
Chapter 01: Past That Shouldn't Be Discussed

This is all your fault!'

'My, my, you did it again? How troublesome.'

'You should die instead of her!'

'You killed her!'


Luna suddenly woke up from her sleep, her eyes widen while still lying in her bed. Panting from the repeated nightmare she had, after she received a letter from her father. That letter was nothing unfriendly at all, in fact, he sounded so kind, but in the end, he reminded her of her past.

The brown headed girl sat up on her bed, and found out that her tears were sliding down on her face. She sighed as she draw her palm towards her face. "This is not my fault," she insisted herself.


"Please, Luna!" a blond headed female grabbed Luna's arm, as she cling onto her and rub her own face on the girl's shoulder. She was begging for her friend to tell her boss she'll be out of town for one week and will be back during the second week. Luna didn't accept the request though. This happened every month but she was not the one being asked. Her friend seemed to ran out of girls to ask that's why she ended up on her. "Again, Jun? What is your reason this time?" she asked. Her friend showed a grin, "my husband actually told me that we're going to Hawaii this time. He's an adventurer you know! Being paid to discover things here on earth," she replied. Luna sighed as she shook her head-she's going far away again, and is this still called 'out of town'? It's definetly more like 'out of country'. She gaze her sight back to her friend. Her name is Jun Meyers, actually a Chinese person but married an American. Her job is classified until now, that even her own husband didn't know her occupation. Luna thought her friend was some kind of an ally from rebels but she protested that she was actually the defender of the law.

"All right. But just this once." Jun suddenly jumped scarcely in joy when she heard her friend finally accepting her request. "I love you, Luna!"

"Where's your excuse letter?" Luna showed her palm like demanding for something she asked. Jun gazed her sheepishly which gave Luna a sign that she didn't have one either.

"No! You don't need my excuse letter. All you need to do is to find my boss and tell him that I won't be around this week. He's friendly you know!" said Jun as she lately turn hesitant when she mentioned the word 'friendly'. The brown headed girl frowned at her friend. "Come on, Missy is not around so it's only you I could ask," she added, embracing her friend and gave her a cute look. "Promise me you're not going to ask such as this again," Luna reassured. "Of course! Why would I? You seem always difficult to approach that's why I couldn't ask you," Jun averted her gaze. Silence dominated the atmosphere and the conversation for Jun is getting awkward.

"Just tell me where to find your boss." Jun's eyes suddenly sparkles as she clasped her own hands. "Thank you!"


The girl stopped in front of a huge building. Her friend seemed like working for a big company. But the problem is the company's name she's working is lame. The poster 'Hunny-Bunny Chu Chu' is gigantic that it made itself very visible to the sight of passerby. Every would really assume that it was the company's name and title since it's what also written in their building.

Without hesitation, Luna entered the building, only to be welcomed by the guard and made a small checkpoint before letting her in. The girl went mesmerized by the inside. The building looks more than a modern. It's like the style during old era and the present were combined together and turned them into a great design. While she was glancing everywhere, someone behind her cleared his throat to interrupt the girl. She turned her head, only to see a tall brown headed lad with a stoic face, standing behind her. He has one piercing on his right ear and he seems only wearing a casual comfortable clothes. "Do you need something?" he asked with his attractive voice. The girl suddenly prepared herself what to say, forming the right words to make it sound worth. "I'm looking for the boss of this company," she said.

"We have many bosses here. What's his name?" Luna felt dumfounded. Now that she remember she's in a big company, of course there would be different managers to hold the employees. But which one is her friend?

The guy read her expression and only let out a sigh. "Why are you looking for the boss?" he asked. Now Luna has something to say: "I was told by my friend to come here and inform her boss about her absence."

"What is your friend's name?"

"Jun Meyers," Luna replied. The brown headed lad nodded looked a bit surprise but his face went back into stoic soon. He nodded and said instead, "just tell me the reason why she's absent and I'll tell this to the boss." Luna nodded, but what will she say if she don't even know how to start the excuse?

"Her husband is taking her to Hawaii," was all she said. The brown headed lad nodded, "I'll tell this to him," he said. Luna bowed as she thanked the man and turned back towards the exit. But before she could go further, something made her stop.

"Hey Gin! Guess what I discovered about Helen Chizuka!"

"What is it?"

"The statement about her being hung to death isn't true." The brown headed lad raised his left eyebrow to his co-worker. "The culprit froze her to death before he hung her," the peach headed short lad said, showing his reports to his companion. "That case was two years ago! Why don't you solve what's assigned to you right now?" Gin scolded, taking his companion's folder before smacking it to him.

Luna started to wonder why they were talking about this case and why are they talking like police officers. The company she entered totally looked like a company of stuff toys. Moreover, why are they talking about her sister's death? But she thought she has no right to join their conversation and concern about this. Like Gin said, it already happened two years ago-this kind of topic should not be discuss again.

Luna went straight back to her home, and started to continue her work in painting. She's to excited to finish her art to introduce it to their organization. Luna Chizuka is an artist, and a painter. She joined an organization where people use their talent for business, and sometimes, use it for a charity program. Painting is at least, she has since she's not academically smart or good in others. Unlike her sister who's capable of anything-academics, music, art, even when it comes to appearance, she's also outstanding. No wonder Helen got all the attention and love from their parents. While Luna who's nothing but an air or wind in the sight of their family. They only support her financially and that's all. But she was thankful that Helen is there to let her feel what love of a family is-until something happened which caused death to Helen. Luna blamed herself for letting that happened. She cursed herself to losing someone she only have.

Greetings everyone!

This is currently my first book in Webnovel. I am not a professional writer and is still on the process of learning everything so expect grammatical errors and typos and other mistakes and stuff. ^^;;

MitsuhitoAkarincreators' thoughts