
Chapter 04: Mistaken for Something

Luna reached back to their building safe and sound. A smile plastered on her face as she was thinking about the small interrogation with the CIDA earlier. She didn't expect to meet them in person—furthermore, she didn't expect the company she had entered was the CIDA's Headquarter. She couldn't help but laugh when she remembered the name. 'Hunny Bunny Chu Chu' really do sound like something cute and impossible to hide anything. Specially because it is a company of making cute stuff toys. Who would think CIDA will choose that as a headquarter?

'They're really good at hiding,' she thought.

As she enter their team office, she could see all eyes are on her, as she expected since she knew she's 20 minutes late. Silence dominated the office as usual as she proceed to her own desk and took her sketchpad from her drawer, starting her work with her pencil.

Just as when silence was about to dominate deeply, one of her teammate spoke.

"So, how was the date?" her blond friend, Furuwa Hanako asked while sketching something on her pad. Luna got suddenly surprised when she heard her friend asking about the date. Did they think she had a date?

Luna shifted her eyes to the blond, only a few distance away from them. All eyes are on her with a smirk on their face. Although she can't see it, but she feels like their gazing eyes sparkle as they set their eyes on her. 'What's this?' she asked in her mind. She hoped for someone to stop them, but even Nami in front of her was smirking as well.

"So, was the blind date a success?"


"Do you think Luna-chan touched Helen-chan's neck?" Shinano asked Gin while they're in the middle of their work, concluding about the clues they gathered from their own cases. Gin was solving about the stolen painting from the museum while Shinano was obviously solving about Helen's case.

The brown headed male raised his eyebrow when he heard Shinano asked a peculiar question. "What makes you think that?" he asked. Shinano stayed silent for a moment, staring at his companion, shifting his gaze at the ceiling, before looking to a piece of picture of Helen's neck were a mark of a rope and a hand were printed. "Her handprint were traced on Helen-chan's neck. It would be impossible to see her handprint on her sister 's neck unless she touched it," he answered.

"Do you know Fingeprint Forgery?" Gin asked. The curly haired male turn his gaze to his acquaintance when he heard a name he haven't heard before. "What's that?" he asked.

"It's a method to transfer your fingerprint or handprint from one certain place to  another," Gin explained. "There are some other criminals who're doing this kind of method now—which gives difficulty to us. But thanks to the device the government supply to us, we are able to solve things easily," he added. Shinano nodded at the new discovered information. He move his gaze back to the picture as he press his pen on his chin, thinking. This could be possible, he think. But there's still something vague from the picture. He don't think that method applied on this case.

'What could it be?' he asked in his thoughts. He squinted his eyes as he thinks further trying to figure out something about the said handprint. Did she really touched her neck? In what way? How?

Before his mind explodes, he decided to shift his attention on other things, still related to the case. He took a folder beside him, and open it only to see a biodata, and other information about Helen. He also collected some information about Luna just in case he might need it.

Of course, he need to know the information about the victims first. This might give them a little clue why the scene happened. He first checked about Helen.

Chizuka Helen is a half-Japanese, and a half-English. Her mother was born in England and her father was born Japan. Although Helen had a mixed foreign blood in her DNA, the Japanese-look still dominated in her appearance. The girl was a two time worker; a call center agent during the day and a news reporter during the night. She was known as the best one during her days when she was still alive. No one was against her—not even her own sister. In fact, everyone admired her for her character. She even had a suitor who's the boss in their agency she's working but she haven't answered him yet (until she died.

This kind of information is enough for a stalker to know something about one person. But since what Shinano is doing isn't stalking, he took another file about the girl.

Chizuka Helen was currently assigned to report about the following missing women in their place in Nagoya and investigate what could be the reason and who are the people behind it. After that, she went gone along with her sister and not long until they discovered Helen died.

Shinano almost felt satisfied, but there's still something he wanted to know. Too bad that's the only information he got about Helen.

After the short view, he transferred to Luna, hoping he might found someone useful here too.

Chizuka Luna, is a sibling of Helen, and like her sister, she's a half-English as well. She's only a one time employee and a call center agent, working at the same with her sister. She used to admire her although she's a bit jealous at her. Knowing everyone's attention and love was given to her sister while she, being an average person, was left behind. Luna loves her sister very much like how her sister loves her. She think of her high up, and someone she should follow.

Nothing eventful happened in her life until she got abducted with her sister and survived. After that, she transfered to Ikebukuro and decided to change her lifestyle. She entered as an paint artist to Arts and Crafts Association and work there with her talent.

Nothing seemed to be much information taken from Luna. Shinano still thought he still needs more clues to form a big conclusion. However, after reading some few datas about the two, a smirk formed on his lips. A vague answer is approaching him.

Despite his mind, occupied on his work, his eyes moved towards Gin, silently taking notes of the conclusion he got from the clues he gathered. He suddenly remembered the reaction of their face when Luna and Gin met. It was really a sign that they already met. Which makes him think of something that widens his smirk.

"Gin-chan," he called. Gin stopped from what he's currently doing and turn back his gaze on the black headed guy. Shinano was playing with his gauze wrapped in his neck, smiling. "What are you doing?" he asked. Gin frowned with a mix of confusion on his face. What is he planning now so suddenly? He thought.

"What do you think I'm doing? Of course I'm working," he answered with his rough voice. Shinano smiled and hummed at his answer. His smile turned into something as he slowly rest his elbows on the desk and place his chin on his palm; facing the brown headed male giving his strange smile which gave Gin a conclusion he has something in his mind.

"I could solve that case for you for one day," he said. Instead of being grateful, he furrowed his eyebrows and placed down his pen. He knew his friend has something again.

"What are you planning, Shinano?" he asked. Shinano widen his smile, "will you walk with Luna-chan for me?"


Time ran fast, and it's time for Luna and her teammates to go home. The brown headed girl walked with Nami and  Hanako outside the building; having their nice girl-to-girl chat until Nami noticed a brown headed guy standing in front of the building. She suddenly gapped and shook Luna to call her attention from Hanako.

"Isn't he the guy we've met before at the school and office supplies?" the black headsd girl excitedly pointed Gin, who's eyes on the other people walking on their way to their home.

He looks attractive, even from afar; wearing his calm face and staying in his attractive posture.

Luna suddenly wondered why Gin came here. He must've missed some information which he would want to know that's why he came back.

"So he's the guy you had on a blind date earlier," Hanako slowly turn her gaze back to Luna from Gin, as she form a smirk and nudged Luna. While Nami tried to stop herself as she get thrilled to see the same man again.

Luna quickly set her eyes to her blond friend glaring at her in denial. "What are you talking about? I told you that wasn't a blind date," she fussed which made both of her friends laugh.

The small noises from the girls seemed to attract Gin which made him look towards them. The girls soon stopped except for Luna who keeps denying they aren't dating. But she stopped when she realized she was the only one left who's talking. She noticed their eyes were locked forward, looking at someone as if they're waiting. She followed where they gaze and saw Gin coming towards them. He stopped in front of Luna and suddenly spoke.

"Let me walk you home."

With those words the two (Hanako and Nami) suddenly gaped their mouth round as they look to each other and gestured to step backward, leaving Luna and Gin alone.

'Why?' Luna asked in her mind.

As she couldn't answer, the atmosphere between them suddenly turned awkward. Which Gin hates. Actually, Gin doesn't want to do this kind of thing. Even if he knew Shinano wouldn't help him solve the case, he would choose to stay in his office and spend the time working there with his subordinate. Why would he meet and walk a girl home when it's none of his business. But because of Shinano's witty ways, he made him accept the request in the end. Gin has a secret that only Shinano knows by himself. He didn't told Shinano about it, Shinano found it out, and he doesn't want him to spread it. This helped Shinano to blackmail his friend so he could follow and accept his request instead.

As the silence still continues, Luna suddenly realized she still needs to give her response. She wanted to say 'no' and reasoned that she would be walking with her friend. But what if it's important.

But maybe they could continue this tomorrow.

When the girl suddenly found her answer, she opened her mouth to speak. "Um, I guess I need to pass for now. I already promised—"

"It's alright Luna-chan, don't mind us," Hanakk suddenly spoke before Luna could finish her words. The girl turned back and realized her friends were already behind her. Hanako was smiling while waving her hand, while Nami stared at them blankly but slowly raising her hand with a thumbs up. "Take your time, Luna-chi," she said with a greet on her voice.

The girl couldn't believe on what her friends were doing. They're really pushing her to him as a love team. The turn back her gaze towards Gin and gave him a sheepish laugh. "I guess I have no choice," she said.


Why... Why does she have to walk with him though? She knew Gin is attractive that even Luna herself is attracted as well. But she didn't expect they would attract so much people, specially girls' attention as they along the road. Why does this guy have to walk with her? What's his purpose?

Silence walled between them. Luna seemed troubled and awkward, while Gin seemed composed. She thought at first that he must have a reason why he walked her home. But until now, no hints or sign appeared.

As soon as they're getting near to Luna's apartment, the silence broke when Gin spoke with a topic out of blue.

"What's your sister's hobby?" Luna turned her head towards the guy beside her with a confused expression. Why did he asked that all of a sudden?

Whatever could be the reason why he asked that, she felt like she needs to answer it.

"She loves stitching," she answered. The guy showed no reaction, as expected. He then, stopped when they finally reached the building. Luna stopped as well and thanked Gin for accompanying her home, (although it was filled with silence) and for thanked him again for reopening the case of her sister. Gin gave no verbal response and only nodded—then he started to walk back where they went earlier. Luna was left silent, watching the male getting farther from her pace.

'That was all?' she thought. So Gin only walked her home to ask for her sister 's hobby. Why does he have to do it when he can even just text her since he, or his friend already got her number?

She didn't know that Gin was only forced by her idiotic friend, Shinano.

Meanwhile, as the two were setting apart, an unknown man inside the cafe in front of Luna's apartment shifted the newspaper his holding down—only for his dark brown eyes to appear, focusing an eye on Luna; watching the girl looking at the brown haired lad walking away. A smirk formed on his lips when he knew he finally found the one he's been looking for.

I hope you like the story >< although I’m not confident with this one. But please! I hope it’s fine to you and I hope you like it...

Ah! By the way! I forgot to announce that I will update the story every Monday... since that's the only time I can access to data...

MitsuhitoAkarincreators' thoughts