to have a Guild headquarters in every state in America, thus covering all territories. He himself aspires to be a top 1 Hero, so his team and agency must match his leader. This is a plan for several years to come. Another headquarters will soon be developed in New Jersey in two years, or maybe sooner looking at the budget and without any villain attacks that will freeze the construction process. As said, lawyers and a bunch more office clerks are needed to handle the paperwork. Simple labor will be easy to find, as Goliath's fame is faster than he is, and given the rate at which recently graduated heroes arrive on the doorstep of the Guild's main headquarters to join, there will be no complications.

" I had the dea in my head, Princess." mumbled Goliath, drawing his sister's attention back to himself.

Inko set her phone aside in her pocket. She texted Regina, their maid, and focused on her brother. " I'm listening."

" I was thinking of putting a person in charge of each headquarters, and no, I don't mean the chief from the office, but the strongest."

Inko raised an eyebrow questioningly, thinking about his words. Knowing her brother, she could only expect one thing, " You mean the strongest man in the state to recruit into the Guild and send him on missions?"

"Atta my girl! Already read my mind, bwahahahahahaha!"

Inko, on the other hand, decided to flesh out his idea a bit." Let's do it like this. Let there be two people in charge. The one who is responsible for the task and part-time will be the strongest and there will be another who will be in charge of documents and staff. One will complement the other."

"Hmm..." Goliath hummed, putting a finger to his chin as he pondered Inko's suggestion.

"Such an idea has merit," Goliath said, Inko continued, "Indeed, having two persons in charge could improve coordination. One can be physically strong and energetic, ensuring the task is accomplished, and the other can be organized and knowledgeable, managing all the paperwork and headquarters."

Andre raised his eyebrows, thinking about the similarities to the organization of a military army. "Sounds like we're developing our own military strategy," Goliath remarked with a small chuckle. "That's right, one person will play the role of military commander and the other will be a staff officer in charge of communications and documentation."

He continued his musings. "On the one hand, such a system can make our work more efficient and organized. The two persons in charge will be able to complement each other, each in their own area of expertise. One focused on the task at hand, and the other on supporting and managing the back-end processes."

However, Goliath reflected on the possible complexities. "But we have to be careful," he said. "Sharing responsibility between two people can cause communication and coordination problems. We need to establish clear lines of communication and make sure that the two people in charge work in coordination and harmony."

He glanced at Inko, showing some concern. "After all, we have to make this idea work in our favor, not let it turn into additional problems or unnecessary trials for our team. We must be organized and disciplined like a real army, but still remain flexible and able to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. After all, our job is to protect the common people and our country and, if possible, our neighbors.

Goliath sighed and gave a final conclusion. "It might be worth a try."

Inko smiled proudly. But not for herself, not for her addition of her brother's ideas, but for her brother. Whatever he called himself, he had always been good in terms of organization. And she thought he'd gotten even better with her. There was a reason why she made him read documents and understand special terms and positions. Yes, he was smart, but he was lazy.


A huge, dark Mercedes rolled powerfully through the streets of New York, majestically leading the way to one of the tallest towers where the Honor Guild was headquartered. Her massive body, streamlined and flawless, attracted the gazes of passersby and drew admiration. On the trunk was the Guild's symbol; a lion with an open mouth, and on top of it was a crown. The entire car was a testament to luxury and power, a colorful symbol of his driver's prestige and importance.

As it approached its target, there was a sudden loud burst of sound and an explosion. The Mercedes came to an abrupt stop, shaking from the force of the explosion, causing a small reaction within its walls. Goliath, the driver of the car and head of the Honor Guild, reacted instantly to the potential threat.

His huge muscle-filled body tensed up, ready for any danger. He stepped out of the car, mouthing a few words to the man inside. Goliath looked around, searching for the source of the explosion. His eyes stopped on one of the buildings, then another, and finally on the seventh or sixth floor of a third building, where the fire was spilling out in waves. Suddenly, after a moment, something jumped down from that floor.

Closing his eyes, Goliath scrutinized the falling creature. n closed his eyes, focusing his gaze on the falling object and waiting for it to reach the ground. When the creature finally fell, Goliath slowly opened his eyes and gazed into it. Before him was the figure of a humanoid, composed entirely of a silver-like material. Without a face, without distinguishable features, without any clothing or jewelry. This mannequin came to life, but there was nothing impressive or attractive about its design - it looked stupid and devoid of any charisma.

Goliath shook his head, feeling disappointed and even somewhat puzzled. He had expected to see an enemy, a creature with powerful limbs and dangerous arsenal, but instead there before him was a simple mechanical humanoid that looked like a ridiculous mannequin with no soul or significance.

" And I thought I have seen stupid design before." muttered Goliath to himself. "Instead of a worthy opponent, we got this ridiculous machine. What prompted someone to create such a pointless and clumsy design?"

He looked at the humanoid with mixed feelings of disappointment and regret. It was just a blunt metallic shape, devoid of any expressive meaning. Goliath understood that such an opponent would not be difficult to fight, yet his honor and pride felt hurt by such a challenge.

As this piece of trash tumbled downward, Goliath looked around to the sides, finding no one. Slightly glad to himself that he could end this thing quick.


As the humanoid fell, creating a trail on the asphalt and raising a cloud of dust, Goliath raised an eyebrow in surprise. The sound that traveled through the air was exactly as he had suspected - it was the sound of metal. The humanoid wasted no time and lunged at Goliath instantly after landing. Some might characterize this moment as a fear-inducing sight, but for this giant - Goliath, it was an ordinary morning.

Goliath sensed no life or power in this humanoid, so he decided to finish with a single blow. Goliath, realizing that the humanoid posed no problem to him, watched his actions. Next to him, this slightly less than two meter tall humanoid seemed like a small child, only half his height. When the humanoid landed, it immediately lunged at Goliath.

Goliath, savvy and fast, followed his every powerful movement, a faint but visible golden aura formed around him, symbolizing his protection and strength.

The humanoid, blinking, approached Goliath at incredible speed and swung at the 4 meter tall giant hoping to strike, but was suddenly confronted by his unrelenting reaction. Goliath, intercepting the attack, slaps him with ease, knocking the humanoid back several meters.

There is one correction.

" О..." Goliath saw the rolling head of the metal humanoid, it turns out it was a headless body that flew off. Goliath also noticed that there were no wires, oil or anything else technical sticking out of the head, Goliath isn't a master at that, he doesn't know. If there was any comparison, Andre compared it to a statue. Watching the head come off so smoothly, it looked like the humanoid was some sort of animated metal statue, or really a robot whose technology allowed it to exist without innards.

"Inko, call the Guild, we've got a criminal!"

If you didn't like the chapter, let me know and I'll be better next time.

I'd also like to hear from you, to know what you'd like to see in this fic. I'll answer to everyone.

Also, if there are any mistakes, just write me

MasterBonercreators' thoughts
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