
Goliath [ MHA/SL]

All Might is the number one Hero to Izuku, always has been and will be. He was the one he always wanted to look up to! However, it's also true that the All Might isn't the only idol for him... There's another one. Always positive and prone to pathos, his giant uncle Andre, better known to the public as Goliath. *** [ I'm warning you. There will be mistakes in the text. English is not my first language, and I would appreciate it if you could point out my mistakes. It won't be perfect, and even below average, but I want to improve, so your criticism would be helpful. Be my guest, and point out my problems in the fanfic to me. ]

MasterBoner ¡ Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


"Okay, once is a coincidence, twice is a accident, three times is a pattern," Goliath pondered, moving toward the wall where the mysterious creature lay, where a civilian car with a talking mongoose had just crashed into.

His haste was to prevent any possible harm this unfamiliar creature might do to the fellow. As he threw the scaly creature back against the wall, Andre tried to calculate his force so as to avoid a fatal blow. He intended to lock the creature up and find out who it belonged to.

Andre also had a hypothesis about all these mysterious appearances coinciding with this characteristic sound. He had clearly heard this strange sound three times, resembling the sound of a stream, and after each sound a new object had appeared.

One fact was clear - it was teleportation. Now Andre needed to figure out who was behind it, whose quirk it was, or who owned the technology. Talking about the technology was leading him to believe that the energy leak from the device he'd unknowingly broken could be responsible for these teleportations.

This would require dealing with the current situation, and urgently summoning several teams from headquarters, including EMC2 without fail, and it would be a good idea to bring the man who had created the device, perhaps he could help as well.

One unidentified pink object, a huge lizard, and a civilian with a talking mongoose. He hoped no more appearances were imminent.

Goliath kept his ear to the ground, heading toward the buggy.

Hmm, there was no roar or other reaction. So the reptile was knocked out.

Several factors pointed to that.

First, the most obvious - it had been directly hit by a vehicle that was traveling at high speed. But amazingly, there was no reaction, no roar, which this reptile usually shared with delight.

Secondly, the driver of the buggy did not seem to be injured. Probably his hit of the species and the winged creature had softened the blow. Plus, from where the buggy ducked, a shouted voice expressing obvious displeasure rang out, "For crying out loud Jak, are you seriously telling me I need to learn to drive normally! Have you seen my legs?!"

Sharp voice, Goliath thought, lifting his foot slightly and stepping over the decorations that had once shone on Comicon. He was generally to blame for the destruction in this part of the building. True, it wasn't without the fierce reptile he had to deal with.

But in his opinion, he could have just knocked it out right away instead of playing with it. Though he couldn't help but admit that the moment he grabbed the reptile that stood up on its haunches looked incredibly cool. "Too bad no one saw that moment. But a camera would have been handy. Although..." He paused for a second to quickly look around, examining the corners and the working video camera that was there. "Bingo! Now I have proof and a great shot."

"I'd advise you to get out of this building quickly, it's dangerous in here," Goliath pronounced, leaning over a bit and grabbing the car by the back, slowly pushing it aside. At the same time, he kept his gaze on the massive body of the reptile, flipped on its side.

Andre cheered up a little when he saw that the wall of the building was not punctured, but only covered in small cracks. A solid wall, no doubt. As they approached, Andre activated his internal sonar to assess the animal's condition. There were four life sources in the building, not counting himself, and the lizard was one of them. That was satisfactory.

A machine weighing several tons for Goliath was not a great burden over which he should exert himself greatly. He had practiced lifting trains, so this buggy was like a cushion for the average man. And the fact that he could begin to move the machine with one hand caused the one in the cab to shout.

"JAKE, WAKE UP, WE'RE BEING STOLEN! And what is this creature we're crashing into? And who said that?!!!"

Goliath smiled involuntarily to himself under his breath, finding all of this guy's emotions funny. Then he replied, keeping a professional tone, "Don't panic, sir. You're in a danger zone, let me get you out of here," he said in a loud voice, standing silently behind the car he had finally moved far enough behind to no longer hit the reptile.

Next, Goliath traveled forward, approaching the driver's cab. The car itself was large enough, but Goliath was taller than it. So he had to look down from above and watch a mongoose with glasses on his head trying to bring a kid with VERY long ears and blond hair back to consciousness. The beast was hitting the kid's face with his hands so hard that his head was flailing from side to side. With each blow, the mongoose was saying in syllables, "GET.UP.YOU.MUSLCED.BUFFOON!"

And when a huge shadow loomed over him, the mongoose stopped making a funny scuffle, raising his head to look at Goliath. His ears lowered and his previously shrieking voice quieted down, as if he realized what was happening.

"Oh..." - Mongoose muttered, somewhat dumbfounded.

Goliath, sensing the change in the atmosphere, remained wary. "A talking animal, never would have thought..."

Goliath's eyebrows rose in surprise at what was happening. All those exclamations and screams he had heard earlier belonged to this talking mongoose. Damn, this world never ceased to amaze him. Goliath had seen all sorts of things, of course, but the thought of having a full-blown conversation with an animal had always seemed fantastic to him, even by the standards of this world.

He looked at the guy, looking about nineteen or twenty years old, light skin and green-blond hair. He was wearing some kind of blue tunic, beige pants, a strange steel ring in the center of his chest supported by leather straps, a metal plate on his left shoulder and glasses. And the most distinctive feature, his very long ears, like some elf, even a super elf, they were incredibly long.

Andre activated his sonar again to check the guy's condition just in case, though he had done it before, but it couldn't hurt to check once more.

"Alive, that's good. " he said under his breath, simply stating the fact. Mongoose reacted immediately.

"Who's alive? I'm alive? Yes, that's right, I'm alive! But what's wrong with Jak?" the mongoose exclaimed, almost jumping out of his seat. Goliath stared again, flapping his eyes slightly, good thing he was wearing his trusty glasses that hid his inner indignation. He wanted to make sure he hadn't lost his mind and could actually hear the talking animal in front of him.

He exhaled loudly, coming to terms with what was happening. "Mongoose, your friend Jak, he's fine, just passed out," Goliath replied, trying to calm his impatient little guy down.

The mongoose sighed now, reassured to know that his comrade was safe. "Phew~, the important thing is that he's okay. I can't lose my best friend, you know!" added the mongoose with a strong emotional tone.

Immediately after his words, Mongoose added: "And mongoose? I'm not a mongoose, whatever that is, it's Ottsel. Remember this, giant, my name is Daxter. You must not harm us or I am not responsible for my actions!"

Goliath laughed, not realizing if he was serious about attacking a man ten times his own size, but continued with interest: "Actually, I'd be interested to know what Ottsel is too, the name doesn't tell me anything. But you'd better tell me how you got here."

Daxter raised his small hand, pointing a finger at him. "I've told you my name right before, now tell me yours. Who are you and why did you bring us here?" - He pronounced, as if threatening. The little 'ottsel' started begging for answers from the tall, four meter tall man. It looked quite amusing.

Andre calmly replied. "I am Goliath, founder of the Guild of Honor and you could say the main Hero of New York."

"Goliath?" Daxter raised an eyebrow in amazement.

"You've never heard of me?" - Goliath couldn't help but gasp in amazement.

" Dude, Jak and I have been a lot of places, and about someone like you, we would have definitely heard of you, trust me. And what is a New York?" Daxter crossed his arms over his chest.

Hmm, interesting.

What if these two aren't just civilians with strange quirks?

Goliath looked up for a second to look around him at the different posters and pictures of different characters. They were, after all, in the Comicon building, which displayed hundreds of sets related to different works.

This building was also infiltrated by the unknown energy released by the broken device. He still didn't know the exact purpose of this device, but he could only assume that it had something to do with teleportation. Furthermore, this energy had absorbed something from the person who had died at the conference - may his soul rest in peace.

One unbelievable but quite logical theory arose in his mind. He decided to test one thing.

Goliath reached his hand back, pulling his cell phone out of his back pocket. This caught Daxter's attention, and he prepared himself for action, in case there was a problem.

Goliath pulled out his huge phone, which was actually a tablet. Regular smartphones were small for him, so he preferred to use tablets. But that was secondary. He held out the tablet toward Daxter and asked: "Do you know what this is?"

Daxter squinted at him, and Goliath moved his large hand a little closer, handing the tablet to him. The tablet was almost his entire height, if not more, so he almost dropped it. " Ooh, heavy, I thought this glass would be lighter, what did you make it out of? "

" See, for giant me, you need giant things that are also quite hard. But answer the question, Daxter. "

" Okay, okay big guy. I thought it was some kind of dark glass at first," he raised it above his head, looking underneath it, but seeing only the protective coating of the tablet with the Guild of Honor emblem, "Hmm... " Daxter looks at the device and tries to identify it, " I... I believe it may be one of those data pads that people use to keep track of things in the city, they're pretty useful since you can basically search up anything or find information... " he ran his paw over the corners of the pads, and finding some sort of button there, he immediately pressed it, thus turning the pad on. "Oh, cool."

Now Goliath was interested in this Haven City. He decided to find out more, "Can you tell me about Haven City?

Daxter would sighed "Well Haven City is a pretty nice place to live despite it having its fair share of problems, we have different areas such as the Industrial district where factories are located, the residential area where most residents of the city live, the dock which is a part of a port in the city, the market place area where everyone buys their stuff, the stadium which you can guess what it's about, the underport which is where people who are in trouble tend to go and last of all the mountain which is a high cliff that's hard to get up to."

Goliath listened intently to Daxter's long account of the place he was talking about, but still didn't understand anything. "Is it in the United States?" - Goliath asked.

Daxter counter-questioned, scratching the back of his head with his paws. "United States?"

Now Andre had an interesting thought that his crazy theory might have been true. He decided to test Daxter's reaction and said: "Sorry, but I've never heard of Haven City."

Huh...? " It would seem Daxter was a bit confused with the giant suddenly saying that he doesn't know about Haven City " Wait..." Daxter's confusion would turn to disbelief. "You never heard of Haven City?..." Daxter's fur would start to stand up a bit.

Goliath nodded, confirming Daxter's words. Daxter lowered the clipboard to the floor, folded his arms across his chest, and began tapping a finger on his furry chin. "Are you sure?" - He asked.

Andre nodded briefly. "Yes." he replied, slowly raising his hand to pick up his clipboard.

Daxter's reaction gave Goliath some insight into the situation, but he still wanted to know one thing. "Look, kid, can you guess what race I am?"

Daxter now lowered his arms, and unraveled his frown, he was now focusing on Goliath to get a better idea of what he looked like. Giant in stature, not much fur, not counting the very long hair, and more humanoid.

"Hmmm... you are damn big , and have small ears I see... I guess you're some form of a beastfolk maybe... I mean you can't be human or anything so beastfolk seems most likely... Are relative of beastfolks? "

" Who the fuck are beastfolks? " Andre thought to himself, "I can assure you, my furry friend, that I have no idea who beastfolks are and especially that I have nothing to do with them. I am 100% human. "

His eyes widen as if he's shocked by what he's just heard" You're a human? You can't possibly be I mean you're a giant for crying out loud! That's got to be some kind of mutation, so to be honest I'm having a hard time believing this honestly... Have they experimented on you too? They even cut your ears... "

" What does he mean by 'too'? And ears? " then Goliath remembered one thing, the buggy driver, or as Daxter called him, Jak. He had some strange energy emanating from him that he recognized thanks to his sonar and he had long ears. If Daxter emphasized that and couldn't believe he was human. " So this Jak is human, too. Either he's from some corner of the third world, which is unlikely, or they're from another universe. Then that would explain everything.


[ I MAY BE STUPID. Help me find some mistakes in there 💀. And tell me what do you think and some characters you want to see? ]